September 2021 due date babies!!!

What does maternity leave look like for you all? I get 90% pay for 6 weeks then half pay for 12 then just SMP the last bit. I’m only takibg 9 months this time last time I took a year but with already another mouth to feed can’t afford it.I have 5 weeks left of working technically 4 as I’m off one week in July.

no appts for me this week or next but then 6/07 for midwife and 13/07 for scan and consultant. Was a bit annoyed as I checked my app and seen they put my scan in for end of the day on 20th when I’d be almost 34 weeks for my 32 week scan. So I called and they gave me 13th but my consultant doesn’t do clinic then so I’ve to see another consultant which I’m pretty unhappy with tbh. Il do it this once but should I get to my 36 weeks appt il be requesting they ensuring it’s clinic day with my consultant.
Hay fever has kicked in I don’t know what I’m allowed to take if anything? Pretty hard to function today :(

So if I was having the maternity leave, I'd get about £150 a week for 39 weeks. Which is less than I'd earn working full time, but better than nowt. So normally for people doing the shared parental leave, we could split the 39 weeks but whichever one of us was off would just get that 150.

BUT my other half works for the NHS, who have a marvellous thing called enhanced parental leave. And with that I basically donate him my leave (minus the two weeks I legally have to take), so he gets two months full pay and then four at half pay PLUS my £150 a week, which the employer pays and then claims back from the govt. With me working from home while he's off, we actually come out a little better off overall. Crazy that other employers don't offer something similar, because I really think it's important for dad to have time at home too. I couldn't have done it last time, and with two under two plus section recovery it's going to be essential he's there to help.

But yeah, we just happen to fall in a pretty unique position where the system works for us. It sucks for most others, and that's very much not fair.

Oh and for allergies the hospital gave me standard antihistamines, check with pharmacist obvs but they should be absolutely fine to take.
@Suggerhoney I can't wait for 3rd tri that's when it all seems to get more interesting and is this it lol!! I desperately want to know the date for my elec section but they won't until 36 weeks here so I have a while to wait!

@Bittersweet thereis a nasal spray called prevalin you can use x
@Bittersweet yay for leave! We get six weeks at 50% here but can take up to 12 weeks but not paid at all the last 6 weeks if so. But I think it depends on the job you have what you get. I don’t know anyone in the US who gets months though. But this is my third pregnancy and the first time my husband gets paternity leave. He gets three weeks!! Usually he is only with us in the hospital and then goes back to work when we go home and the kids are a few days old. So I am super excited about paternity leave now. Glad things are going in the right direction with leave, but we do seem far behind other countries still.

@Zoboe95 love your bump!! I think mine always looks bigger from the top too.

@LoneWanderer congrats on the house!!!

@MadamRose wow 31 weeks!! Time flies!
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@LoneWanderer congrats on the house!! :holly:

So I will get 9 months off, first 6 weeks at 90% then after that statutory which is about £150 a week! Pretty rubbish, but working in childcare there is no money for the employers to boost it up!
@LoneWanderer super news on the house offer :)

@Zoboe95 do they not do your anti-d as part of your normal midwife appointment?

Not sure quite what maternity pay I get, I know under the teacher burgundy book as long as I go back I get some extra. I have to sign in advance to say I’m going back for a minimum of x weeks after maternity leave. I plan on taking between 9and 12 months depending on finances closer to the time.

Midwife appointment went well. Despite not looking any bigger than with the others I’m now measuring 3 weeks ahead. Midwife wasn’t concerned and said I’ve had big babies before and they don’t really do anything for big babies anyway. She said it being my third and muscles being less tight etc could be a reason for measuring big too . She said for piece of mind she will book a scan at my next appointment for 36/37 weeks just to be on the safe side.

Seeing her next at 34 weeks and she’s going to ring me tomorrow when she’s back in the office to book my home birth appointment! Midwife also asked if my girls were going to be present at birth, in a supportive not condemning way, so now I’m considering that!

Also turns out what I thought were kicks under my ribs are actually baby’s knee - no wonder if feels so strong sometimes!

Also anyone get itchy at evening/night. It’s sounds really random but at night my arms and back get really itchy. It starts flight when I leave work and goes on til I’m asleep but I’m always fine again by morning
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Soo I need to catch up on the thread. Yay for the new house Lone that is so exciting.

Anyway we brought a pram today. We are picking it up on Thursday. And our old pram we are selling to our neighbours who is also pregnant.
We had the mothercare journey with Tommy so this time we have gone for the Silvercross Chelsea wayfare.
I'm so excited. I'm gonna keep put away tho in my storage cupboard and then get it out and set up when I'm 34 weeks.

So that's the pram and moses basket and steam steriliser now.
I still need to go through Tommy's newborn stuff I'm so late haha.

And I need to get some bottles.
Tommy had bad colic and reflux and we used Dr brown and hated them.
I've been having a little Google and apparently Nubby is really good for colic.
Anyone used them b4?

I've also booked a 4D scan for Saturday 17th July, I will be 30 weeks. How exciting I've never had one b4.

Everything is feeling so real now and I'm really getting excited.

DH told the lady in the shop baby will be here end of August very beginning of September. He seems to think I will have him a bit earlier than 37 weeks.

Me nope I think he will be born at 37 38 weeks.

But we shall see.

Will read all the thread later. Hope ure all OK
@Suggerhoney lovely pram! You’ll love the 4D scans they are amazing never had one before either but it was amazing! My pram is sat at my mums will get her to bring it round at 36 weeks but it will go in the car I won’t have it in the house until after birth!
@Suggerhoney lovely pram! You’ll love the 4D scans they are amazing never had one before either but it was amazing! My pram is sat at my mums will get her to bring it round at 36 weeks but it will go in the car I won’t have it in the house until after birth!

Thank you hon I really can't wait.
Yeah we actually brought our pram when I was 22 weeks with Tommy but it stayed the box in our spare room untill I was 34 weeks and then I got it out and set it up but still kept it in the spare room. I don't have anywhere else I can keep it unfortunately. We also had our pram by 28 weeks with DD.
I think I will keep it in our store cupboard under the stairs and then when I'm 34 36 weeks will set it up and keep it in spare room untill baby is born.
Our moses basket is already in there.
The room is Tommy's and babies room but Tommy is still in with me at the moment.

Been looking at bottles on Amwzon but I think we will go to boots to get them.
Got my hospital case out the cupboard which is also now up in the room. I still need to get stuff to go in it. Then will pack it at 34 weeks.
Earliest I've given birth was 35+5 weeks so will definitely get it packed for 34 weeks u know just incase lol.
Can't believe I have 11 weeks max b4 my induction. Don't want time go to fast I love being pregnant but I am getting so excited to meet him now. Hopefully we get to see his face clearly at the scan. Will maybe be able to tell if he does have downs at that but praying he does not have it.
I think u look slightly bigger with ure second dd. Not much just very very slightly.

I still need to find that pic of me at 27 weeks with Tommy I was massive
Yes crazy right as im measuring 3 weeks ahead right now!

Oh crumbs. I wonder if its becuase it does look quite long. Did she definitely get the tip of ure pubic bone hon because mine had the tape measure half way down mine and it needs to be the tip.

So have have they said u need a growth scan?
Oh crumbs. I wonder if its becuase it does look quite long. Did she definitely get the tip of ure pubic bone hon because mine had the tape measure half way down mine and it needs to be the tip.

So have have they said u need a growth scan?
Nope, she wasnt worries at all. She said that she thinks it's because it's my third baby. She is going to send me for a growth scan at 36/37 weeks, said they don't do anything for big babies and that even if baby did show big on a scan she wouldnt stop me having my home birth as i've laboured two big babies naturally before. She basically said apart from baby being breech (currently head down and kneeing me in the ribs - I thought it was a foot) or being before 37 weeks she couldnt see a reason for me not to have a home birth - she even asked if I was having the girls at my home birth (not something id really considered)

She is ringing tomorrow to book my home birth assessment (to check my house not me) then will book my scan during my 34 week appointment
Our pram arrived a couple of weeks back and I was gonna get it out the box but honestly if there's a chance we'll be moving before or very soon after the baby comes, I wanna keep as much as possible in boxes and save the hassle. After all, me and baby won't be going anywhere first few weeks while I recover from the section anyway.

Haven't bothered getting the changing table/bath thing out of storage either, for the same reason, it can bath in the laundry basket in the big bath. :rofl: Left the next-to-me cot in storage too. Poor bairn literally just has a few bottles, steriliser, box of clothes and a sort of travel cot/Moses basket hybrid thing, he'll just have to make do haha!

I had a full nursery setup in our room by this point with #1. Haven't bought any baby chairs or activity mats either.

So I guarantee the house takes forever, or falls through, and we have a mad dash to get all this baby stuff crammed into our room here at the last minute...

Yesss girl u have done it b4 so u can definitely do it again.
Also theses measurements can be out and not accurate,

You have totally got this sweetheart and I truly believe ure gonna get ure home birth. I know how important this is for you hon.
I glad they have booked at scan for u for 37 weeks. That should give u more of a idea but they can be out as well but I think there probably more accurate than the tape measure thing.

So not long now hon. I can't wait to see those photos of ure boy hehehe. I'm still convinced hehehe. <3


U never fail to make me howl with laughter.
I'm over here dying .

The hybrid cot thing and the bath tub changing table thing LOL.
Man I needed that giggle thank u hon.

Good idea to keep things in boxes that will make the move so much easier.
I really hope everything goes smoothly hon and by the time ure in u still have time to get things set up etc.

A new house is so exciting <3
@MadamRose the itching u mentioned could be obstetric cholestasis or icp it's sometimes referred to ask your midwife to check it's a blood test xx
I'm so sorry @MadamRose I just read about ure itching.
I had ICP in my last 2 pregnancies hon.
I know they say u typically get itchy souls of feet and palms of hands but it doesn't always start like that.
With DD I started itching around 33 weeks on my belly and when they noticed the scratch marks on my belly when I was just being monitored one day they did my bloods and I had ICP.
By 35+3 my bile levels were through the roof and I wasn't itching like crazy.
I had pre eclampsia as well so they induced me the very next day at 35+4 weeks.

Now with DS I had severe itching . It started on my chest then arms legs from 11 weeks. By 14 weeks I was itching all over and it was always worse at night..
Then by 16 weeks palms started and the souls and I was diagnosed with ICP again at 17 weeks.
My bile levels never got as High as they did with DD which was odd because the itching was worse.

I've been on off itchy with this pregnancy but my levels have stayed normol so far.

I wud definitely ask for a blood test to check ure bile levels and Liver function hon just to be safe.

Any itching in pregnancy I really wudnt ignore hon if it is ICP and its left untreated it can be very serious.
Please don't Google it because u will scare ureself but ring ure surgery tomorrow and say u have been itchy and demand to have them bloods do not let them fob u off.

It's probably not that but best to be safe hon.
I have medication already on standby right now incase I get it again.
@Suggerhoney funny u should say you didn't have it on your hands and feet cos neither did I!! X

It can be so sneeky can't it. I've been told I have 95% chance of getting it again. So far so good but I know I'm no where near out of the woods

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