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September October buddy:)

The cramps are normal Claire, everything is stretching in there, I was worried too with my first but I've had it with all 3 especially at this time...
And the peeing I do all the time now :cry:
I've had a really bad cough lately where I cough until I'm sick and that makes me pee myself. Never had it with my first two but I guess everything is looser now. Must remember my pelvic floor exercises! It's not great!! Especially when I'm at work and leaking all the time. The joys of children huh
So midwife went fine.
My iron levels are slightly low so she thinks its likely i will end up anemic but to just carry on taking my multi vitamin for now.
My blood pressure was 100/60 which is on the low end of normal but still fine apparently.
No sugar in my wee so thats all good. :thumbup:

She also listened to babies heartbeat which was around 150bpm :happydance:

Hey all!

Had my midwife appt too. She didn't seem to know what she was doing but amazing nevertheless! She did blood pressure which was 100/50 (90/60 last time so I'm glad it's came up a little) my usual before pregnancy is around 112/something lol... I've been eating eggs and red meat and things to try and keep it from dipping below the top 90 number.

Anyhoo. She tested urine (I asked her to send it off to be tested as I keep getting reoccurring UTIS). She read out blood results. My thyroid antiobodies 4 weeks ago were over 400. Should be below 100. I've been on a gluten free diet after research that it can help and my levels are now 292!! Well chuffed.. I do have my gluten treat days but just proves cutting the gluten out helps :D it's hard.. but worth it..

She also checked HB. Took her ages to find it I felt like saying pass it here! Baby was moving SO much.. her face was a picture with how much he/she was moving under the doppler! She said "must be a boy.. he's playing up" :D

I'm glad your appt went well Amber and hopefully your iron levels stay up!

Ha Kath oh gosh the joys of pissing ourself... I should be doing the pelvic floors too but.. I don't.. oops!
Glad both of your appointments went well, the results of your antibodies is really good! Glad it's come down :thumbup:

I have a feeling my midwife doesn't check for heartbeat at 16 weeks but I'm not worried as I know baby is there :)

Made me laugh your midwife didn't knwow hat she was doing :haha: I've had a few like that!! I've had some pretty awful ones to be honest.

How did you get iron results Amber? - was that from your first appointment blood tests and you're just getting the results?
Yeah it was my results from my bloods taken at my booking appointment x
Ha Kath... I felt like I could have done the whole appointment myself! I thought she would weigh me, measure belly etc as I know some do at the 16 week but never mind. Next one at 22 weeks?

I have bloods in 2 weeks, 2 weeks after that is 20 week scan whooooooo then I have a consultant appointment, then I have midwife. Then it all slows down ha...
My appointment today went very well. It took ageeeees as it was a student midwife. She listened in though and found heartbeat straight away :thumbup:

My bloods all came back good, and wee clear which I'm glad about as I thought I had an infection a week or so ago. BP was 122/70 which is normal for me. So all in all nothing to report which is good.
They just keep going on about Anti D, as I'm B Neg blood group which is very rare apparently!

My next appointment is at 24 weeks (for the anti D) otherwise it would have been 28 weeks so next thing to look forward to is 20 week/Gender scan on the 12th May woohoo :happydance:
Whooooo Kath I am glad it went well! It's so cool our apps are all so close together and we are sharing this journey together!:)

I went to the walk in clinic a few days ago with suspected UTI. 100% convinced as I had all the symptoms. My urine was negative for infection though. The doctor said the dip sticks are just a guide line and I could still have an infection and the test come back clear. So she gave me the second lot of antibiotics and advised me to have my urine sent off. So I asked the midwife to do that to test it in the lab as somethings going on! Hoping all comes back clear and just a niggling pregnancy thing :D

Oooo I thought my O positive wasn't common, I even googled it ha! But nope.. standard old O! Do you have to have injections then?

I'm glad everything came back well, and everything is going smoothly for us all ♡
Yeah I have injection at 24 weeks and after baby is born, and if I have any bleeding inbetween I must go in!

Yes maybe we just have irritable bladders, I still can't cough without accidents. Tena lady is my friend at the moment :haha:
Ha!! I've just invested in some panty liners.. it's all down hill from here!
Im boring old O+ too!!

Todays my birthday :wohoo:

How you all feeling?? X
Happy birthday hun!! Anything planned?

I'm feeling okay, bit sicky today and didn't sleep too well. You? I've came to my parents for the week to see them as I live a couple hours drive away.
Happy birthday Amber, :drunk: we can pretend to have a birthday drink :)

I'm feeling ok, just tired all the time, but I guess that can be expected. I'm also not sleeping well.
Hope you have a good time with your parents Claire, have they noticed your bump increase in size?
Well my dad though the picture I had sent him was of me sticking it out.. ha! I came and I'm like helloooo here is the belly!!! My belly button has popped out aswell, it's going to seriously be an ugly sticky outy by the time this little one has finished cooking! :D

It's been good here, I'm starving all the time lately! My mum hadn't got anything in for me to eat such as healthy things that I'm on at the moment, 5 a day every day! I had to go asda and buy fruit, vegetables and things :)

We've just been playing games and had a pyjama day really. How about you x
Hi ladies! How are you? We're expecting our first child. So excited! My due date is Oct. 6th :baby: (I can't wait to know the sex of the baby!) The first trimester was rough but it's getting better now. There were a couple of weeks where I "didn't feel pregnant" but suddenly this week I got this cute little belly. DH noticed that my belly popped out all of a sudden a couple of days ago. Did this happen to you too?

Hey, happy birthday bathbabe! :)
Welcome :wave: Im Amber :)
Im a 'bigger' girl so i wont pop till abit later on but it wont be long! This is #2 for me, I have a son who is 5 next month xx
Hi Caro :wave:

I feel huge already - must take a bump picture..I think it's because this is my third so I've popped a lot earlier!
Are you finding out sex at 20 weeks?
Hi Caro! Nice to have you join us here. How exciting! ♡

My belly has been slowly growing since about 6 weeks from baby bloat! I have my baby bump now over the last few weeks. One day I had cramps and the next day everyone commented how much bigger my belly looked. Maybe they were stretching pains.. and out it popped hehe :D

Are you finding out at your 20 week scan? How was your 12 week one? :) x
Hey Amber, Kath, and Khadijah! :thumbup:

I had my 12 week scan when I had my first semester screening (NT, chromosomes 13, 18, and 21.) I saw the baby for approx 15-20 min <3 and everything was within normal range. I had another scan at 14 weeks because I had spotting and bleeding. I'm on bed rest for 2 more days (2 long weeks) but the baby is fine. Phew!!!

I will have the next appointment on Tuesday but I don't know if it will include another scan since I had one so recently. I read online that some women get to know the sex even at 16 weeks. I'll ask my doctor just in case. If not, 20 weeks I guess. :happydance:

Tell me about big bellies! I had to buy new pants at 8 weeks but it was more bloating than anything. Last time I just gave up and bought maternity things because regular pants didn't have enough belly but the rest was all saggy and it looked silly haha :blush:
I've finally given in to maternity clothes too, I just can't squeeze in my normal clothes any longer! :haha:

Do you have any feelings on gender Caro? usually they say mothers intuition is right, I was with my first two :) I'm not feeling so sure with this one though!

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