I have a few Ovulation test sticks at home do i use these everyday after the last day of my period?
Just either average or go with your shortest cycle i used the clearblue digital ovulation kit because it was easier to read because once LH surge is detected you get a smiley face in the window... they're £20 with 7 opk sticks, but lot cheaper off ebay x
Just either average or go with your shortest cycle i used the clearblue digital ovulation kit because it was easier to read because once LH surge is detected you get a smiley face in the window... they're £20 with 7 opk sticks, but lot cheaper off ebay x
Thats what I used this cycle, I got a in the evening
hello Sooz how you feeling? x
officially out. On to cycle 4.
I've tested twice already but should have waited until tomorrow Can't wait to see how you all do!
Well ladies,
I am out this month, I went to retake my test at lunchtime and she has arrived.
Thanks for all your support
I'm out the got me tonight.