September 2021 due date babies!!!

Midwife tomorrow, 11 weeks after booking appt so feels like a lifetime ago now! Be lovely to see her though, am very fond of her - same one I had for the lad and she was a proper diamond throughout.

Must remember to ask for my notes...

No sitter though so I'm going alone, which will be hard for other half: appointments with scans or hearing heartbeat are only way he gets to connect with bump until it starts kicking properly, so it's sad he's missing out. All appts are currently at hospital though, in shared bit with the EPAU, so strictly no kids, which is entirely understandable: not everyone is there for nice reasons so would be hard for them to see babies.

Not long til 20 week scan now though! And consultant same week, so pretty soon we should have baby's birthday booked in, eeeek!
@Suggerhoney 1 in 33 is still only 3%! So that’s good; needle to the stomach terrifies me because of the miscarriage risk. The other blood test sounds like the least invasive for sure.

@LoneWanderer yay for midwife tomorrow! You have had such a long wait. I’m sorry DH can’t go with you to your appt, that’s how it is here right now too unfortunately. I am hoping by your next appt the sitter is open and he can come.

Tomorrow morning I have my scan and genetic bloods. I am super excited for the scan and to see little one! Nervous for the blood draw and to have to wait for results.
You all are so sweet and have really touched me today with your kindness and empathy. I don’t want y’all to stop posting. I want to read about your sweet babies and see your bumps and your ultrasound. That will make me feel better. I’ve said it a million times. I never felt attached to this baby. I think God did it to protect my heart. I never felt like I was getting a baby out of this. Not for a minute.

Awww hon we are all thinking about you I haven't stopped and I've shed some tears. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Aww @Suggerhoney sorry to hear that, I had a similar scare yesterday, not because of downs, but Edwards and patau were a bit iffy! For me they have put it down to the likelihood of baby being small (they can tell from chemical levels apparently :-k) which we knew anyway. I have decided against the needle in my stomach on this occasion.

I hope your scan and bloods go ok tomorrow, I know it's impossible not to think about it, but try to do things you enjoy tonight that might take your mind off it, and try to get some rest.

Thanks hon. I'm so sorry u are now in limbo too.
I'm going to pray with all my heart body and soul that we both have babies that are healthy and that they do not DS or E or P I pray that right now in Jesus name Amen [-o<

It's just so horrible that u can have a amazing scan and be told baby is perfect and then this.
Sorry to hear that you are worried about results. 1 in 33 is good odds though. And of the three, Downs Syndrome is by far the least scary outcome of the screening. Such happy, gorgeous darling little babies they are. And sure there's higher health risks, but absolutely any kid can get poorly at any time. It'll be right, whatever happens, you'll see. And another scan is another peek at bubba, always a delight. <3

Thank you hon.
I have been reading a few things where womon got a 1 in 4 chance but baby ended up being healthy.
So hopefully these new bloods that check the dna and genetics come back good.
The waiting part is going to be so hard.
I'm hoping I will hear back sooner than 10 working days and I'm praying so hard I will get told baby doesn't have it.

I think my main worry is that they can die in utro that's what I'm really scared about and then the worry of baby having a really bad case and bad heart problems and I no some don't live to be adutos
@Suggerhoney 1 in 33 is still only 3%! So that’s good; needle to the stomach terrifies me because of the miscarriage risk. The other blood test sounds like the least invasive for sure.

@LoneWanderer yay for midwife tomorrow! You have had such a long wait. I’m sorry DH can’t go with you to your appt, that’s how it is here right now too unfortunately. I am hoping by your next appt the sitter is open and he can come.

Tomorrow morning I have my scan and genetic bloods. I am super excited for the scan and to see little one! Nervous for the blood draw and to have to wait for results.

It scares me to hon. The MC rate is low but I wudnt want to risk it.
I'm just so worried because there's a lovely lady in the testing thread and she lost her baby boy at 20 weeks because of downs that's what is really worrying me.

I was dreading this phone call.
I'm not even excited anymore to find gender out I just feel so overwhelmed and frightened.
@mammag we are all with you sweetie ❤️

@Suggerhoney try not to panic honest 1in33 is not too high, I’ve read women with much lower predictions and they have a healthy pregnancy. Are you in the uk I can’t remember? The NIPT should have been offered on the NHS.

I am more or less convinced I will be high risk and have further testing because of my age etc

I have blood test tomorrow for quad test as they couldn’t get all the measurements they needed 2 weeks ago. Then up to a 2 week wait for results in which time I have midwife appointment and private scan booked. Time is flying

@Suggerhoney honey sending hugs hope the scan etc goes well tomorrow. The odds are high but definitely still a good chance of baby not having DS.

It’s also 3% of your baby having it. Not 1 our every 33 baby’s with that level will have it so that’s also a positive thing you could have hundreds of babies with a 1 in 33 chance and none could have it!

@mammag <3<3<3
Mammag sending love hope you are holding up okay.

Suggar so sorry hun. However I work with disabilities and some of the most amazing young people I’ve met who have made a difference, got degrees and have a relatively “normal” per se life have had Down’s syndrome. The risk is higher than normal but not hugely so!
I seen my midwife today. She has to refer me to consultant again because I didn’t get an appt after my 20 week scan. I’m concerned because he said to me at my birth debrief and put it in witting I’d be getting a cervix scan at 22 weeks and then decide whether a stitch would be needed.
If it’s needed I’m not sure if I have to stay in hospital overnight or take time off work or what happens
Counting down the hours :/

I blame lockdown entirely because so little happens in a typical day now, but I've found that these days whenever I have an appointment or somewhere to be, the day just drags so much waiting for it!

Pretty sad state of affairs when a 15 minute appointment at the hospital counts as a day out, but here we are(!)

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@mammag we are all with you sweetie ❤️

@Suggerhoney try not to panic honest 1in33 is not too high, I’ve read women with much lower predictions and they have a healthy pregnancy. Are you in the uk I can’t remember? The NIPT should have been offered on the NHS.

I am more or less convinced I will be high risk and have further testing because of my age etc

I have blood test tomorrow for quad test as they couldn’t get all the measurements they needed 2 weeks ago. Then up to a 2 week wait for results in which time I have midwife appointment and private scan booked. Time is flying


Hi hon yes I am in the UK but they don't do it on the NHS they only do the 2 that involves needles but not the harmony test. U can only have that done privately unfortunately.

I'm sorry they cudnt get all the measurements at ure last scan hon. It is a worry.
I really hope u don't get high risk.

They got all of mine last week and everything looked so good on the scan so I wasn't expecting these results but at the same time I kind of was because of my age.
It is really scary I've hardly slept but there is nothing I can do about it but hope and I guess 3% is low sp hopefully it will be ok.
It's just hard to believe that 2 years ago I had low risk and 1 in 400 chance of DS and the change in 2 years is scary.

@Suggerhoney honey sending hugs hope the scan etc goes well tomorrow. The odds are high but definitely still a good chance of baby not having DS.

It’s also 3% of your baby having it. Not 1 our every 33 baby’s with that level will have it so that’s also a positive thing you could have hundreds of babies with a 1 in 33 chance and none could have it!

@mammag <3<3<3

Thanks hon I hope so I really hope baby does not have it just for peace of mind. I'll be worrying my whole pregnancy if it does and don't think I will be able to enjoy it anymore.
It's so horrible u have to wait so long for results it's gonna be horrible waiting and not knowing but hopefully it comes back all good.

Mammag sending love hope you are holding up okay.

Suggar so sorry hun. However I work with disabilities and some of the most amazing young people I’ve met who have made a difference, got degrees and have a relatively “normal” per se life have had Down’s syndrome. The risk is higher than normal but not hugely so!

Thank you. Yeah my step brother has downs syndrome he is lovely but he does need alot of care, he's in his late 30s now and he is so funny.
The midwife told me they can live up to 40 or 50 years but I think my main worry is they can also die in womb and the stillbirth rate is higher. 70% make it 30% don't and that really worries me.
I no the hospital is not accurate and that gives me some comfort so I'm just hoping these new tests come back normol.
The baby's first proper shoes arrived today. He suddenly seems so grown up!

Cant believe he'll only be 'the baby' for about five more months and then someone else will take the title from him. Doesn't seem two minutes since we brought him home.
@Neversayno they couldn’t measure nuchal on my scan today either. She said it’s hard if they aren’t in the right position. But she said if you are doing the NITP that can take the place of the measurement
Hello ladies

So scan was good. Neutral fold measuring normol and she also checked babies nose as app downs babies have flat noses.
She said all looks good and we may no the gender. It's not 100% because it's still early buy she was a top tech and the manager and she showed us the nub and I have a photo of it and well I will let u all guess.

Cud be a problem with the bloods because I've had a liver transplant, but they rang the lad in London and they said as it was 10 years ago it should hopefully be OK.

10 working days from tomorrow for results.
We cud of found out gender 100% with the bloods but we said no.
We would rather wait for the gender scan.

Just hope It comes back baby is OK.
So here is the nub photo received_1185771991882004.jpeg
It's that little thing sticking right up hehe.

And some more pics of baby received_947648512442172.jpeg received_276807220601119.jpeg

Baby was very active and was doing lots of summersaoults supper fast was funny.
Hmm, dunno if attached file will work but I've given it a go.

So all going great, baby well easy to find at first as it gave me a right good boot just before she had a listen, then the little bugger kept running away to the other side.

Gotta see GP for allergy test bloods though, then back for glucose tolerance test, then scan, then consultant, and then before I know it it'll be 24 week appt with the midwife. Honestly I'm knackered just thinking about it!

We've been booked in for 6pm by midwife next time though, so that I can sneak other half and baby into appointment haha!


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