I know its early.... 9dpo tested this am got a BFN but my temp went up again slightly. Not giving up this month. Official test date is still the 19th.
aww... china girl! keep your chin up! "it's not over til it's over"!! lol we're all in this together!
Thanks for the words of encourgement
My co worker looked at me today & said I had a glow about me,
it borught a smile to my face....let's hope she's right about that glow!!!
You're welcome!! That's the way to do it! Maybe all that baby dust is leaving you sparkly this time!! lol I was always a tiny bit jealous of ladies that got that preggers glow! haha...mine was always just a new breakout of blemishes!! haha but if the breaking out means the little bean is sticking this time then i'll take it!!
heya girls finally logged onto my account, lovely to see many of us cant wait to test lol.. not really feeling any symptoms atm what about you xx
I have three test's that are burning a hole in my bathroom cabinet I wa thinking of testing on the 19 & 22.
i got mine here - https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/ and they seem really good. i think they say it's 20iu So i would look into those. They're cheap.
I felt sick & dizzy until lunchtime today, queasy in my stomach and my head would spin every now and then, but that it really all I've had since Ov. I'm sure it was something I ate yesterday not agreeing with me.