***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Yeah I don't think this feeling will go until September but I guess then we worry about other things.

Good to hear about your scan :D are you off anywhere nice? it'll be nice to switch off from everything for a week.

Just down South Wales for a few days over half term.

it will be nice to have a break and try to forget about things for a while.

Past the time where i lost my last PG, because that was 8+6 and today i am 9+3, but my loss last year was 13-14 weeks, so i still have a long way to go yet.
Sannie: I hope everything is okay! If you're still feeling nauseous (even only once in a while), I think that sounds pretty solid!! Are you getting an early scan??

Dancareoi: Yay for a vacation!! I hope you get lots of relaxing time! :flower: When you say "over half term" are you speaking of school?? Are you a teacher?? (Sorry if I'm totally missing the sense of what you're saying--I guess we have different expressions, we are an ocean apart! :winkwink: )

Zebra: That definitely is an amazing pic!!! I'm so happy baby's healthy! :flower:

AFM: First scan is next Thursday, I'm waiting impatiently (and a little nervously!). Have all of you ladies announced your pregnancies yet?? I'm waiting for my scan to announce to my parents--I found it difficult to deal with their reactions to my miscarriage, so I'm a little apprehensive!
Tasha, half term in uk is a week off school in february. I have 3 kids already 11,8 and 2, so the two oldest have a week off school, hence the reason we are going away!
Hope your scan goes well thursday.
We have told my mom and dad, but only because my mom has had to look after my youngest each time we have been for a scan. My sister knows, but she suffered 2 MMC so knows what I am feeling and have also told my friend.
Have not told DH parents yet. They didn't know about our loss last sept.
After our loss in jan last year we really don't want to say anything yet. I thought I was 17 weeks pg so everyone including kids knew, so we never want to be in that position again!
If all goes to plan we won't be announcing for a long time!
We have told everyone. My parents ended up having to know right away since I needed them to watch LO for my 6wk scan. Then after my 10wk scan seeing bubs again I decided it was time to let everyone know.

We planned on surprising his family but his mom asked on the phone "oh so she isn't pregnant?" lol
I dont know how she knew or thought i was :shrug: But we ended up telling her on the phone.

Spent $30 on a "im gonna be a big brother" tshirt.
Armywife: A 6 week scan?!?!?! Here in Canada, they refuse to give us a scan before 12 weeks!! (I'm actually surprised they're taking me at 11w & 4 lol!!). Good for you! I'm glad they give you that reassurance! I started spotting this pregnancy during week 8, so I was freaking out (that's how my m/c started!), and they wouldn't even let me hear the heartbeat! :wacko: They will only agree to give early scans if you've had 3+ losses (or if you're in a "dangerous" category--i.e. my SIL got pregnant and was below 100lbs!).

Dancareoi: Ahhh!! Ok, I understand!! HAHA! I'm not used to thinking 'like a mom' :haha: . This is going to be my first! I was curious because I'm studying at university to be a teacher, so I guess I was seeing what you were writing too much from my own perspective! :winkwink: Here, we call "half term" spring break! Wow! So you're awaiting #4! Ahhhh...it's hard when you announce and then you miscarry. Honestly, I'm the first to miscarry in my family, so I felt like no one understood! My mom had 8 kids!!! And never miscarried! My older sister got pregnant the first time, announced right away, and the baby was healthy. She got pregnant 2 months after I miscarried and announced again right away (she's half-way through now!)...it was a little hard for me to see that. I don't think I'll ever announce right away again. That said, we did tell DH's parents, but not mine. His parents were really supportive (they live on a dairy farm, so they see miscarriages happening with their cows all the time...so they see death as a normal part of life), my parents who live in the city always want to read meaning into things, so it was really painful.).
Armywife: A 6 week scan?!?!?! Here in Canada, they refuse to give us a scan before 12 weeks!! (I'm actually surprised they're taking me at 11w & 4 lol!!). Good for you! I'm glad they give you that reassurance! I started spotting this pregnancy during week 8, so I was freaking out (that's how my m/c started!), and they wouldn't even let me hear the heartbeat! :wacko: They will only agree to give early scans if you've had 3+ losses (or if you're in a "dangerous" category--i.e. my SIL got pregnant and was below 100lbs!).

Dancareoi: Ahhh!! Ok, I understand!! HAHA! I'm not used to thinking 'like a mom' :haha: . This is going to be my first! I was curious because I'm studying at university to be a teacher, so I guess I was seeing what you were writing too much from my own perspective! :winkwink: Here, we call "half term" spring break! Wow! So you're awaiting #4! Ahhhh...it's hard when you announce and then you miscarry. Honestly, I'm the first to miscarry in my family, so I felt like no one understood! My mom had 8 kids!!! And never miscarried! My older sister got pregnant the first time, announced right away, and the baby was healthy. She got pregnant 2 months after I miscarried and announced again right away (she's half-way through now!)...it was a little hard for me to see that. I don't think I'll ever announce right away again. That said, we did tell DH's parents, but not mine. His parents were really supportive (they live on a dairy farm, so they see miscarriages happening with their cows all the time...so they see death as a normal part of life), my parents who live in the city always want to read meaning into things, so it was really painful.).

Depends on the doctor :) I have a really nice female doctor who recently had a baby, and she knew we were trying. When I told her I was worried due to my blighted ovum last summer, she got me a scan at 7+4. I have another at 12 weeks too. I'm from a small town in northern bc.

And I am a teacher too :D
Armywife: A 6 week scan?!?!?! Here in Canada, they refuse to give us a scan before 12 weeks!! (I'm actually surprised they're taking me at 11w & 4 lol!!). Good for you! I'm glad they give you that reassurance! I started spotting this pregnancy during week 8, so I was freaking out (that's how my m/c started!), and they wouldn't even let me hear the heartbeat! :wacko: They will only agree to give early scans if you've had 3+ losses (or if you're in a "dangerous" category--i.e. my SIL got pregnant and was below 100lbs!).

Wow no scan before 12wks?! I am surprised they haven't given you a scan even with spotting and a previous m/c. or at least let you hear the hb.

With DS I had spotting and got an early scan at 6wks...(otherwise I had to wait until 12wks)

And then this preg. when I called and told them I am pregnant right after m/c with no period in between they asked how far along I was...and I said i have no clue....

(actually I knew the exact date I conceived but didn't share that with them so I could get an early scan:thumbup: )

They said since I didn't know how far along I was, they had to scan me for dating purposes, which was okey dokey with me:thumbup:

I didnt feel bad for lying, for the reassurance , it was well worth it.

You could buy a doppler to hear the hb....never used one before but I know a lot of ladies on here love them.

Cant wait to see the pics from your scan!
Tekkitten: I'm so glad they gave you an early scan, that's so nice of them!! :flower: Maybe Québécois are just heartless hahaha!! Nice! What do you teach and at what grade level?? :flower: I'm studying at McGill to be an English high-school teacher, having a baby will interrupt my studies, but I planned ahead! :winkwink: I'm in the process of completing 3-years' worth of classes in 2 years (I'll be finished that intensive process by mid-August...it will give me a few weeks off before baby comes!). Then I'll just have 2 major Field Experiences left, which I figure I'll do after having taken a year off. I'm glad that I'll still be able to graduate with all of my peers!

Armywife: Wow! That's wonderful that you were able to get pregnant again right away after your m/c! I'm sure you were so happy about that!! I wanted that, but it didn't happen until 4 months later--that's life! :winkwink: And you totally shouldn't feel bad about lying!! I think anyone with a mother's heart would have done the same!!
Tekkitten: I'm so glad they gave you an early scan, that's so nice of them!! :flower: Maybe Québécois are just heartless hahaha!! Nice! What do you teach and at what grade level?? :flower: I'm studying at McGill to be an English high-school teacher, having a baby will interrupt my studies, but I planned ahead! :winkwink: I'm in the process of completing 3-years' worth of classes in 2 years (I'll be finished that intensive process by mid-August...it will give me a few weeks off before baby comes!). Then I'll just have 2 major Field Experiences left, which I figure I'll do after having taken a year off. I'm glad that I'll still be able to graduate with all of my peers!

Armywife: Wow! That's wonderful that you were able to get pregnant again right away after your m/c! I'm sure you were so happy about that!! I wanted that, but it didn't happen until 4 months later--that's life! :winkwink: And you totally shouldn't feel bad about lying!! I think anyone with a mother's heart would have done the same!!

Here in the uk it seems to be down to each health authority as to how they deal with things.

As you know, health care is free in the uk and everything to do with pregnancy falls under this category.

I have been speaking to ladies on here whose doctors won't do anything for them even though they have had 2 miscarriages. 1 lady saw her lady doc who fused to do any tests at all even though she had two mmc and was 41. She then saw a male doc in the same practice who agreed to do some tests! So even the same doctors practice offer a different service.

I was really lucky, I did have MC in 2009 but had healthy little boy 10 months later. After my second tri loss last jan, my doc refered me to a specialist. The professor I have now seen 3 times, is one of the uk's leading miscarriage specialists.

She has done lots of tests and all were negative, all done on NHS ( national health service) after my second mmc in a row, the professor suggested a uNK killer cell test, not on NHS which cost £360. That too was clear.

She also prescribed progesterone pessaries twice a day from 7 days after OV until 24th weeks of pregnancy and clexane injections, once a day up until 24 weeks.

We do have to pay for our prescriptions I. The uk, but when you are pregnant you get an excemption when you are PG and 12 months after birth. Which is jus as well, because at the moment due to my PG I have the following medication

- 400mg progesterone twice a day
- 20 mg clexane, injected in stomach one a day
- 4 units of insulin injects in thigh once a day
- blood testing for sugar readings four times a day- so require 4 glucose testing strips a day, which a really expensive.
I also need the needles for blood sugars and insulin.

Each item would cost £7.65 each time to get it. Yesterday I got 5 items and today another 3, would normally have cost approx £60, but got it all free.

I am lucky that I have such great professionals around willing to help. I am also 41 so maybe my old age may have something to do with it as well!
Free healthcare! ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I am soooooooooooo jealous right now. My husbands army insurance stops next october, so to have the baby paid for,we had to conceive either in dec. Or jan. I hate our healthcare system....its horrible.

On a positive side not sure which countries have shared post delivery rooms ..but i waz surpirsed they didnt give mothers their own rooms. Id hate sharing a room with other ladies. It. Was nice having dh with me all 3days sleeping with me and lo in our own room.
Id def take free healthcare and share a room if it meant not paying though.
Tekkitten: I'm so glad they gave you an early scan, that's so nice of them!! :flower: Maybe Québécois are just heartless hahaha!! Nice! What do you teach and at what grade level?? :flower: I'm studying at McGill to be an English high-school teacher, having a baby will interrupt my studies, but I planned ahead! :winkwink: I'm in the process of completing 3-years' worth of classes in 2 years (I'll be finished that intensive process by mid-August...it will give me a few weeks off before baby comes!). Then I'll just have 2 major Field Experiences left, which I figure I'll do after having taken a year off. I'm glad that I'll still be able to graduate with all of my peers!

Armywife: Wow! That's wonderful that you were able to get pregnant again right away after your m/c! I'm sure you were so happy about that!! I wanted that, but it didn't happen until 4 months later--that's life! :winkwink: And you totally shouldn't feel bad about lying!! I think anyone with a mother's heart would have done the same!!

I am elementary trained, but when subbing up here I did high school /) it's actually more relaxed than elementary, you don't have to "spell" it out :) I just got my first classroom this year, grade 4/5 split, I love it! Teaching is an awesome profession, I'm always happy to meet fellow teachers!
Armywife, we have our own delivery room, but once delivered you are then taken up to a shared ward with other moms who have just delivered.
I don't know what happens elsewhere, but here our babies are kept with us the whole time at the side of our beds in glass cots, they don't leave our side.
thats the same for canada you go into a birthing room then after your stuck with 4 other moms and babies
We get a private delivery and post delivery room.

This is a picture of the room I got after I gave birth. Dh slept next to me in a fold out bed and LO was next to me in a bassinett. Each women gets her own suite.

That would suck having to share a ward with other ladies :wacko::wacko:

But honestly Id rather take the free health care anyday and share my room.


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It must depend on where u live in canada where i live u have a private room u stay in the same room from labour to delivery to discharge and the baby never leaves the room

Technically its not free, we have our salary deducted monthly which pays towards our NHS system, although id rather that then not have any healthcare.

Next Monday can't come quick enough I seem to have lost all symptoms but I'm hoping its because the placenta has taken over.

It was my birthday yesterday, didn't have a very good day though had a huge row with hubby as he forgot I didn't even get a card from our sons.. I was not amused

Technically its not free, we have our salary deducted monthly which pays towards our NHS system, although id rather that then not have any healthcare.

Next Monday can't come quick enough I seem to have lost all symptoms but I'm hoping its because the placenta has taken over.

It was my birthday yesterday, didn't have a very good day though had a huge row with hubby as he forgot I didn't even get a card from our sons.. I was not amused

I have lost all my symptoms too, baby seems to be fine as we got little beans HB on the doppler this morning. I have been told it is perfectly normal around this time as the placenta is taking over :thumbup:

Sorry to hear you had a not so good birthday :hugs:
Lucky and Greener :hugs: I'm so so sorry.

I think in the hospital I was in you could pay to have a private room, there was only a few though. Wish i could have had one, i got stuck with a woman opposite who kept letting off gas (at both ends!) very loudly. Never apologised once! :sick:

Ive finally got to 12 weeks :happydance:, I feel so relieved! I know anything can happen between now and the baby arriving but I'm finally starting to feel more comfortable with this pregnancy. We have our second scan on Wednesday which still scares me, i worry that they will find something wrong :dohh:

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