My growth scan is at 9:30 tomorrow morning hehe.
I wud of had to of got there at 8:30 if my dh was coming but I'm going alone so I don't have to have the covid test. Hate it when they shove it right up ure nose.
I didn't at first hon. I had never even heard of predominal labour.
I just thought I was going into labour.
Esp at 33+6 35 and 36 weeks.
Even the midwife at the hospital thought I was in labour at 36 weeks.
When I saw her again the next day she was so surprised I hadn't had baby.
With pre labour it's different from braxton hicks because u get it in ure back and front and also u get all the pressure.
Mine wud start off not regular but after a while wud get more and more regular.
The contractions got as close as 2 minutes apart and we're so so strong.
I found my post earlier from 36 weeks with Tommy' and the reason I didn't post photos of the 36 weeks trace was because I cudnt use my phone because the contractions were way to painful.
They went on for 24 hours then fizzled out.
It's so strange reading back really old posts.
Yeah so I was told at 36 weeks it was pre Dominal/pre labour and that's the first I had heard of it.
There was a lady who also had it from 28 weeks and she kept testing positive for pre term labour with that swab thing.
She tested positive as early 30 and 31 weeks.
She was so worried but in the end she went slightly over 40 weeks.
When I was induced and labor started it felt exactly the same as the pre labour contractions only they didn't fizzle out.
Gosh ladies I'm so physically and mentally tired today. Only 2 hours of broken sleep.
I feel like something from the Living Dead lol