Hey everyone!
So sorry I have been in hiding the past few days. This week has been a little stressful for me and I literally had so little time to do anything fun like post here![]()
I had the ER (egg retrieval) earlier today (well I guess technically yesterday now). It went off without a hitch, although I did wake up in the middle of the procedure. Guess the anesthesiologist wasn't paying attention. I just remember waking up and saying ouch that hurts, and the Dr yelling at me to stop talking! Then I was back asleep.When I woke up the Dr told me that they had harvested 15 mature eggs, I didn't hear about how many immature ones they found. I guess it didn't occur to me to ask. Still 15 is a pretty good number, YAY! Now to wait to hear how many fertilize. I will know that later today. Did I tell you that they will be doing ICSI? It is the procedure where they inject 1 sperm into the egg, to help force it along. Then the plan is to do the embryo transfer on Monday.
everyone! I'll write more tomorrow.. need to try to get some sleep here! Silly pain from the egg retrieval keeps waking me up (it is now 2:30am).
Hey everyone!
So sorry I have been in hiding the past few days. This week has been a little stressful for me and I literally had so little time to do anything fun like post here![]()
I had the ER (egg retrieval) earlier today (well I guess technically yesterday now). It went off without a hitch, although I did wake up in the middle of the procedure. Guess the anesthesiologist wasn't paying attention. I just remember waking up and saying ouch that hurts, and the Dr yelling at me to stop talking! Then I was back asleep.When I woke up the Dr told me that they had harvested 15 mature eggs, I didn't hear about how many immature ones they found. I guess it didn't occur to me to ask. Still 15 is a pretty good number, YAY! Now to wait to hear how many fertilize. I will know that later today. Did I tell you that they will be doing ICSI? It is the procedure where they inject 1 sperm into the egg, to help force it along. Then the plan is to do the embryo transfer on Monday.
everyone! I'll write more tomorrow.. need to try to get some sleep here! Silly pain from the egg retrieval keeps waking me up (it is now 2:30am).
Did you have Twilight sedation?? I had that for the first 2 IVF's and would wake up here and there. The last one was with a different clinic and they knocked me out. We also did ICSI. Good thoughts for those embies!!!!
Ali: 15 eggs sounds great! can't wait to see how many fertalise! Yay! Crazy that you woke up, that doesn't sound fun at all.
Lady Luck: Sorry you aren't feeling well. Tuesday is almost here. Hang in there!
Alicatt - I'm glad you think it's funny.
I'm sorry but I didn't, I woke up in the middle of a colonoscopy. It was the most traumatizing medical event for me and like your doctor, nobody mentioned it. Coming back to my room i did notice all the nurses staring at me, made me feel weird. It wasnt until that night, trying to go to sleep that it all came back to me, it was bad for weeks. no sleep, depression, anxiety, crying. I had to say something, so I made a formal complaint with Kaiser and then they gave me BS about it saying it didnt happen cause it was not on my chart. BS!!! Everyone was trying to cover their ass! I regret it I didn't do it then, but I should have filed a lawsuit. Now, i can't, can't file after 1 year.
Sorry to be ranting here but your post just brought back some aweful flashbacks, I hope nobody else goes through that.
Good luck with your transfer!!! I hope it all goes well![]()
JandK I'm sorry about AFI will be seeing you in the Oct IUI thread. Are you going to try different meds?
Karen- my FS recently told me that your cycle doesn't work like that, I totally thought if I ov on one side one month it will be on the other side the next month. Nope. I had no clue!
...with that being said...AFM my nurse just called and the FS wants me to do injectables for Oct. EEK! Since I only have one tube and since it looks like the side without the tube is the one that produces the most follies and is the most domminent (go figure) he wants me on the injectables to have a better chance of producing more follies. She isn't sure if it's going to be FSH or Gonagal F but I will be using a Crinone gel, which is for progesterone. I have to watch a couple of online videos and also talk with them about it too. So since this months IUI was canceled I guess I have some stuff to keep me busy... I'm not sure when/how long I use them though. So you ladies that do injectables, any advice? Any side effects?
Thank you so much Ali! I'll be sure to let you all know once I know for sure which meds. I have done progesterone suppositories in the past and those were kind of gross. She said that this is a gel and my friend who is newly preg (we went to the same FS clinic) is on it now and she says it isn't that bad. We'll see!
Any news on when you go back to get those eggies implanted?