September 2021 due date babies!!!

Pressure doing me in over here, baby feels right down. I'd be more comfy sat with legs apart but with all the pain I've had, no chance of that. Can't imagine sitting on a ball tbh I'd feel I was squashing him :rofl: and every time he moves everything tightens up right around front and back. BUT I don't think it means owt, by this point last time I'd started losing plug but no sign this time. Just carrying on counting down this last 3½ weeks I guess!

Oh hon its so uncomfortable when they are so low.
I normally love being on a ball but I've not even gotten it out and can't really be bothered lol.
Not 100% sure where it is tbh lol.
I seem to be managing fine without it so hopefully it will remain that way.

Tommy was 4/5th engaged by 34 weeks so I'm just waiting for that to happen. Sometimes it's so painful when they engage.
Hope this one moves down gently..
Oh lone I hear ya birthing ball is my best friend! Madam keep an eye but baby will be here soon!

Lone my sister said the same thing I spoke to her tonight she’s a health visitor and she was like you do realise them putting a scan in tomorrow is maybe that they thonk baby needs to come? I was like yeah I’m just burying my head that il still get to 38. She said she wouldn’t be surprised if they do something at weekend or something just her opinion thoigh
Wow hon I wud love to get to 7cm without knowing.
I was screaming like crazy at 5cm lol.
I knew I was in labour but it was easily manageable - whatever these pains were they lasted 6 hours and have now all but stopped ](*,)
Toddler just looked me dead in the eye, picked up his dinner plate, tipped it all over the floor, and laughed while the dog ate it.

And I can't even be mad, least I don't have to clear up the mess now :rofl:

Think I'm more ready for this extended paternity leave than I am for the actual baby tbh, toddler parenting is definitely a tag team affair, he's running bloody rings round me these days!
My bloody babies don't engage - #1 was only like 1/5 in there at 41+ even after induction meds, #2 'free' on last two checks - there must be some hidden little pocket down there they move into instead haha! All the discomfort, none of the benefit. I didn't even dilate to 1cm last time either, despite the induction meds and 3x sweeps.

#1 was insanely long and had a massive head (well, he still does) so it's a blessing he came out the sunroof :rofl: I don't think I'm built to birth babies, can barely carry the buggers as it is(!)

That's why I'm not expecting any kind of labour with #2, though I still get all the associated crapness like contractions and pressure etc. Just none of the progress that stuff should bring... :rofl:

Nope, defs expect I'll make it to section date around 39 weeks, but you can be damn sure I'll be whinging about these pre-symptoms for the next 3 weeks anyway ahahaha.
@LoneWanderer my midwife never tells me how engaged I am!

Last time when I arrived at the hospital they said I was 0cm and shouldn't be there. Less than an hour later I was in pain and sent oh to find a midwife, they checked and head was poking out I wasn't even in a labour room, so I had to walk through the ward with her sticking out
Lone you whinge away pregnancy is HARD!

zoe I was sat at 4cm and about 20 mins later I said to the student midwife as they all went on break that I needed to push. She had a look and was like oh my god and pushed the button haha
@LoneWanderer my midwife never tells me how engaged I am!

Last time when I arrived at the hospital they said I was 0cm and shouldn't be there. Less than an hour later I was in pain and sent oh to find a midwife, they checked and head was poking out I wasn't even in a labour room, so I had to walk through the ward with her sticking out

Oh good lord! As if they didn't even wheel you! :o

When I had #1 I waddled off to theatre on foot in my stupid flappy gown, arse out and attractive surgical stockings on, op done on a theatre bed obvs, then they literally hoisted me up on a big rubber sheet and dumped me unceremoniously into a recovery bed, wheeled me in that one to a recovery bay, and then that bed (plus me obvs) was taken back to ward a few hours later. So christ knows where my original bed from my ward bay went. Seemed a lot of faff when they could have just taken me on that first one :rofl:
Oh you ladies crack me up :haha: this is my first elective section @LoneWanderer Do you have to walk to theatre? I think my legs would be as stable as strawberry laces!!

@Bittersweet the babies normal heart rate is up to 180bpm for movement they like to see it come back down to a baseline of between 130 and 150. They are prob just eager to check baby size because a drop from 90th Percentile to 50th is a big drop! Good luck for your scan tomorrow

@MadamRose deffo sounds like your body is getting ready to have little One!

Afm the spd is really awful this evening bought me to tears! I tried napping earlier cos I haven't been sleeping well and restless legs bloody kicked in! Spd sciatica and fibromyalgia then add in restless legs and it was hell!!
Oh you ladies crack me up :haha: this is my first elective section @LoneWanderer Do you have to walk to theatre? I think my legs would be as stable as strawberry laces!!

@Bittersweet the babies normal heart rate is up to 180bpm for movement they like to see it come back down to a baseline of between 130 and 150. They are prob just eager to check baby size because a drop from 90th Percentile to 50th is a big drop! Good luck for your scan tomorrow

@MadamRose deffo sounds like your body is getting ready to have little One!

Afm the spd is really awful this evening bought me to tears! I tried napping earlier cos I haven't been sleeping well and restless legs bloody kicked in! Spd sciatica and fibromyalgia then add in restless legs and it was hell!!
Yes just gutted it all stopped after about 6 hours ](*,)
@LoneWanderer at least this time is a scheduled c section so hopefully you won’t have to walk down the hallway lol. I am surprised they made you do that!!

@Bittersweet cant wait to hear how the scan goes and if they say to get the ball rolling or keep baby in longer!

@MadamRose glad the pains stopped! But hope normal labor isn’t too far off!!

@Suggerhoney yay for your growth scan! That’s nice you don’t have to get tested for the scan.
Yep had to walk down, honestly it's like walking the bloody Green Mile, terrifying haha! But I was sooooo done by that point and honestly just knowing I would be getting baby out soon was a big help. And because I didn't really know what was about to happen, I just sort of drifted along with it all, making it very calm and almost nice. Much scarier this time coz I know what to expect haha!

I was already in hosp three days with #1 coz of the failed induction, before they FINALLY gave in and let me have the section I kept demanding - it being a weekend and me being so overdue, they never bothered sending me home. Very very weird being there for days with absolutely nothing wrong with me tbh. And coz I was already in, a nurse gave me the pre-meds and took me for shower and clipped my bikini line and all that. Which, you know... not exactly a highlight. :rofl:

This time I imagine we just rock up morning of and head straight to theatre, having taken the pills and got prepared at home. But I suppose depends on if there's a queue and if any emergencies take my spot. Will find out all the details Friday I imagine. Definitely glad for second elective though, I don't like unknowns, nor am I a fan of pain haha! Nice, fast, organised delivery, lovely morphine to take the edge off after, and very little effort on my part. Recovery is a fucking bitch, obviously, but baby is there by then and a welcome distraction.
My thoughts exactly! I had failed induction with my last 2 that ended in sections but a lot of it is hazy because adrenaline etc so to go in normal and aware will be unusual lol x
I remember very little of the actual baby bit tbh, luckily other half had the camera out so I can look back and fill the gaps in. So I remember the cannula going in (urgh) and then the spinal (not terrible at all to be honest) and then being asked to swing my legs up to the bed, but they'd already gone dead and nurse had to do it :rofl:

Then I went a bit funny because of the hand needle (such a wuss, me) and everything went wobbly, but they gave me something in my drip and I pinged right awake again. And then they took my bloody glasses so that was it, no more vision for me(!)

Other half came in around then, I remember... and then that's it for ages, I don't remember them starting or hearing or seeing baby or anything. But I do remember the radio being on - I Can't Dance by Genesis and Ebenezer Goode by the Shamen. Then I sort of remember a tugging feeling, guess that was the stitches, and next thing it's the big sheet and on the bed and off I go.

Then recovery... theres pics of me holding baby and looking v alert and happy but I can't bloody remember it! And then I was on the ward eating lunch and it's all more clear from there. Whole thing took about three hours (baby born four mins after op started, 40 mins stitching, rest was chilling on recovery).

So I guess I blocked any bad bits out, side effect being I don't remember the boy's first moments much. But tbh I think if I'd laboured I'd have been just as out of it, I do shut down a bit when under stress. And soon enough I was on ward with a squishy cuddly baby so, success!

Wow that is a long time at the hospital!! But I guess better than going back and forth. That’s a long time to have you wait before they call it a failed induction. I am nervous about being induced this time. I was induced with my DD and the labor was so much worse than it was when I naturally went into labor with my DS. The contractions were non stop, it was rough. Hoping to get an epidural this time as last time so rough
Yeah I defs was happy to avoid the induced labour part tbh, my plan was calm water birth or section, I was not happy about the middle stage and just knew if induction had worked it would have been extra painful, tiring, needed the epidural, no water birth, possibly a massive baby getting stuck all, just all of that. Not at all what I wanted. So once I knew Plan A was out, I was demanding the section 100%. And now I've had a section they won't induce, so it's not even in my mind any more. Natural VBAC or elective the only options. The latter being the obvious sensible choice for me :)

BUT on the other hand I've heard loads of positive induction stories, especially if they can get things going with just the pessary/water breaking coz it's already started a bit... And I presume the epidural feels a lot like the spinal, I really enjoyed mine haha! Most women seem to prefer the idea of labouring anyway, even if they have some help along rhe way - I'm that one weirdo who doesn't get it and prefers the docs to do the hard bits ahahaha! I'm sure induction will go great for you :)
@Zoboe95 after your first you often don’t engage until labour starts.

So after my disappointment of 6 hours of random pains for nothing we are going out for the day today to keep busy. First DD2 has an appointment with her epilepsy consultant- she was diagnosed at 11months old after the worst month of my life (in and out of hospital having seizures - the first of which I found her blue and one time being ambulanced to a&e and straight to resus! It was one of the reasons I was worried about having another but I’ve been told her type isn’t genetic just unfortunately one of those things. Then we are hoping to see Peter Rabbit 2 with my mum- we tried to book tickets at the cinema but the website kept crashing but they definitely have seats left. Then we are doing going with my mum to one of our local national trusts - we are going to get a family membership as I thought it would be a lovely place for me to go with the baby when the girls are at school etc. We have about 6 or 7 local to use, and the girls also enjoy it during the holidays and weekends :)
Eugh, got so tired at work yesterday, like do much more than usual! It was a really quiet day, and I feel like either it's a bit of a bug, or there's something going on don't know if maybe it's the blood sugars again, because I did have the worries a little too, and I'm really suffering restless legs and arms think I'm just broken! Went to bed at 9pm, then luckily lo didn't get up until 8am (that's quite normal) so I had a good sleep! I do feel a lot better this morning, but I'm still tired, and a bit restless...weird! Loads of movements so not worried about that, but in the middle of the night, I had really bad back pain and thought I was in labour...not actually convinced though on whether I was awake or asleep, or just uncomfortable! Weird world! :-k

Day off today, so taking it easy, or as easy as you can with a two year old in tow!

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