September iui

Congrats alicatt!! Hope you get good news!!

Mrsjennyg -- so sorry about the cancellation. I will keep praying for you! I know exactly how you feel. I have friends left and right that are not even trying and getting preggers. Some are not even intentionally trying to have a baby, so I understand your frustration. For me, I am the same as you, happy for them but sad for me ... and, in my case Jealous as all get out!!!! Your time will come!!

JandK -- sorry about AF, so disappointing ... lots of baby dust for October!!
I am 4DPIUI and nothing. Usually my bbs are sore right when I start taking progesterone supplements, and normally Clomid makes them sore around O but I havent felt anything. Oh well, prog blood work on Wed and HPT next Thurs, but I am not feeling it this month
Hi Everyone,

My name is LaToya I was diagnosed with PCOS in September of 2008. My husband and I have TTC since 2010. And the doctor suggested we go the IUI route....Our 1st IUI was on the Sept 12th using Clomid 100mg and Ovidrel trigger shot and im on day 5piui trying to stay very hopefully...This TWW period is hard.. Baby dust to all :dust:
Thank you so much Ali! I'll be sure to let you all know once I know for sure which meds. I have done progesterone suppositories in the past and those were kind of gross. She said that this is a gel and my friend who is newly preg (we went to the same FS clinic) is on it now and she says it isn't that bad. We'll see!
Any news on when you go back to get those eggies implanted?

YEP! Since all 7 embies got to 4 cells yesterday, they wanted to give them more time to develop before we transfer so my transfer is set up for Wednesday morning. This is good for me too since I've had mild OHSS and feel horrible (bloated and crampy) so it will give me an extra 2 days to get better before we get those embryos inside me. So on a day 5 transfer, the hope is that they all survive and make it to a blastocyst. Then the extras, if I have any, they will freeze for a future cycle.

How many are you hoping to transfer?
Thank you so much Ali! I'll be sure to let you all know once I know for sure which meds. I have done progesterone suppositories in the past and those were kind of gross. She said that this is a gel and my friend who is newly preg (we went to the same FS clinic) is on it now and she says it isn't that bad. We'll see!
Any news on when you go back to get those eggies implanted?

YEP! Since all 7 embies got to 4 cells yesterday, they wanted to give them more time to develop before we transfer so my transfer is set up for Wednesday morning. This is good for me too since I've had mild OHSS and feel horrible (bloated and crampy) so it will give me an extra 2 days to get better before we get those embryos inside me. So on a day 5 transfer, the hope is that they all survive and make it to a blastocyst. Then the extras, if I have any, they will freeze for a future cycle.

How many are you hoping to transfer?

My FS won't transfer more than 2 if we do the day 5 transfer, but if we'd transferred at day 3, he would have done 3. So providing I have 2 to transfer, we will transfer 2, and freeze any extra. He didn't sound overly confident that I would have extra to freeze. I guess only time will tell!
I'm tempted to call my FS office and find out how they are doing. Is that bad?
Alicatt -- maybe TMI and you dont have to answer, but what is the approx cost you are spending for the IVF? Does your insurance cover anything?
Alicatt -- maybe TMI and you dont have to answer, but what is the approx cost you are spending for the IVF? Does your insurance cover anything?

I'm afraid to tally it all up! There were different costs for each part:

1) IVF $9,200 (they gave me 10% off for paying cash/check)
2) ICSI $1,500
3) Assisted Hatching $550
4) Anesthesiologist $450 (needed for the Egg Retrieval)
5) Dilation Surgery/HSG $1680 + more probably since this was billed through insurance and I hadn't used any of my deductible. You probably won't need to do this, but perhaps the HSG, and the FS usually does this in their office for your co-pay deductible.
6) Drugs $5500, + the drugs you can get via insurance with your normal co-pay some are generic and others were preferred brands so they came to an additional maybe $100
7) Freezing Embryos $1375
8) Additional FET $2775
9) Donor Sperm $1550

So I have paid ALOT!!! These were my out of pocket costs, some insurances do cover it, mine unfortunately did not. Total for this month was just under $20K. OUCH! I didn't want to know that. LOL :cry: If I get a :bfp: it will be worth it. :thumbup:
Personally I think insurance companies need to review their stance on covering Infertility.

1) If they were to cover the costs, there would be more people doing it, which would then bring down the costs, and insurance companies would have contracted rates for the procedures.
2) If they were to start covering the costs of the fertility drugs then the costs of those drugs would come down as well. Spending $5000 for a months worth of fertility medication is way over the top. My FS works with a drug company in England that has been shipping these drugs to the US for 1/3 to half the cost. Same exact drugs! Only issue is that with the shortage of ganirelix, I wasn't able to take advantage of this savings and instead had to use an american company called Freedom.

It makes doing IVF something only the rich can afford, or those that want to go into debt to have a baby. It just doesn't seem right.

I didn't expect my insurance company to cover all of the costs of infertility, but having to pay out of pocket and then having to pay again because I hadn't met my deductible is just insane. Plus since it is September, I probably won't be able to take advantage of having met my deductible. It will go back to $1500 again in January.

Can you tell that I hate insurance companies? LOL.
JandK I'm sorry about AF :( I will be seeing you in the Oct IUI thread. Are you going to try different meds?

Karen- my FS recently told me that your cycle doesn't work like that, I totally thought if I ov on one side one month it will be on the other side the next month. Nope. I had no clue!

...with that being said...AFM my nurse just called and the FS wants me to do injectables for Oct. EEK! Since I only have one tube and since it looks like the side without the tube is the one that produces the most follies and is the most domminent (go figure) he wants me on the injectables to have a better chance of producing more follies. She isn't sure if it's going to be FSH or Gonagal F but I will be using a Crinone gel, which is for progesterone. I have to watch a couple of online videos and also talk with them about it too. So since this months IUI was canceled I guess I have some stuff to keep me busy... I'm not sure when/how long I use them though. So you ladies that do injectables, any advice? Any side effects?

I've started injections this month. I'm on Suprecur and Gonal F atm, on day 6 of taking injections and cd7. Been having headaches and pulling on my sides.
Had some bruising from the injections but this could be doing them wrong ???
Hope this helps.........going for 2nd scan tomorrow. post an up date xxxx
so tired tonight ladies, I will comment on your posts tomorrow, need to get some shut eye xxxxxxxx
Thank you so much Ali! I'll be sure to let you all know once I know for sure which meds. I have done progesterone suppositories in the past and those were kind of gross. She said that this is a gel and my friend who is newly preg (we went to the same FS clinic) is on it now and she says it isn't that bad. We'll see!
Any news on when you go back to get those eggies implanted?

YEP! Since all 7 embies got to 4 cells yesterday, they wanted to give them more time to develop before we transfer so my transfer is set up for Wednesday morning. This is good for me too since I've had mild OHSS and feel horrible (bloated and crampy) so it will give me an extra 2 days to get better before we get those embryos inside me. So on a day 5 transfer, the hope is that they all survive and make it to a blastocyst. Then the extras, if I have any, they will freeze for a future cycle.

Wow that's awesome! Good luck on Wednesday! What is OHSS?
Thank you so much Ali! I'll be sure to let you all know once I know for sure which meds. I have done progesterone suppositories in the past and those were kind of gross. She said that this is a gel and my friend who is newly preg (we went to the same FS clinic) is on it now and she says it isn't that bad. We'll see!
Any news on when you go back to get those eggies implanted?

YEP! Since all 7 embies got to 4 cells yesterday, they wanted to give them more time to develop before we transfer so my transfer is set up for Wednesday morning. This is good for me too since I've had mild OHSS and feel horrible (bloated and crampy) so it will give me an extra 2 days to get better before we get those embryos inside me. So on a day 5 transfer, the hope is that they all survive and make it to a blastocyst. Then the extras, if I have any, they will freeze for a future cycle.

Wow that's awesome! Good luck on Wednesday! What is OHSS?

OHSS is a syndrome.. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome that can be life threatening. Most have mild to
moderate symptoms. They occur if your estrogen levels get really high, I think they say over 4000. What happens is your abdomen fills up with fluid, and can cause serious complications. I gained 14 lbs in 3-4 days! It's slowly going away now, and in another few days it will hopefully be gone! It's not something that normally happens during an IUI cycle, just IVF. You can google it if you want more information.
Thank you so much Ali! I'll be sure to let you all know once I know for sure which meds. I have done progesterone suppositories in the past and those were kind of gross. She said that this is a gel and my friend who is newly preg (we went to the same FS clinic) is on it now and she says it isn't that bad. We'll see!
Any news on when you go back to get those eggies implanted?

YEP! Since all 7 embies got to 4 cells yesterday, they wanted to give them more time to develop before we transfer so my transfer is set up for Wednesday morning. This is good for me too since I've had mild OHSS and feel horrible (bloated and crampy) so it will give me an extra 2 days to get better before we get those embryos inside me. So on a day 5 transfer, the hope is that they all survive and make it to a blastocyst. Then the extras, if I have any, they will freeze for a future cycle.

How many are you hoping to transfer?

My FS won't transfer more than 2 if we do the day 5 transfer, but if we'd transferred at day 3, he would have done 3. So providing I have 2 to transfer, we will transfer 2, and freeze any extra. He didn't sound overly confident that I would have extra to freeze. I guess only time will tell!
I'm tempted to call my FS office and find out how they are doing. Is that bad?

I don't think it is bad. I hate waiting and doctors are netoriouse for not calling on time. Call if you want to.
Alicatt -- I am in the same boat. My insurance company doesnt cover "fertility treatment" but will cover up to $5,000 of fertility drugs over my lifetime, which I find very strange. Also, we they cover ultrasounds normally, but not if you are in a "infertility cycle" which I think is crazy. They have covered my bloodwork though ... I hope you get your BFP this month!!!
5DPIUI ... All I have to say is 2WWs are the worst thing ever!! Every month I tell myself to relax and not think about it ... b/c I do think stress over it has a lot to do with not getting pregnant (especially since we are unexplained fertility). But, I think it is impossible not to think about. As far as symptoms ... nada!! We are meeting with the adoption agency tomorrow night, so I will keep you posted on the outcome.
I don't think it is bad. I hate waiting and doctors are netoriouse for not calling on time. Call if you want to.

So they called me this morning, and my heart started beating so fast. I was petrified they were calling to tell me that I didn't have any embryos that made it through the night. Well they were calling me with the opposite news! Turns out that my little embabies are not only surviving but thriving! I have 2-3 that are excellent and another 2 that are pretty good. They were calling to ask me how many I wanted to implant so they would keep the best for that, and then freeze the rest. LOL! So I have around 5 good embryos from the original 7 embryos. That is huge! Most women only see about 30% of their embryos survive from day 1 through day 5. I'm doing a :happydance: right now!
I don't think it is bad. I hate waiting and doctors are netoriouse for not calling on time. Call if you want to.

So they called me this morning, and my heart started beating so fast. I was petrified they were calling to tell me that I didn't have any embryos that made it through the night. Well they were calling me with the opposite news! Turns out that my little embabies are not only surviving but thriving! I have 2-3 that are excellent and another 2 that are pretty good. They were calling to ask me how many I wanted to implant so they would keep the best for that, and then freeze the rest. LOL! So I have around 5 good embryos from the original 7 embryos. That is huge! Most women only see about 30% of their embryos survive from day 1 through day 5. I'm doing a :happydance: right now!

That's fantastic news xx
Congratulations Alicatt!!! That is excellent news....
Not good today, been very emotional and crying alot after my scan today, wasn't expecting bad news.

I have been told I have fluid in my left tube, if it doesn't go by Friday (when I have my next scan) then they will have to cancell IUI and I'll have to have yet another operation and hiigh chance of them removing my tube.
If this happpens then I'll have to be moved on to IVF.

ALSO, if that wasn't bad enough, I have FOUR mature folliies, so have to reduce my injections to slow them down, hopefully not all of them. If the 4 contiune to develop they will have to cancell IUI, incase all 4 fertilize.

So, notlookking good at all ladies. It's knocked me for six. So down, feel like giving up.

Hoping the rest of you lovely ladies have good results, keeping my eye on here xxxxxxxxxxx

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