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September October buddy:)

Thanks :)

So your scan is on Friday? I bet you are sooo excited!! Can't wait to see your picture. I'm sure you won't see anything, she even said it was too early to see something but we're pretty sure we did!!. Maybe it was the cord! :haha:
Lovely scan pic :) 6 sleeps for me! Argh! Im desperate for my scan lmao x
Not long Now!! :) it's such a relief seeing a baby and knowing you haven't been imagining it all this time!
Tomorrow!!!! I shall not sleep tonight... 6 days to go for you Amber that will fly by!!!!

I can't wait to just be able to buy things.. I see the cutest outfits and I'm like aaaaaah not yet! 8.30am is my appointment. I've never had a happy 12 week scan so I shall be so nervous. I know baby is alive and VERY active but just hope all is well with development.

Used my doppler this morning and baby does not stay still!!! Doing some right marathons in there I could hear it under the doppler! :D
Ah a nice early appointment!! :thumbup:

My 20 week scan is booked in for 12th May but not until 4:10pm that is going to be the longest day ever!!

Looking forward to your update tomorrow, fingers crossed and hoping you have a very happy scan :flower:
Thank you!! I'm super nervous... doubt I'll sleep!!!

Oh gosh that is a long day... mine was firstly 9.30 but OH has work afterwards so I called and made it early as possible. Which ill be first appt I think hopefully no waiting around!:D
Heya! !

Scan went amazing! Baby was sooooo active moving it's head arms legs. Baby loved lying on its front, even after I had a wee half way through baby still didn't want to change position. Could see fluid in its stomach and bladder so it's drinking and weeing! Which is a sign those organs are working correctly. She said it's grown very well since my last scan. 13 weeks 2 days whoooooooooo!

Due 30th September ♡

She gave us 8 pictures for free!!! Bless her... I've never had a happy 12 week scan so she gave them for free bless her. Eeeek ♡♡


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Aw hello baby!!
Glad all went well and what a lovely lady to give you all those pictures. I had to pay £4 each for mine :growlmad: :haha:

I'm so glad all was well, you're only a week behind me..so we could be very close! I'm always late with my babies!!

Did you get your 20 week scan date?

I bet you can't stop looking at your pictures :cloud9:
Thank you! I know usually I would have had to pay, not sure how much at this hospital, but she said because of my previous horrendous 12 week scan she made sure this one was really good and went into so much detail. She was scanning for a good 15 mins! Showing us everything. Bless her x

Yes my 20 week is on the 14th of May at 12.00pm. Whooooo!

Any guesses on the gender of mine? I see no nub....
Im going to guess girl - no idea why but hey, 50/50 chance im right lmao x
No idea on gender, I'm not getting a feeling either way. Ah it's nice our scans are so close. Bathbabe try and get yours around the 12th / 14th too :winkwink:
I think boy gut feeling but who knows! Lol yeah Amber we need our 20 week ones close aswell ;)

Not long for your dating scan now!
I think I found baby on the doppler tonight :happydance: right above my pubic bone, right in the centre :D
I'll be 20weeks on the 13th may so i will try my best to get it for around then!! X
Yay Amber that's great news!! It's a lovely thing to hear isn't it, especially before your scan! I might have another go with mine tonight, haven't listened for a while.

I'm finding appointments are quite late at the moment, I don't know about your areas but my midwife has said Septemeber is the busiest month for her! She has 28 babies due which is the most she has ever had in one month! Typical (we live in a very small town). So I have been ringing in advance to get my appointments in but still can't have my 16 week appt until 17 weeks. By my 20 weeks scan I will be 21 weeks.

Claire did you opt out of the Down syndrome testing in the end? Amber will you have it? I did mine on scan day (and had a disasterious blood test which spurted in the nurses face, in my handbag and all over the floor.) Good job I'm not scared of needles or blood - it was pretty horrific. Anyway im just waiting for the results on that. No way near as anxious as I was with my first two! The neck measurement was 1.8 on this one so that is ok.

Sorry for the long post, Jack had an early waking this morning so we're sat her watching paw patrol on the TV :haha:
Wow that blood test sounds fun! Yak... no I didn't have the testing in the end x

Wow.. clearly everyone was busy keeping warm in the winter.. including us ;) I'm back to being a September sweet pea now and not an October Owl but it could go either way I suppose!

I had such a scare yesterday. Me and OH went to town.. I go to the toilet. I wipe and there is fresh red blood. Every time I wipe. I literally broke down in marks and Spencer toilets and freaked out. It ruined the rest of the day. Went home checked again.. nothing. Then I remembered... I must have cut myself shaving in the morning....:haha: what a doughnut!!!
I dunno what im gunna do about the testing, i will speak to them while there as OH wants it done now :dohh:

Oh no Claire what a nightmare!! We get worked up so easily don't we!! But that must have been awful :cry:

Well I had my test results back yesterday - how quick was that!!! It came back 1 in 88,729 so that is a great result, it's actually the lowest of all my children...how strange as I was preparing myself for it to be worse as I'm older. 36 this year!!
....and I'm sure I have felt baby move today!!

I read that the more babies you have, the earlier you feel it. I felt Jack at 21 weeks, George at 16 weeks so it's likely.

It's ike little fluttering, like wind but not! :haha:
Scan tomorrow, scan tomorrow, scan tomorrow, scan tomorrow, scan tomorrow :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

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