• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

September October buddy:)

The 15th april is a wednesday. Have you got your dates/days right?? X
Ignore me.. my baby brain is awful!!!!!!!! :D

Oh the plus side... I haven't been sick in 2 days... whoooo!

How are you feeling ♡
Just catching up, had a very busy few days!

Yay for buying a few baby items Claire, how exciting!
How come I'm last to have my 16 week appt yet I'm the furthest along - that's not fair!! :haha:

On a side note, I feel like I've got a uti now, keep having to wee and it burns, I've also got a cold :dohh:
Haven't used the doppler for a few days. Might have a go tonight :)
Eekkk! UTI's are awful, iv only ever had 2 but neither time it stang when I had a wee :/ instead they give me a REALLY heavy and sore bladder to the point where I can be overtaken by a tortoise when im trying to walk!!! The first time I was 36weeks pregnant and nobody picked up on it and i put it down to just end of pregnancy discomfort and they think thats what made me go into prem labour :shrug:
hope your feeling better soon xx
Ah no Amber, yes I read it can cause pre term labour so I didn't hang about in knocking back the cranberry juice and getting myself into the docs the next day! I have finished my antibiotics now so hoping its all cleared up at my 16 wk check.

Lol Kath bless you! I have bloods again at 18 weeks and midwife said we will do the 16 week check then. I'm like... no thanks.. 16 weeks is good ;)
All quiet here at the moment , I guess we are all in a lull with not much going on..now out of 1st tri. :happydance: Well I never went to the doctors in the end, I woke up the next morning feeling fine, also had cranberry juice so maybe that did the trick! Still got an awful cold and cough though. I feel so grotty urgh.
Been hectic at home, it's easter hols so Jack has been off school. We've done lots and I've even forgotton Im pregnant a few times. I think I have worked out it is my pregnancy vitamins that have been making me sick in the mornings..I haven't taken them for about a week now and no sickness. I might try a different brand as I do need to take them really! :dohh:
Maybe you could take the vitamins at a different time of day? That may help? x

Lol I agree, I'm glad from my dating scan to my 20 week has been broken up into fortnightly apps like bloods, midwife, 2 weeks after more bloods, then scan! I always look forward to the next app so hoping itl make the wait until 20 weeks seem less annoying!!!

15 weeks today!!! Your 16 today Kath, have you felt any movements yet? At 10 weeks I felt like a big insert moving inside me for a few seconds. Felt that twice haven't felt anything since. Not sure what that was. I feel vibrations sometimes but nothing definite to think it's an actual movement. First time in the 2nd tri for me so I'm oblivious!

Ah it's good to keep busy though, the weeks can drag else! I'm trying to enjoy it saviour every moment and not rush it by but when pregnancy is so scary, all we want is baby here and safe asap! I always play music to my belly like baby motzart, I talk, massage, just pay it attention really and the days I've been busy and haven't really done that and sometimes forgot im pregnant too, it makes me feel somewhat guilty so then I make up for it. Hehe. With winnie the pooh dribble bibs.. being my last purchase :D

Have you ladies brought anything yet x
Ive tried different timeS, I was taking them before bed but was always sick the next morning. Maybe I need to try lunch time! Though I will always forget to take them to work. Argh

I did have movement a few weeks ago like the fluttering feeling but I haven't had any for a few weeks, maybe baby has changed position but had a listen in on my doppler and there is a nice strong heartbeat. It won't be long before we are being booted in the ribs!!

The weeks so seem to be going a bit quicker now, can't believe we are I second tri! The nicest trimester in my opinion.

I haven't bought anything yet, I think once I know what we're having I will get shopping! I've been given a lovely cream snowsuit and a wrap (baby sling).
I felt baby move today - loads!! I really hope i carry on feeling it, with my son i felt it once at 16weeks and it really shocked me lol then i didnt feel him again till 21/22 weeks! X
Yes Kath maybe lunch time, buy a pack of them and leave them at work or in your handbag?

Ahh... We can't wait to feel the movements but then when we are trying to sleep and being booted.. We soon be changing our mind hehe :D

That's so cool Amber! I do feel things from time to time but as it's my first I can't be sure until it's a definite movement! I saw a video of a lady's belly from the outside moving with baby. She was only 13 weeks pregnant but there was no denying. You could see movement on her belly ! I'll try and find it x
Where's my lovely bump buddies gone.. hope your all well ♡
Im here :wave:
How is everyone??
I still have sickness :( just first thing in the morning and last thing at night while brushing my teeth usually!!! X
Im still here too :flower:

I've been Sooo exhausted, I usually spend an hour every evening catching up on facebook, b&b, chilling after the kids have gone to bed but just lately I have been so tired the minute I lay down I'm asleep!

No sickness for me now for quite a while :thumbup: ..no symptoms at all actually amd still no definite movement. Going to have a go on the doppler in a minute :)
Hiya! Glad your both doing well! My sickness is alot better but I still have waves of nausea each day. I can control it alot better and know what to eat or drink to calm it before actually throwing up! It's been about a week since I threw up thank goodness... as that was projectile vomit :O I hope yours settles down soon Amber.

Week 15 has brought... flutters!!!! First time being this far pregnant but they definitely can't be mistaken for gas or anything. Baby is on my left side lately and that's where I feel these butterfly wing tickle, fish tail flapping type sensations throughout the day. I can't wait to feel it from the outside as I think hubby is feeling sad that he can't feel it. Bless

16 week midwife appt tomorrow! I haven't even met my own midwife yet.. "/
Yay for flutters! Iv been feeling them usually in the evening once im relaxed :thumbup:
Got my 16wk appointment tomorrow too :happydance: x
Yay Amber same day! I'm super excited about this app as haven't had one since 5 weeks! I've seen multiple midwives for blood tests but not the routine checks. Eek! What time is your app?

My flutters today have been joined by some jabbing type feeling. Like a quick poke.. hey baby stop poking mummy! :D
Haha aww!!

My appointment is 9:30 so nice and easy for me I can drop my son off at school and then I dont have to panic about trying to find a parking spot lmao x

Yours?? Xx
I've been feeling more flutters too today, and just listened to the doppler and baby Is there good and strong. Literally takes seconds to find now.

Can't believe I'm 17 weeks tomorrow! Wow. My appointment is on Thursday, looking forward to it as does seem ages since I've seen the midwife.
Hope both of your appointments go well tomorrow! Don't forget to report back :)
Mine is at 16.10... all day wait!!!! I've had appointments every few weeks and it's actually my first one in the afternoon so I hope today flies by!

I've has period type cramps all weekend which worry me so much but I've had them throughout really. I also.... peed myself whilst being sick... ha!!! I was in the downstairs bathroom and we had guests.. thank goodness I had a long cardigan on. I had to say hi and greet blah blah then run to get changed. If it's like this already then my bladder is going to fall out after birth!

Let us know how your app goes Amber. I shall report back too

Eeeeek Kath 17 weeks! I'm 16 today!!! 5 am I woke up and... I'm reading all my app updates heheh :D
They are running late... good job i get good 3G here lmao x

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