Yay for learning to ride a bike that's so good. U must feel so proud hon.
Ah I remember when we moved into this house it was chaos. It took ages to unpack. But you get there in the end.
We been here 5 years in June and I can't believe it.
Awww that's fantastic that little sleeps 12 hours a night that's awesome.
Harley has his last bottle about 10pm then sleep untill 6 to 7am then has another bottle then sleeps again untill 11am so that's good.
None of mine have been devil children lol but both Tommy and Harely had bad reflux and colic. So that was hard but it's much easier now.
My DD is 9 on Jan 19th and she can be the sweetest thing ever or a right diva. She was perfect as a baby and todler and all mine have been great babies and todlers.
Just seems when they start school they start acting up.
She was so quiet and perfect then strated school at 5 and she is the loudest of all my kids. She was the smallest top. Only 5lbs. Got a right Gob on her. She is just so loud.
I can see you having another. I don't know what it is it's just a gut feeling.
The pill has been driving me crazy I'm always bleeding on it.
I keep telling myself I only have to put up with it for a tiny bit longer then I can stop taking it but the bleeding is annoying.
I'm forever wearing a sanitary pad.
Hope you all had a amazing Christmas and New year.
I had a few drinkies on Christmas day and newyears eve.
Thought I wud make the most of it just incase I won't be able to next time.
Hoping I will be pregnant.