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September October buddy:)

Argh where are the updates?, you keeping me in suspense!
Hope all is ok x
It's a boy!!! :blue::blue::blue::happydance:

The sonographer said: "oh look at that!! DEFINITELY a boy!!" LOL

Oooh congratulations 2-0 to the boys!!

Was everything ok?
Hi ladies! Sorry for the late reply. Scan went perfect looked at heart chambers could see blue and red blood pumping in and out brain sections kidneys bladder face lips nose diaphragm bones spines chest saw footprints hands stomach diaphragm etc all perfect :D my placenta is anterior so means the movements and kicks are cushioned from me feeling them as strong so I'm suprised I actually feel them!

Resisted... We are team yellow!

Congratulations Carolin!!! It's looking to be boy season!:)
Congrats khad! ❤ I don't know how you resisted! LOL

Everything perfect with the baby. He actually had hiccups during the exam haha. The SCH healed so no more bed rest, yeah! (Cervix still irritated so no "sweet sweet love" for DH yet LOL) Going back to work tomorrow. Ah, and I have anterior placenta so that explains that I still don't feel much kicking. Phew!

Oh, I updated my last post to add a pic!

Any scans tomorrow or this week? :happydance:
Woohoo so pleased for you, isn't it just amazing to see! I loved seeing his little face on mine and the teeny feet. My placenta is anterior too!

So 2 blue and 1 yellow so far.

When is Amber? There was someone today, will have to look back...

Did you get a piccie Claire?
Love yours with the little speech bubble Carolin. (Is that your name? I'm guessing Caroline?) im so glad the Sch had gone.

I'm booking a 4d scan at 27 weeks so that's my next one! Round about 24th June! Anyone else having one?
Thank you! I was slighted tempted running up to the scan, like 1% tempted.. but in the scan room I was too in awe at our little monkey to wonder about the gender. Although it's impossible not to look and think 'was that a willy???' Eeeek!

I'm glad your SCH has gone Caroline and you can get out and about more now! Such a cute picture of your little boy ♡
Our perfect little creation ♡


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    2015-05-14 09.04.15.jpg
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Aww lovely, such a sweet picture Claire x

I don't want to put a downer on this thread but I've had a very sad day today..a friend of mine due the day after mine went for her scan yesterday and the baby had died. So very sad and makes me even more thankful for the little person inside me.
We also found out that OH s grandad had a stroke this morning, he usually looks after my boys on Thursdays so was such a shock when we got the phone call this morning. :cry:
im feeling very emotional today :cry:
Did you get a piccie Claire?
Love yours with the little speech bubble Carolin. (Is that your name? I'm guessing Caroline?) im so glad the Sch had gone.

Thank you! I'm glad I healed too :) I'm Caroline. I wanted my nickname to say "Carol in Dallas" LOL

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's baby and your OH's grandad. Is he doing better?
A little better thank you, not brilliant and it's going to be a long road to recovery!!

Agh I read it as Carolin Dallas :haha:
Sorry ladies iv had a busy few days and havnt been around here!
My scan is at 9am tomorrow eeeekk!! Im hoping to stay team yellow but I think I might give in!
Kath - Sorry about your friend and her baby plus your OH's grandad. :( :flower:
I had an anterior placenta last time and it sucks!!! Im pretty sure i dont this time because I felt movement about 8weeks earlier than last time (22weeks last time!!) BUT maybe thats just coz I know what it feels like?! I'll find out for sure tomorrow :)
And Carol! Iv always read it as carol in dallas!! :angelnot: xx
I'm sorry to hear that too Caroline. Hugs ♡

Hey Amber good luck for today! Hope it goes amazing... stay team yellow like me!! Hehe let us know how you get on.

The anterior placenta does suck but I felt movements from 15 weeks first pregnancy (this far) flutters. Then jabs at 18 weeks from the outside so I think that's pretty early, apparently first time pregnancies isn't until 24 weeks! It would kill me waiting that long.. I love my little monkeys kicks! I'm at my parents for a few days and my dad and brother have felt them. I think my placenta is covering the right side of my front because all the movements 99% are on the lower left side. I wish I didn't have it because I would be feeling a lot more. Boo!!!

Caroline... I read it as Carolin Dallas.. sorry ha!
DS is starting to kick instead of just flutters (... always when I'm trying to sleep LOL.) DH tried to feel the kicks yesterday but every time DS stopped LOL.

Good luck Amber!!
Team yellow!

We were still arguing over finding out, I finally gave in and said to find out but baby had the cord bunched up between its legs!! Haha!! X
Oh! LOL. Do you have more scans in the future or you'll know the sex after delivery?
I have a scan booked for 35weeks but my OH wont be coming so I probs wont find out till its born :) x
Aw Amber that's probably the best news, I was half hoping they couldn't tell us gender but it was clear as day, my boys ain't shy :haha:

Hope you are all ok girls, I'm getting some quite hard kicks now but still not visible from the outside!
My feet are also starting to really hurt eek
My feet hurt too but only when im not doing much :/ like if im stuck on the till at work (standing) for more than 1.5/2hours they ache like crazy and it hurts to walk :( my back also goes stiff as a board!!
Im getting hard kicks too. Iv decided this baby isnt going to be a baby that we can take for a nice drive to get it to sleep.. everytime I drive baby wakes and kicks for ages!! Its lovely but extremely distracting!!!


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