September 2021 due date babies!!!

@Bittersweet Are you on any antibiotics for the white cells? What's your plan going forward?

Iv been getting some horrible pains! Could be Braxton hicks but don't feel like Braxton hicks iv had before, iv never had a low anterior placenta before either so who knows lol
@Bittersweet gla all is okay.

@Suggerhoney i had them with DD 1 abs DD2 but never as uncomfortably and strong as I am with this one

Awww hon so sorry there so uncomfortable. I really thought I was going into labour at 29 weeks because I had contractions in the front and back low down. It cud of been the pre dominal labour starting then.
I had never heard of pre dominal labour b4 untill they told me that's what it was..
So it's basically real contractions (not braxton hicks) that get stronger and closer together and show up on there monitor.
They look like the real deal but don't do much. All they did for me is soften my cervix slightly.
I was so disappointed when I went to be induced.
All that pain for all them weeks I was so sure they wud just be able to break my waters but nope.
Had to have the passery. I was gutted.

If it gets to the point ure worried hon please don't sit there worrying. Just go and get checked out.
Also drink plenty of water that can help to. Braxton hicks can be painful and definitely by 3rd tri.
Mine are Starting to get a bit uncomfortable now but not painful yet.
I have all that too come lol.
Just hope i don't have predominal Labour again because that was exhausting
@Neversayno yes so much uncertainty - depending on what happens I may be in class the last week, we don’t break up til the 22nd so there is a few day where I might get back in the classroom.

@Suggerhoney I think my are definitely braxton hicks but definitely going to try and drink some more water. Mine are definitely uncomfortable but okay the midwife seemed okay with them last time but I’ll mention at my next appointment that the intensity has increased
Speaking of pain, anyone else have a tiny pair of feet permanently lodged under their ribs? Specifically the left one for me! I had forgotten about this joy from last time! Aches when standing, aches when sitting, aches when moving! Also my bump is finally growing, and you can actually tell I'm pregnant at last!

I'll be 26 weeks this week (I think!) And am hoping to work up until August 23rd. I was offered furlough from now, because I work in childcare, but I declined, I love my job, and wouldn't want to miss out on all my little leavers! Last time I was due to work up until 38 weeks ...gave birth at 37+4, early Sunday morning. I sent a WhatsApp on the work group with a picture of lo saying 'dont think I'll be in on Monday, sorry guys!' ...only reason not to work right up to it again is I'm terrified of the idea of going into labour at work! How embarrassing would that be!! I used to work in Primark and a woman went into labour in the changing rooms, and at a very innocent 16, me and my HR manager had to help her through it! Ambulance arrived, and she gave birth about 2 minutes after getting in it!! I'm quite shy about things like that, so the idea just freaks me out!

I do need to get organised really though, and set things up and get packing. We set up the crib in our bedroom last weekend. Cost a whole £10 on marketplace for a really nice Mothercare wooden one! Discovered that my dinky 2.5 year old can still fit in it

Ooh that was a bit of an essay, sorry! Finally had 5 minutes peace, and thought I should catch up! Will try to take a bumpie later too! Glad all the scans etc seem to be ok, I have my first growth scan Thurs morning. I'm more nervous about getting lost at the hospital than the actual scan!
@Bittersweet Are you on any antibiotics for the white cells? What's your plan going forward?

Iv been getting some horrible pains! Could be Braxton hicks but don't feel like Braxton hicks iv had before, iv never had a low anterior placenta before either so who knows lol
No they just said higher end of normal but didn’t say anything else other than the swabs and urine have been sent away and left to culture a few days and if something grows they will call me.

I got no appt today for next scan or appt usually it comes in pretty quickly on my app so I need to call the antenatal clinic tomorrow and ask and see if they will liaise with the ultrasound department to get the scan and appt together rather than seperate days
Speaking of pain, anyone else have a tiny pair of feet permanently lodged under their ribs? Specifically the left one for me! I had forgotten about this joy from last time! Aches when standing, aches when sitting, aches when moving! Also my bump is finally growing, and you can actually tell I'm pregnant at last!

I'll be 26 weeks this week (I think!) And am hoping to work up until August 23rd. I was offered furlough from now, because I work in childcare, but I declined, I love my job, and wouldn't want to miss out on all my little leavers! Last time I was due to work up until 38 weeks ...gave birth at 37+4, early Sunday morning. I sent a WhatsApp on the work group with a picture of lo saying 'dont think I'll be in on Monday, sorry guys!' ...only reason not to work right up to it again is I'm terrified of the idea of going into labour at work! How embarrassing would that be!! I used to work in Primark and a woman went into labour in the changing rooms, and at a very innocent 16, me and my HR manager had to help her through it! Ambulance arrived, and she gave birth about 2 minutes after getting in it!! I'm quite shy about things like that, so the idea just freaks me out!

I do need to get organised really though, and set things up and get packing. We set up the crib in our bedroom last weekend. Cost a whole £10 on marketplace for a really nice Mothercare wooden one! Discovered that my dinky 2.5 year old can still fit in it

Ooh that was a bit of an essay, sorry! Finally had 5 minutes peace, and thought I should catch up! Will try to take a bumpie later too! Glad all the scans etc seem to be ok, I have my first growth scan Thurs morning. I'm more nervous about getting lost at the hospital than the actual scan!

Oh wow can u just imagine going into labour in primark dressing room. Glad she made it on board ambulance just in the nick of time.
We don't have a mother care here anymore it got shut down but apparently if ure waters broke in there u wud get a load of free stuff.
Haha. Not sure it it was true but I can remember someone telling me ages ago haha.

Hope the scan goes well hon. I had my first growth scan last week and my next one is on 6th July at 28+5 weeks.
Can't believe how pregnant we all are now it's crazy.

How is everyone coping with the heat?
I've only sat out three briefly today and in Hythe end came back indoors. Far too hot lol.

Baby been very active today. Midwife appointment Tomorrow morning.

Then I don't have anymore appointments untill 28th June and then 30th June for the glucose intolerance and also to see the consultant.
I hope I get a induction date soon.
Last time they didn't give me one until 36 weeks. And they booked me in 6 days later..
I wud rather know earlier on so I can plan but with inductions they always leave u hanging untill last minute.
@Zoboe95 omg giving birth or almost giving birth in a shop sounds mortifying! Hope the growth scan goes well, I feel you on the rib thing. I still have a clicks rib from the way DD1 lodged herself under there (at one point they thought she broke my rib!)

@Suggerhoney hope the midwife appointment goes well. I don’t mind the heat so not been finding it too bad!
So I’m currently stressing despite the guidance not changing until 19th July my head thinks I can go back in the classroom next week. I would love to be able to spend the time with the children. But she has even said themselves they can’t socially distance so it makes not sense at all and the risk while the delta variant is rising and the risk of serious illness and preterm labour just doesn’t seem worth the risk :sad2: not sure where I go from here with her saying I’m back in
@Zoboe95 omg giving birth or almost giving birth in a shop sounds mortifying! Hope the growth scan goes well, I feel you on the rib thing. I still have a clicks rib from the way DD1 lodged herself under there (at one point they thought she broke my rib!)

@Suggerhoney hope the midwife appointment goes well. I don’t mind the heat so not been finding it too bad!

Thank you hon.

I've not had any unde rib kicks yet.
This baby seems obsessed with my bladder lol. I also feel kicks just above belly button.

Will let u all know how my midwife appointment goes.
Will be the first time having my fundal height measured.
I'm still thinking of booking a 4D scan for 30 weeks.
Thank you hon.

I've not had any unde rib kicks yet.
This baby seems obsessed with my bladder lol. I also feel kicks just above belly button.

Will let u all know how my midwife appointment goes.
Will be the first time having my fundal height measured.
I'm still thinking of booking a 4D scan for 30 weeks.
I loved my 4D scan would 100% recommend it. If you do drink as much fluid as you can the week leading up to it as it helps to get clear pics and eat about 30 mins before. Baby thumper was so active!
@Suggerhoney I heard the same about Mothercare doing that when they were open! Primark did give her a whole bundle of stuff though!

I love the heat, so not been too bothered by that, except my feet are slightly puffy, so my decent sandals are rubbing! I've had to go back to my old ones which are pretty grubby :holly:
Not much to report over here. Currently in bed eating a yoghurt and watching France-Germany. Rock n roll(!) Baby had hiccups earlier while lying way low down. Honestly never felt anything anything as weird in my life as hiccups echoing down my butthole. Pregnancy still managing to surprise and annoy me in crazy new ways... :rofl:

Kid's temp finally down, still a mardy git and appetite been all over today, but definitely seems on the mend overall. We are knackered from all the stress though. God help us when there's two of them to stress over, defs too old for all the drama. ](*,) :roll:
I had 2 days of pre labour with my 2nd 2 weeks overdue and that was he'll so hats off @Suggerhoney for doing it so long before! And as for the heat I hate it! Making me feel so heavy and tired! My motivation got up and gone!! I also have my gtt on the 30th not looking forward to it but a necessary evil.

@Zoboe95 got to love a fb bargain! The cot my now 8 month old is in we got off fb and it's the same size as my daughter's single bed it's insane!

@Bittersweet how are you feeling today any better?

@LoneWanderer I watched the footie with my partner and found the Germans were a little grabby... I hate being touched so for that reason only I'm glad France won. I seriously had to laugh at the butthole comment!! Baby has had hiccups once this pregnancy so far always funny lol glad kiddo is on the mend!!

Afm I had the whooping cough vaccine today and got my scan booked for mid July and gtt this 30th so getting there!!
@Bittersweet my white blood count is always over while I am pregnant. I think normal is under 10k and I was at 11.5. With my dad I was at 13 and with my son I was at 11. Not sure why but it never caused any problems and then goes back to normal.

@Neversayno im sorry you aren’t able to continue working. That is hard to not get to see the kids again. Hugs!

@LoneWanderer glad your little guy is finally feeling better!!

Wow a lot of y’all had pre labor! I haven’t ever had Braxton Hicks or at least ones I could feel. I have been cramping more with this pregnancy and more back pain while walking and getting up. But I think just cause I am older lol.
Thanks for the advice hon I will definitely do that <3

Mite have to go primark nearer my induction and jump up and down hehehe. :winkwink:

So glad little mans temp has dropped. Hope he is fully well again ASAP. I hate it when littles are not well I always feel so helpless. I guess all u can do is keep the calpol going. Its even harder keeping them cool when it's boiling freeking hot. It's gonna cool down soon tho so hopefully that will help too hon.
Hahaha at babies hiccups and butthole:rofl:
It's such a weird feeling when they do get them tho I think this one had had them once or twice.

Oh gosh hon it was horrible. The worst thing was I wud get it all night long so Cudnt sleep so I was absolutely knakered. The most annoying part was when u went into be induced, I really thought I was gonna be dilated enough so they cud just break my waters and I was no where near enough. So It felt like I had all those weeks of pre dom labour and all that pain for absolutely nothing.
I've only experienced braxtom hicks so when the pre dom labour started that was all new.
I even used a contraction timmer on 2 the of the occasionans I had it at 33 and 35 weeks and they got so regular and long that it kept flashing up Warning labour please go too Ure nearest hospital. I was so scared esp at 33 weeks.
The earliest I had a baby was at 35+4 and she spent 17 days in SCBU so I really don't want to go through that again.

I'm not a fan of the heat either but thankfully i don't feel heavy at all yet. I'm still running around and feeling comfortable but I know that will change in the next few weeks.
My SPD and PGP is normoly extremely bad by now too but i only have it very very mild at the moment. It's not bothering me. Where as normoly I'm on crutches by now.
So funny we both have our glucose test on the same day haha. I have to be up there at 8:55am for the 2 hours. Then after that I have a consultant appointment so that will be a fun day spent at the hospital lol.
Then back up there again on 6th July for my 2nd growth scan.

Midwife is at 11:30am today.

Are any of u ladies having strange vivid dreams?
Some of mine have been sexual. Sometimes it's with DH but sometimes it's someone from my past or some made up person.
What the hell is all that about.

Please say I'm not the only one experiencing this because it makes me feel so bad.
I guess it's just all the raging pregnancy hormones.

Urghhh I have diareah and I'm sat in the waiting room at doctors waiting for midwife. Hope she hurries up :shy::help:
Midwife appointment went well.
I've booked the Whooping cough vaccine in for 2nd July and will see her again on 7th July..
Absolutely loads of appointments now.

28th June
neurology hospital appointment

30th June
Glucose test and Consultant app

2nd July
Whooping cough vaccine

6th July
Growth scan

7th July

13th July
Anesthetist appointment to discuss pain relief in labour..

I can't keep up lol.

My fundel height measured 28 weeks which is really freeeking me out.
She did say its hard to get it accurate with encase I have so much scar tissue and lumps and bumps from the transplant.
She also had the end of the tape measure too low but I'm still freeking out now that I'm gonna have a giant baby.

@Suggerhoney I cant help with the big baby stuff but if your worried that much y not ask for a section? Could it just be waters? I hate when diarhea hits and your out.. worst feeling ever!

This heat is killing me! My 8 month old just wants to be held and the fibro is flaring etc. I'm not letting the kids in the garden they are all so fair they burn so fast even with factor 50 5 star uva/uvb Sun cream on so they r so pissy with me! X
@Suggerhoney I cant help with the big baby stuff but if your worried that much y not ask for a section? Could it just be waters? I hate when diarhea hits and your out.. worst feeling ever!

This heat is killing me! My 8 month old just wants to be held and the fibro is flaring etc. I'm not letting the kids in the garden they are all so fair they burn so fast even with factor 50 5 star uva/uvb Sun cream on so they r so pissy with me! X

Yes hon I was reading it can be extra fluid.
At my growth scan he was only on 38th centile.
She definitely had the tape measure about 2 cm to low too.
Next growth scan is on 6th July so will see how that goes.

I'm not aloud a section hon. I opted for one past time with our youngest DS and was flat out declined.
Because I've had a transplant and I'm on immune suppressants I have a very high risk of hemorrhaging on the table.
So it's safer for me to do it vaginally but I'm so small I don't want the baby being too big.

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