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September October buddy:)

I'm a teacher and I have to stand/walk a lot. My legs look like dinosaur legs and hurt a lot. My back hurts a lot too. My room only has chairs for little kids. Thank god we're out in 2 weeks! Hang in there, ladies! LOs are so worth it.:thumbup:
Hey ladies!

Fellow team yellow Amber yay!

I feel kicks alot now, sometimes they make me jump ha! My dad sister in law husband and brother have felt them from the outside. I've even got a video of my belly moving when bubba kicks but it's so hard to catch it on camera.

Monkey usually always stops kicking whenever hubby tries to feel aswell... ha!! It's like he knows (or she!)

I can't wait till I can see a direct kick on the outside, at the moment it's like that whole area of my stomach twitches. Still magical!

We've ordered our cloth nappies yay! And our sling. Oh... and a cot!! It was a bargain so couldn't resist even though we may not use it until about 6 months +.

Now for the Co sleeper crib seen a very cute pod in mothercare. I've never parented before but I'm soooo into this natural tribal baby wearing co sleeping stuff. Does anyone else natural parent or plan to?
I will be attempting to cloth nappy this time, I will also be getting a new sling/wrap. Baby will have a crib in my bedroom but will most likely cosleep! I will also be attempting breastfeeding this time - eek! Anyway thats what im attempting! What actually happens once baby is here is a completely different story im sure!!

Search 4th trimester!! I didnt hear about it until a few months ago but I did most of it with my son because it was what felt natural to me and I didnt even know it was a 'thing!'

My feet hurt too but only when im not doing much :/ like if im stuck on the till at work (standing) for more than 1.5/2hours they ache like crazy and it hurts to walk :( my back also goes stiff as a board!!
Im getting hard kicks too. Iv decided this baby isnt going to be a baby that we can take for a nice drive to get it to sleep.. everytime I drive baby wakes and kicks for ages!! Its lovely but extremely distracting!!!


Uh oh, both of mine have always slept in the car which is great.

I'm the same, I was on my feet all day yesterday and they weren't too bad but I'm like you, it's standing still. I'm sure I can feel them puffing out the longer I stand, and my lower bump is really starting to ache now. Please don't say I'm having another big baby! Eeek
Ooh I misssed a whole page haha..

I've co-slept breast fed both of my boys and will again. It is the only way to get some decent sleep and eventually baby attaches itself without you even knowing aha.. Strange waking up and having a baby attached to your nipple..it's like oh baby how did you get there!! (I'm talking 6 months plus)

I've never done cloth nappy but does sound very appealing, will cut our waste down considerably but I just don't know if I can keep up with the washing.. I already do at least one load a day and will get more once Jack starts school..and don't have heaps of drying space. I might give it a go.
Oh and I just remembered, yesterday I saw a baby born at 23 weeks! I got talking to her mum at soft play (the baby is now 1) but she showed me photos and she was the size of a hand when she was born, her lungs finger nail size. It was just so weird knowing I'm close to 23 weeks and seeing what baby looks like. Perfectly formed but very very small. She breathed independently straight after birth. She has some medical issues, she was blind and on oxygen etc but what a strong little girl and Mumma. She was her 6th child and they were both just amazing!
Hi ladies!

Talking of cloth nappies I've been doing some serious research into all different types and brands, the benefits, how to wash store dry etc. I'm looking to get enough to last so I can wash every 3 days, not much extra washing as to what we do now. We've gone for nappies that have 'inserts' bit like a sanitary pad lol... so as long as nothing has gone onto the actual nappy itself, only the pad has to be washed and not the nappy... can do that for a good few changes. Still means same amount of washing but only washing inserts and not a whole load of nappies themselves. I've ordered a few 'all in ones ' so insert is attached and you wash whole thing but only ordered that as I love the pattern lol. .. can get such amazing cute ones!
It was such a minefield choosing the ones we have as there are so many out there!! If you need any direction with this, fire away ♡ xx

Oh no Kath poor little one but she sounds so amazing to have been born so early and have minor health problems on the grand scale of things. I always Google weekly updates and I googled 22 weeks and an article came up about 1 in 4 babies born at 22 weeks will survive. And an article about a baby surviving in the 21st week. So amazing ♡ seeing the pics made me feel like woah! My little monkey looks like that eeek!

We want a co sleeping crib as im scared to have baby in bed with me although I want to, did you?
I always Google weekly updates and I googled 22 weeks and an article came up about 1 in 4 babies born at 22 weeks will survive. And an article about a baby surviving in the 21st week. So amazing ♡ seeing the pics made me feel like woah! My little monkey looks like that eeek!

We want a co sleeping crib as im scared to have baby in bed with me although I want to, did you?

I google each week too!! Im 22 weeks today eek!!!! :happydance: It still doesnt quite feel real!! After 4 years of trying I want to really enjoy being pregnant but tbh I forget most of the time!!

Harrison just slept in bed with me :thumbup: x
Bless you Amber!i It's so surreal isn't it.. I have to pinch myself alot! Well.. the constant kicks do that for me! Had a midwife appt yesterday and she said I have a very active baby eeek! I mentioned bubba being more active at night and she said he or she may be born at night then. We'll see!:D

I would like to have baby right in bed but I'm scared... is there safe and unsafe ways of doing it?
I had both of mine in bed with me, but not with the OH. With jack I slept on the sofa with him for the first 8 weeks. He would only sleep upright on my chest!! Not a decision I took lightly but I was just so sleep deprived I HAD to! So then we moved to the bed as I thought it was getting unsafe, I was so tired. In bed I always slept with my arm round him.. No duvet past my waist and one pillow. Yeah not comfy but it was the only way either of mine slept so with breast feeding too, it was sooo much easier. At about 6 months I could feed laying down and I'd wake with a baby attached to me haha... Bonus - more sleep for mummy!!
I wouldn't make any sleeping plans and see how you get on.. I never intended to co-sleep but I had to and with George I never even tried to get him to sleep in a Moses basket or cot as I wanted to co-sleep x
The safest way if baby is in bed with you and OH is you in the middle, baby on the edge and a breathable side bumper. You are so aware of baby in your sleep, but obviously no duvets, blankets etc.

This just brought back an awful memory, nothing to do with co- sleeping but relevant, George was asleep on the sofa. He was only about 8 weeks old and He'd fallen asleep on me so I manouvered him onto the sofa and propped him up against a pillow and went outside to play with Jack in the garden, (to leave Georges in peace) I could see George through the window so looked in on him every few minutes or so.
After an hour or so he started crying but something had happened to Jack so I didn't go in straight away..after about 30 seconds he stopped crying and I though oh he must have gone back to sleep and was going to carry on playing but something made me go in..I'm so glad I did because Georges head was under the pillow and he was gasping for breathe! It was awful - I have never been so scared in all my life. I cried for ages. :cry:
He had never tried to move before, he slept like that often but this time, he must have either slipped or cried so much he managed to roll! Needless to say he never slept like that again!!
So scary! I know before children, you think oh I will never do this and that..but when they are here, nothing goes to plan!
How scary Kath!

At first I slept in bed propped up with Harrison on my chest (he suffered with reflux it was the only way he would sleep) Then with me in the middle with the blanket tucked around and under me - so keeping me warm but not touching Harrison. Then the blanket out of his crib tucked around him until he was big enough for his sleeping bag. Worked for us :thumbup: x
I have reached 'V' day Woohoo.
24 weeks! Wow

How is everyone doing?
Yay!!! I keep telling myself I can relax when I hit 24weeks... 1week 2days to go!! X
Oh gosh Kath that sounds SO scary!!!! Gave me goosebumps just reading it. Hopefully with our co sleeper cot we can do co sleeping but without the worry of baby in the bed with us but I can imagine at 4am when feeding... there will be times baby will fall asleep on me and leaning over a few inches to lay baby down.. may not happen. Ha!

So with the no blanket thing.. is that no blankets for yourself?

V day congratulations!!!! 23 weeks today for me with a 50% chance of survival if born, open eyes, and nearly a foot long. Wow!!
Congrats on V day! A week and a half for mine. Yay! :)

How are you ladies? LO and I are happy because yesterday was our last day at school and we can rest a bit.
5 days till V day!

Im good ta! Started buying things now! Eek! Not much tho and nothing 'major' other than a Carseat. It still doesnt feel real tho! This is my second baby yet I cant actually imagine having a baby, that will live with me, that will need me. I cant get my head around it. :shrug: I was the same with my son tho x
I havent bought anything yet! I must get a move on.

Had my 24 week appointment on Thursday too and baby is laying across ways along the bottom which is explaining why I'm getting so much pain lower down. My ankles are also really swollen!,

Took a bump picture at 24 weeks, this is it - not great but I haven't got a mirror long enough so had to go on tip toes haha. I feel huge! :haha:


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Beautiful bump Kath!! We are all very pregnant now! :D
I've had awful diorreah today, the waves of pain were incredible. So scary having those cramps when pregnant! I was panting thinking how the hell will I cope with labour if I can't cope with poop pains ha! I'll upload my bump pic, it's from last week 22 weeks. Mind the picollage, I've been doing them every week and will print them out and put them in a box :)


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