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September October buddy:)

I had to give in and buy maternity leggings as i found mine sat at the wrong place and made me feel sick, so now i have some that i could probs tuck my boobs into if i wanted lmao :haha: x
Ha! Well not sure if I previously said (baby brain) but last week I also caved in and brought bigger clothes.. I was looking for a size 10-12 in Tesco for pyjamas but they didn't have any. So I went for a 12-14. I actually had a mini melt down and cried in the middle of Tesco. Hormones!! I didn't know which size to get, I didn't know how big 12-14 would be on me, I just felt so over whelmed like a silly sausage!!

In the end I brought 12-14 and I could also tuck my boobs and my whole head inside if I wanted to ha!! I'm usually a size 8 and I never put weight on so seeing my body change so much was a tad over whelming.

But they are super comfy!:D
Haha bigger clothes is always better! The minute I get home I put my comfy baggy clothes on. It's such a relief.
My feet have already started to swell too :( especially when I've been at work all day. So I've started wearing socks with no elastic in the top.
I had horribly swollen feet with my first two....nasty
Ugh! I had swollen feet with my son. Felt like i had a massive lump of jelly on my feet that would wobble everytime i took a step - im not looking forward to having that again! X
A massive lump of jelly... what a description! These children... making our ankles into cankles and today.. making me poop all day!! Anyone else had this?

Do you have any feelings on gender Caro? usually they say mothers intuition is right, I was with my first two :) I'm not feeling so sure with this one though!

Hm with all the protein and aversion to sweets I had at the beginning I was convinced it was a boy. Now I don't know. I catch myself talking about "him" most of the times for some reason, though. When will you know? 20w?
A massive lump of jelly... what a description! These children... making our ankles into cankles and today.. making me poop all day!! Anyone else had this?


I had a lot of swelling at the beginning but after week 7 or 8 it disappeared. Hopefully it will stay like this! Not really looking forward to have cankles LOL

pooping all day? I wish! Never in my life I had trouble to go to the restroom. Now it's terrible:blush:. I have to drink lots of fluids (and that makes me pee like crazy, ugh :haha:)
Polar opposites!! I would go a good 2 days on a regular without a poop, even upto a week! Now I may as well set up camp in the bathroom the amount of times I am in there!

I'm at my parents this week and I REALLY miss my pregnancy pillow. I didn't realise how much it helps me but my hips are really sore in the night without it. Had to substitute with a cushion this morning and that helped a bit. What's with the sore hips?
I am in the not pooing camp, I can go for days without going..but I'm with Carolin..the weeing!! Argh drives me crazy! Yes I find out at 20 week scan on 12th may..eek can not wait. I dreamt I gave birth to a baby boy the other night, the birth was so real and I woke up really thinking I'd had a baby. Anyone else having crazy dreams?? I've had some pretty weird ones.

A lady at work who I haven't seen for about 3 years walked in and said oooh when are you due then? So I must look very pregnant now. My best friend says I look due any day now! What am I going to be like in 20 weeks time :wacko:
Hey ladies! How is it going? I'm on bed rest again. I went back to work this week but the bleeding and cramping came back and I had to go to the hospital. Fortunately the baby is fine (actually s/he was dancing La Macarena in there during the sonogram:happydance:) I have a fibroid and a pool of blood inside so any of those things could be causing this problem. Hopefully it will get better soon. The US system is not very friendly towards sick/pregnant people.

I asked the sonographer to tell me the sex of the baby. She tried several times but the baby had crossed legs so nothing for now:shrug:. I have my anatomy evaluation in 3 weeks. Hopefully LO will cooperate then.

After reading your comments I bought a Leachco maternity pillow. My hips and back are sore and I need extra support. I bought on Amazon because it was a bit cheaper there. Let's see how it goes.

Happy Thursday!
Hi ladies! Hope your all well. Sorry to hear about your bleeding and cramping Carolin, but I am very happy to hear LO is well and doing a dance :D I hope the blood pool clears soon as any bleeding is worrying isn't it even when we know everything is okay. Take it easy ♡

17 weeks now whooo.. and 3 days ;) going so quick! My 20 week scan is in 2 weeks 6 days... how time is flying! Crazy..

We are having pram, cot and name discussions on a daily basis. This isn't easy ha!

Awh Kath the weeing is driving me crazy too, soon as im comfortable at night... then I go and the smallest dribble comes out! Constantly feel pressure on my bladder. Gosh knows how ill feel when baby is a watermelon!

I've been having some very crazy dreams, my dreams are normally mental anyway but now totally weird! My recent one was finding a dead mouse in the sugar pot. I brought it back to life and it turned into a little pug dog. It then told me it was lost and I asked where it lived. Leeds it said, and said it was going to walk there. I'm like don't be silly mate ill call RSPCA get them to pick you up.

Yes.. a talking dog, pretty normal!:D
Haha sounds perfectly normal Claire!

I hope you are all ok, we're on a little break away at the moment. We're at butlins. It's great fun but exhausting. My feet are killing and I'm feeling big! Had trouble getting out if the swimming pool yesterday :haha: what a sight that must have been...and getting on a galloping horse was harder then I thought! Must remember I'm pregnant!! Lol

Here's my and my eldest posing for a selfie on the horses :)


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I have the flu :brat: iv been in bed for the last 36hours and all iv managed to eat was a slice of pizza that OH cooked for dinner tonight. I feel like my head is actually going to explode :cry:
Ha Kath I bet that was a sight! Bet your looking super cute with your bump.. ♡ I've been at my mums for a week, it's good your away it helps pass the time away! 2 weeks and so many days until our scans, cannot wait! I hope you have a lovely time. That picture is adorable x

Oh no Amber :( sounds awful! Keep your fluids up I hope you feel better very soon!

Me and OH spent ages in Mothercare yesterday testing out prams looking at cots, getting so real now!
It's quiet in here lately, how's everyone doing?
Not much to report here really, still not getting any definite movements and even the bubbley feeling has gone.
We're back from our holiday today so going to give the doppler a go tonight!
Hope you are all ok x
Hey everyone! I'm with you, Kath. No definite movements but I feel something like a fish swimming inside when I'm resting LOL.

Are you feeling better, Amber? We invited friends for dinner and today DH and I woke up running a fever with upset stomachs. Blaah!

11 more days to (hopefully) know the sex of the baby. What about you, ladies?:happydance:
Hi ladies!

Biggest report this week.. feeling thuds from the outside! OH felt one too! Little monkey in there attacking me already ha! Generally the movements feel like squirms now like a big fat worm is moving around. Sorry LO!

This morning I've woken to the smallest amount of spotting when I wipe. Rather petrified and away from home so think I may pop down to a local a+e and try and get checked out..
Everything is well thank goodness. They checked neck of womb to make sure it's closed and they did doppler a few times. Baby was kicking away :D

The twice me and OH have attempted sex since we got pregnant, I've spotted. We are so nervous so we just like never have sex but I felt safe so we decided to try again. But spotting again. So sex is officially off the menu! Atleast until we are trying to induce labour :D

I called the EPAU but felt super weird when she said I'm not under EPAU anymore and to call the labour/maternity assessment. Eeek :D
Aw glad everything is ok, these babies are so worrying. Sex is pretty non existent for us too, I'm just too scared. If I bleed I have to go straight to maternity ward for the Anti D jab (hospital is an hour away) so I'm not risking it.
My scan is a week tomorrow! (May 12th) Can't believe how quick it's all coming round now. Also soo close to having a viable baby. How crazy.
Can't wait to find out what I'm having next week :happydance:

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