Thanks for the advice hon I will definitely do that
Mite have to go primark nearer my induction and jump up and down hehehe.
So glad little mans temp has dropped. Hope he is fully well again ASAP. I hate it when littles are not well I always feel so helpless. I guess all u can do is keep the calpol going. Its even harder keeping them cool when it's boiling freeking hot. It's gonna cool down soon tho so hopefully that will help too hon.
Hahaha at babies hiccups and butthole

It's such a weird feeling when they do get them tho I think this one had had them once or twice.
Oh gosh hon it was horrible. The worst thing was I wud get it all night long so Cudnt sleep so I was absolutely knakered. The most annoying part was when u went into be induced, I really thought I was gonna be dilated enough so they cud just break my waters and I was no where near enough. So It felt like I had all those weeks of pre dom labour and all that pain for absolutely nothing.
I've only experienced braxtom hicks so when the pre dom labour started that was all new.
I even used a contraction timmer on 2 the of the occasionans I had it at 33 and 35 weeks and they got so regular and long that it kept flashing up Warning labour please go too Ure nearest hospital. I was so scared esp at 33 weeks.
The earliest I had a baby was at 35+4 and she spent 17 days in SCBU so I really don't want to go through that again.
I'm not a fan of the heat either but thankfully i don't feel heavy at all yet. I'm still running around and feeling comfortable but I know that will change in the next few weeks.
My SPD and PGP is normoly extremely bad by now too but i only have it very very mild at the moment. It's not bothering me. Where as normoly I'm on crutches by now.
So funny we both have our glucose test on the same day haha. I have to be up there at 8:55am for the 2 hours. Then after that I have a consultant appointment so that will be a fun day spent at the hospital lol.
Then back up there again on 6th July for my 2nd growth scan.
Midwife is at 11:30am today.
Are any of u ladies having strange vivid dreams?
Some of mine have been sexual. Sometimes it's with DH but sometimes it's someone from my past or some made up person.
What the hell is all that about.
Please say I'm not the only one experiencing this because it makes me feel so bad.
I guess it's just all the raging pregnancy hormones.