Wow ladies soooo much to catch up on.
Mannn it really sucks when they stop.
The longest mine went for was 24 hours and then stopped I was gutted. I was 36 weeks so was quite ready and excited thinking he was coming. And it just stopped like all the other times.
Hopefully those niggles did something hon.
Even tho pre labour doesn't lead to established labour I think it still does stuff like shortening the cervix and thinnning it out. U can sometimes get it if the baby needs to be in a better position as well.
Some womon can get pre labour like really close to real labour but others like me had it go on for weeks and weeks..
I was so fed up and so exhausted.
Looking back at my notes from Tommy I did have it happen again for 3 nights in a row a few days b4 my induction. I didn't sleep so when it came round to my induction I was exhausted.
I literally had zero energy.
Pre labour sucks.
I hope I don't get it this time.
Hope ures picks up again hon. Do u normally go early naturally?
Hahaha u make me howl with laughter.
Those blooming hospital gowns tho. Why do they make u walk down the corridor in them with ure arse sticking out.
With DD I was in hospital for a week and then they induced me and on the morning of the Induction they made me walk from Hazel ward to Delivery and all my ass was hanging out. I remember trying to keep it shut with my hand. It's so embarrassing haha.
Beautiful photo of you and ure little man hon. U look amazing for a woman that's just had surgery.
How over due did u go hon?
I went 14 days over with my 2nd. I think that's the reason he was so big.
U never no u may start earlier this time.
That pressure ure talking about is terrible. So bloody painful.
Definitely rant away hon. We are all here for you and u rant away as much as u like u have every right because the last few weeks of pregnancy is hard.
How u doing now hon? Those look like my contractions when they induced me and It first strated.
Definitely keep an eye on things hon.
Hope ure not in too much pain.
Thinking of you. . I've not been told anything about womon getting covid and I've not had the vaccine. I know some places are worse than others tho. I've been to the day assessment unit a few times now and they don't even ask if I've had the vaccine.
My uncle had the 2 shots and he is now in hospital with covid and he is so unwell.
I know it doesn't stop u getting it but I thought the idea was that if u did get it it wudnt be as bad. But he is so unwell. He's been in over a week now and on oxygen.
I'm still wearing my mask to the hospital and if I go anywhere where there are alot of people. I've gotten so used to wearing them now.
So I had my growth scan today.
Baby is now 4lbs 15oz and is on 76th centile.
Tommy was 6lb 13oz at this stage and on the 98th centile.
I asked the tech how much wud baby weigh if i was induced at 37 weeks and he said between 6 and a half to 7lbs maybe slightly over.
Tbh I don't trust it.
I feel so uncomfortable today and have soooo much pressure way down low. My lower back is also really sore. I keep getting sharp pains down there too and my bump looks lower today.
The tech said he is head down and low but didn't say If he was engaged or not' but he did say something a bit odd.
When I mentioned I hadn't packed my hospital bag yet he told me I should really get it done.
I told him I don't normally do it until 34 weeks and I also told him I've never ever gone into full blown labour by myself early b4.
And he said well there's a first for everything and it's up to the babies if they want to come early.
Was he implying that he thinks baby will be early?
Just found it a bit odd.
Don't want baby coming yet. I mean I'll be happy to get to 36 weeks and then he can come when he likes then but definitely don't want anything happening b4 that.
I can't see it myself. I really think I will make it to my induction and will probably need the passery again.
But I guess only time will tell.
I don't buy it that baby will be smaller either I rekon he will be 8lbs or over. Just a feeling.
Consultant tomorrow morning I'm so nervous.
I'm scared he will say no to a 37 weeks induction.
I really hope he agrees.