September 2021 due date babies!!!

2.5 months!

we are fighting colds here too. My son has fever, sore throat and a bad cough. And my daughter has everything too. It a fever. Trying to keep them away from the baby and so far so good lol. It’s so stressful when they are so small and germy older siblings are around lol

2.5 months!

we are fighting colds here too. My son has fever, sore throat and a bad cough. And my daughter has everything too. It a fever. Trying to keep them away from the baby and so far so good lol. It’s so stressful when they are so small and germy older siblings are around lol

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Oh no! Hope everyone is much better very soon!!
Aww suggar he is just gorgeous!
Our little Miss started to roll! She’s to tiny it’s like watching a newborn do it!

Suggar I got the Korean so hormones because I used to have bad periods so non hormonal wasn’t recommended
I bled for a week after it was in abs since been fine :)
2.5 months!

we are fighting colds here too. My son has fever, sore throat and a bad cough. And my daughter has everything too. It a fever. Trying to keep them away from the baby and so far so good lol. It’s so stressful when they are so small and germy older siblings are around lol

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Oh she is gorgeous! I hope your daughter is better soon
So sorry about the colds hon. Tommy still has a cough now and it's been about 3 weeks. It's mainly at night.
Harley still has a bit of one as well. Wish they wud go away completely.

Beautiful photo hon she is so cute.

Awwww so cool she rolled over. Harley can go on to his side but that's about it.
I still have him in a moses basket but gonna move him into his cot soon.

I didn't end up going out on my birthday in the end. I cancelled because I was just too worried about catching covid or bringing it home to the littles.
Unfortunately now tho I think my friend is pissed with me because since i wrote to her telling her I wud rather hold off until January when it won't be so busy' she has completely ghosted me. She didn't even wish me a happy birthday so I've been quite upset.

Can't believe I'm 42 now. Don't feel any different still feel the same lol.

We have decided to put ttc on hold untill May now.
Just thought it wud be better because if by some amazing miracle I did fall quickly I wudnt be due untill 2023.

Erm well I think that's about it ladies.
Hope ure all OK.

Harley is a right baldy now just like Tommy was lol.
Hope all the small ones had a wonderful Christmas!
It's been chaos here, but well worth it.
Now I think I'll sleep for the whole of 2022, I'm bloody knackered!
Hahaha I totally know how u feel @LoneWanderer Christmas is wonderful but its always chaos.

We took all our decorations down yesterday but I've kept a few cards up.
I spent over 4 hours sorting and organising my nearly 9 year old dd bedroom. She had stuff hiding and stashed in every little nook and cranny and nothing organised' it was absolute nightmare but looks lovely now.

Just need to do the same in my older boys bedroom but that's not as bad as DD thankfully. Espect it will still take me a good hour or so tho. Once that's all done I then want to get the house clean and then we can enjoy Newyears.

I want to give my own bedroom a good sort out as well but will do that in the new-year.
Ideally I want it all done so then if and when I do fall pregnant it will all be organised in here.

Harely loved Christmas but mainly the lights and stuff. Tommy absolutely loved it this year. When he saw all his presents he kept saying wow. Was so cute.
We got him the TootToot Garage and he loves it.
He loves pepper pig top so we got him the pepper pig plain and car.
He has turned into such a sweet and very loving little boy.

I feel so so blessed and so happy and content right now.

I'm also looking forward to ttc again in May.
Will be bitter sweet with it having to be my last but I know I have to stop at some point.
Still can't believe I'm 42 now like how has that even happened.
One minute ure young and don't have a care in the world and the next Ure 42 it's crazy.
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@Suggerhoney it’s so exciting you guys are going to start TTC in a few months!

@LoneWanderer how is the new house?

@Bittersweet so exciting she has started rolling over!!

my oldest still has a cough, my son got it too. Ended up having to take him to the doctor and he had croup. I tried my best to keep them separate and all seemed well but yesterday the baby started coughing. No coughing attacks and thankfully no fever, but it does have that bark sound that my son had with croup. So now I am worried! Not much to give a 3 month old either. Hoping it passes quickly. None of my babies have ever been sick this little. My daughter was 18 months and my son was 13 months the first time they got sick. So I am freaking out a little!

hope everyone is doing well!
@Suggerhoney it’s so exciting you guys are going to start TTC in a few months!

@LoneWanderer how is the new house?

@Bittersweet so exciting she has started rolling over!!

my oldest still has a cough, my son got it too. Ended up having to take him to the doctor and he had croup. I tried my best to keep them separate and all seemed well but yesterday the baby started coughing. No coughing attacks and thankfully no fever, but it does have that bark sound that my son had with croup. So now I am worried! Not much to give a 3 month old either. Hoping it passes quickly. None of my babies have ever been sick this little. My daughter was 18 months and my son was 13 months the first time they got sick. So I am freaking out a little!

hope everyone is doing well!

Oh hon so sorry she is poorly. Hope it won't be bad. My eldest had croup but I think she was about a year old. It's so hard to remember she's 19 in August. But I know she was little. She sounded like a seal bless her.

Yeah I'm really excited hon. But being 42 I do worry it won't happen or I'll just keep having chemicals like in 2020.

I'm not gonna start taking macca. I'm gonna see if i fall and have a chemical then I will start taking it.
I'm just gonna start vitiamin D and folic acid. Hoping that will be enough. But if I do have a chemical I will definitely start the macca.
Hopefully we will fall again and have a healthy baby. Don't mind if it's a boy or a girl. Think deep down I wud love another boy but a girl wud be nice. It wud make my 9 year old dd very happy. Lol.

There's a new September due date up now. Feels so sad becuase it don't seem long ago I joined this one and was testing loads for line progression.
How has it all gone so fast.
Yay for bike riding!
And booooo for croup!

Yeah house AWESOME thanks, I mean it's chaos and we're not even close to unpacked still but the kids love it, the dog loves it, we love it...

2022 eh? Bloody hell. I spent most of last year freaking out about having two babies, turns out two babies is EASY, newborns are a delight... but this is the year of two toddlers (for many of us), so god help us all.

All going well here, Big has started something called Portage which means he gets a 1-2-1 nursery teacher at home once a week, and his speech therapy referral has gone in so he's in the system, and they're gonna do a hearing check too. So maybe this is the year I'll finally get to hear what he has to say for himself!

And Small is a feckin' delight tbh, never met a more smiley, happy baby: he never cries, just laughs all day at literally everything, and sleeps 12 hours a night. Definitely lucked out. Pretty sure we're two-and-done here, these two are proper sound kids and so I'm sure I'm due an absolute devil of a child next time - 'quit while you're ahead' is what they say, right? Haha!

A very, very happy new year to you all and to the babies. I think of you often, even if I don't drop by much.
Yay for learning to ride a bike that's so good. U must feel so proud hon.

Ah I remember when we moved into this house it was chaos. It took ages to unpack. But you get there in the end.
We been here 5 years in June and I can't believe it.
Awww that's fantastic that little sleeps 12 hours a night that's awesome.
Harley has his last bottle about 10pm then sleep untill 6 to 7am then has another bottle then sleeps again untill 11am so that's good.

None of mine have been devil children lol but both Tommy and Harely had bad reflux and colic. So that was hard but it's much easier now.

My DD is 9 on Jan 19th and she can be the sweetest thing ever or a right diva. She was perfect as a baby and todler and all mine have been great babies and todlers.
Just seems when they start school they start acting up.
She was so quiet and perfect then strated school at 5 and she is the loudest of all my kids. She was the smallest top. Only 5lbs. Got a right Gob on her. She is just so loud.

I can see you having another. I don't know what it is it's just a gut feeling.

The pill has been driving me crazy I'm always bleeding on it.
I keep telling myself I only have to put up with it for a tiny bit longer then I can stop taking it but the bleeding is annoying.
I'm forever wearing a sanitary pad.

Hope you all had a amazing Christmas and New year.
I had a few drinkies on Christmas day and newyears eve.
Thought I wud make the most of it just incase I won't be able to next time.
Hoping I will be pregnant.
In reality tho I know it will probably take ages or won't happen. Hate being negative Nelly but I think becuase it took 11 months to fall with Harley and then b4 him the 4 chemicals it doesn't really fill me with positive vibes.
My age is making me very doughtful as well.
We will just try and hope for the best.
U never know it may happen quickly this time and take me by surprise.
@Suggerhoney when are y’all going to start trying?

@Bittersweet wow! That’s so exciting! My 6 year old still can’t ride a bike lol

@LoneWanderer haha I felt like that after my first two, but then 6 years later I needed another. And my first two were great babies, but she is by far the easiest. And having a 6 and 8 year old as helpers has been fantastic!! I thought I wouldn’t like the age gap but I really do.
@Suggerhoney when are y’all going to start trying?

@Bittersweet wow! That’s so exciting! My 6 year old still can’t ride a bike lol

@LoneWanderer haha I felt like that after my first two, but then 6 years later I needed another. And my first two were great babies, but she is by far the easiest. And having a 6 and 8 year old as helpers has been fantastic!! I thought I wouldn’t like the age gap but I really do.

Hello hon. Glad to hear from you.
I'm still taking the mini pill at the moment but planning to stop it in March/April time 'and then ttc from May onwards.
Harley will be 8 months old then and even if it happened quickly I wudnt be due untill 2023.
Not ure if it will happen quickly tho being 42. It took 11 cycles with Harley and all those chemicals.
Tbh that's worrying me.

Can't believe there's another sep/oct due date group. How has time gone so fast.

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