@dee YAY!! welcome to the 2ww!! Hope all that ewcm does the trick!!
@Alligator congrats on staying with budget and getting a good bd in!! Hope you O real soon so you don't have to stress about bding much
@LuvallmyH FX you can hold out on testing beyond 5dpo...lol..its hard but its just around the corner for when you can pee away.
@JoBanana good go with holding out. I don't know the meaning of it but wish I did. FX your first test is a bfp hun!!
@salamander91 mmm, that is the way to go if you can by relaxing and going with what you have. Especially when it seems like it might be annaovulatory there isn't much you can do unless your doc induces af...boo...would so much rather you be preggy. Keep us posted on how your blood issue is doing too as you feel up to it.
@MrsKatie, hey there lady. Hope you are being good to you and bump. Has to be different as the hcg builds up than the first couple of bfp dpos where you are looking for a 'sign'...lol..hugs praying all continues to go well. When are you due? I missed that one right in front of my face which is not heard these last few months.
@kksy9b how are you? Hugs
@Suggerhoney you are gonna get that lil bub. Personally I don't even care what month I manage to snag my rainbow baby. I just know after delivery it will be hard to let go of him or her...they will have to pry very hard or just work around my arms....lol FX for when you get to start again.....not too too far off. We might even be at it at the same time at the rate my body is going.
@mumoftwins what dpo are you or are you figuring out the monitor still? I wanted to get one some time ago but Covid made it hard to get the parts on Amazon so I gave up.
@Dolly nurse I hope you test bfp here soon!! Nerve wracking, I know! Hugs
@Jessylou4 how are you doing? I'm sorry I am late catching up with you alright.
@3 girlies Sorry you have not had O yet, I am not familiar with the medication but I hope you it all gets sorted soon so you can be back on track. HUGS
@tbfromlv Oh, yeah, those lines are looking deep. Took them a smidge to get there but being cheapies majorly impressed! Congrats.
@bevzibubble ....hey guuuurll. ...
Sorry if I missed anyone
AF is still messing the heck around. Not here. I've tried everything. You know that feeling when you are going puke but you don't? That's what my body feels like. Here comes AF.....eh uh....nope. I have choice words for this but will chew on them. I was suppose to start AF and then Letrozole 2 days ago but with no cycle
I read online about success with doing ovulation med induction without menses first but asked my doc if that was even an option for me since I do get regular bleeds even if they aren't much. I think my lining is super thin but won't know till I get a scan. Waiting to hear back from doc on if I can just go ahead already. Really do not want to be doing anything IUI related on my hubby's bday but that's what its looking like.
Ah, well,