***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Lovely scan kitten.

I went up a dress size until last week and now back down to my original size!! I'm wondering if I wasnt so big to start with I would be one of those women that didnt show at all?

It's good you are all " blooming". Hopefully the sun will be here soon and you can treat yourselves to a new summer wardrobe :)

Oh you are finding out the gender Chimp?? Who else is? I know myself and MTC arent. xxx

My hubby and I are definitely finding out and that is because they are twins. Otherwise we would have waited.
Hi Liss, sorry meant to say congrats on your scan too. Cracker congrats to you too.

If we get to that point, we will defiantely be finding out gender. We did with our third.

We have a house full to bursting of boys and girls clothes and need to make some space!

I am still 2 pounds lighter than i was at start of PG although having been wearing my maternity jeans for weeks, but for me this is my 7th pregnancy to everything is probably all floppy and loose inside!!!!!!

I have a load of maternity clothes that I had from first PG. When my sister was PG she bought the whole Next maternity range, well not quite!!

When I was PG back in Dec 11, the one i lost, after my nuchal I bought a load of stuff of Ebay, so all in all I have a load of maternity clothes too!!!!

Had check up at hosp yesterday in diabetic clinic. Saw midwife first, so urine and blood pressure are all good. Then saw diabatic doctor, they are pleased with the way my day time readings are going, but the morning ones are still a bit random, so I am now up to 7 units of insulin at night.

They then sent me to see the consultant and she was talking about all the technical things, which at this point I didn`t really wan to talk about until i am a bit further on. a lot of it was to do with the fact i had section in 2 nd PG but was VBAC in 3rd, so she wants me to go VBAC again and she said due to section and diabetes they will induce at 38 weeks!
No worries Lisa, its hard to mention everyone, so many September rainbows!!

Thats great about your maternity clothes. I dont have any and its really hard to get them in larger sizes. Next have sold out of most things in my size.

Oh you guys finding out.. you'll give me gender envy!! haha I think I would find out if it was twins too.
I did with Benjamin but only because hubby wanted to so this time I'll have to wait it out although with having growth scans every 4 weeks I could quite easily change my mind!! I'll try and stay strong! Does anyone have thoughts on to what they are having. I'm sure mine is a boy xxx
No worries Lisa, its hard to mention everyone, so many September rainbows!!

Thats great about your maternity clothes. I dont have any and its really hard to get them in larger sizes. Next have sold out of most things in my size.

Oh you guys finding out.. you'll give me gender envy!! haha I think I would find out if it was twins too.
I did with Benjamin but only because hubby wanted to so this time I'll have to wait it out although with having growth scans every 4 weeks I could quite easily change my mind!! I'll try and stay strong! Does anyone have thoughts on to what they are having. I'm sure mine is a boy xxx

I`m thinking girl due to how crap i have been and still am feeling!

try this:-


It was right for 2 out of 3 of mine.

It predicts girl for me.

I`m thinking girl due to how crap i have been and still am feeling!

try this:-


It was right for 2 out of 3 of mine.

It predicts girl for me.

Hehehe are girls more trouble?

Well its predicting a girl for me but it predicted a girl for Banjo too lol

I hate surprises but hated labour too hahaha and I'm going alone so need something to get me through it xxx

Girls are more trouble!!! Mine`s been a monkey from the start, she was a breach baby and i remember when PG she used to kick for about 2 hours every night in the middle of the night.

She is always now very loud and bouncing around and loves attentioin and people watching her show off!! She can also be a stroppy whotsit as well and then there`s the attitude, She`s only 8 but sometimes she`s just like a teenager!!!!!

She now is passing on her talants to my youngest!!!
Girls are more trouble!!! Mine`s been a monkey from the start, she was a breach baby and i remember when PG she used to kick for about 2 hours every night in the middle of the night.

She is always now very loud and bouncing around and loves attentioin and people watching her show off!! She can also be a stroppy whotsit as well and then there`s the attitude, She`s only 8 but sometimes she`s just like a teenager!!!!!

She now is passing on her talants to my youngest!!!

LOL she sounds fab. Well not during the pregnancy part. I like children with character haha.

Well I'm sticking with boy as this one is behaving just like Banjo so far. He isnt causing me any trouble, just having a crap time due the worry and the circumstance. xxxx
I'm thinking boy. I'm having the same cravings that I had with my other 2 boys. And the calender you put up Danc, got both my boys right and says this is another boy.

But I guess we'll find out for sure soon. I keep going from wanting to know, to not wanting to know, we found out with both the boys but I'm worried if I dont find out and have a girl after thinking it's a boy I will find it hard to bond with her... but we shall see.

I'm a big girl and i'm finding it a real struggle to find any materntiy clothes to fit me. I ordered some trousers from next and round the waist they were fine, but the legs were so tight it was silly. I would use my old ones, but both my jeans had holes in by the time I had delivered and I never bought any work trousers just used my ones with an extender on them. I have found a website called bon prix or something and they go up bigger, not not the nicest of clothes on there.

This is my 5th pregnancy and stomach muscles not the greatest, but i'm showing right out in front it's crazy how big my stomach is. I'm waiting for the twin comments, which I got through my whole pregnancy with my last son.
Congratulations and welcome ghinspire!

I had my midwife appointment today, It went better than the last one. We tried to listen to the babies heartbeat but it was having none of it :haha: We could still hear it kicking away. I had to have bloods taken again, this is the 6th time because my veins collapse every time. Ive got to go back so they can try again, feeling like a pin cushion right now :haha:

OH has agreed to the sexing scan so it could be less than 2 weeks until we know what we are having YAY!

Ive been meaning to get a (non existant) bump pic up but i keep forgetting to take one. Will try tomorrow before my consultant appointment.
Congratulations and welcome ghinspire!

I had my midwife appointment today, It went better than the last one. We tried to listen to the babies heartbeat but it was having none of it :haha: We could still hear it kicking away. I had to have bloods taken again, this is the 6th time because my veins collapse every time. Ive got to go back so they can try again, feeling like a pin cushion right now :haha:

OH has agreed to the sexing scan so it could be less than 2 weeks until we know what we are having YAY!

Ive been meaning to get a (non existant) bump pic up but i keep forgetting to take one. Will try tomorrow before my consultant appointment.

Glad you could hear little one kicking, nice and comforting.

Sorry you have problem with blood tests, must be really tricky, because they always seem to want to take blood don't they?

However I think I win the pin cushion of the week award:-

- blood test yesterday in preparation for nuchal next week.
- pricking fingers 4 times every day to check blood sugars.
- clexane injection once a day
- insulin injection once a day
- acupuncture session on Thursday.

Anyone beat that:haha:
Chimp I'm exactly the same!!! I got some jogging bottoms from Asda. I havent got a bump but by the evening my normal jeans are feeling a bit restricting. I'm lucky as i dont wear a uniform for work and dont have to dress formally either so I can get away with jogging bottoms. I really dont know where to look for nursing bras in my size either.

Nope cant and dont want to beat you Lisa hehehe I still havent seen the diabetic Dr so no blood testing for me just yet. Infact not seen anyone but the midwife!! Feeling a bit neglected seen as I am high risk lol xx

Pink, glad you could hear the baby kicking. I was thinking about hiring/buying a doppler but think it might worry me more if I cant find the heartbeat especially with having a high BMI. That sucks about your veins. xxx

Benjamin informed me tonight that he is calling the baby "Elf" ermmm no hahaha xxx
Mwaah... haha Elf I love it... good bump nickname. We've nicknamed mine Bam.

I work in a office so have to be suited and booted, although i'm living in a long cardigan at the moment as I'm still waiting on news about a payrise so dont' want to tell my bosses until after I hear about that... I hope it's soon!

Mmm nursing bra's, I haven't even thought about that, can you not just wear normal ones..?? I'm still going to wear my underwire bra's as boobs are so big it would look pretty horrendous if I stop wearing them.. haha My friend has gigantic boobs and she wore normal bras through the pregnancy and whilst breast feeding which she did until bubs was 6 months old.

I'm getting tested for GD at 26 weeks I think, hopefully it will be negative like last time, I was barely past the limit with my 1st but they still had to class me as GD.
Glad it's not as nice again today so I can keep winter coat on for a bit longer!

I was tested in first PG for GD due t sugar in urine and tested after birth to check back t normal which is was.

In each subsequent PG I have never had another GD test, they have assumed I will be and have had me in diabetic clinics from the 6/7 th weeks of PG! Hence the reason I have now been checking my bloods for the last 5 weeks!

It is doing me good though because I weighed myself this morning and I am still 2 pounds lighter than I was when I got PG, so it goes to show I ate too much of the wrong thing before and can't get away with eating it now!

M youngest is at pre-school this morning, so I am now planning on trying to get some housework done!
Really they've never tested you again..??? But how do they know you have it..?

I had GD with my 1st but not my 2nd, and fingers crossed not with this one either.

I have put on about a stone already, but I think that's because I'm eating again, whereas before I was on milkshakes.

My boss has given me the afternoon off work, what a love he is..! woohoo
Really they've never tested you again..??? But how do they know you have it..?

I had GD with my 1st but not my 2nd, and fingers crossed not with this one either.

I have put on about a stone already, but I think that's because I'm eating again, whereas before I was on milkshakes.

My boss has given me the afternoon off work, what a love he is..! woohoo

They don't know whether have it or not, but because I have had it once, they assume it will follow on in each PG.

There must be something in it though, because although m day readings are fine, based on healthy eating, my fasting, overnight readings are too high, so they have out me up to 7 units of slow acting insulin and I am slowly getting tere, so without this I would be struggling!
Dancareoi you definitely win the pin cushion award :haha: They tried to take blood again today, they tried one arm then i just said no I will wait until next week and give my veins time to heal. Last time they tried both arms within the space of 24 hours i ended up with a monster bruise on my arm. Now i have a massive lump.

All went well with the consultant, he seemed very happy for me to have a VBAC and they will let me go overdue. I have another appointment at 28 weeks.

This is my 8 week bump/bloat

then it shrunk and now i have this at 14.5 weeks
Im sure i was bigger last time :haha:
I am having tender abdomen today and pulling sharp pains. I think the twins are "rearranging the furniture" as my brother in law would say. I hope that it is what is going on and I am not on the verge of something bad.
I am having tender abdomen today and pulling sharp pains. I think the twins are "rearranging the furniture" as my brother in law would say. I hope that it is what is going on and I am not on the verge of something bad.

With 2 in there, there's bound to be more pulling.

Pink, you have a very neat little bump. I'll try and post mine sometime, but its not as neat as yours.

Question, does my 8 year old daughter suspect?

About 2 -3 weeks ago she kept telling me she was having dreams I was having a baby.
Then the other day, despite me leaving the room and going elsewhere, she caught me heaving and again asked me if I was having a baby because I was being sick!
Then my DH found some notes written on the iPad last night, we assume she had written it ( we suspect she wrote it and then tried to delete it as my DH has lost a load of notes he had written on, wandering if she deleted by mistake if trying to delete hers)
Anyway she refers to herself. In third person, almost as if she is making it look like me writing it - "D is going to a party today so that will leave me alone with C to tell her my big surprise"

What do you reckon?

Oh and something else is anyone feeling any movement yet? With my second I felt her first flutter when I was 15 weeks, I'm sure my third was around 14 weeks. This time I have had a couple of very very faint flutters, but might be wishful thinking and could probably be wind!!!
I am having tender abdomen today and pulling sharp pains. I think the twins are "rearranging the furniture" as my brother in law would say. I hope that it is what is going on and I am not on the verge of something bad.

I had a lot of pulling pains and a very tender stomach around 12 weeks, lasted about a week, every so often if I do move quickly I get a sharp pains still. Hope this helps

Not felt any flutters yet Dancareoi, I think I was about 15/16 weeks last time. The midwife asked me if I could feel anything yesterday when the baby was kicking through the Doppler but I didn't feel a thing.

It does sound like your daughter has worked it out :haha:
I am having tender abdomen today and pulling sharp pains. I think the twins are "rearranging the furniture" as my brother in law would say. I hope that it is what is going on and I am not on the verge of something bad.

I had a lot of pulling pains and a very tender stomach around 12 weeks, lasted about a week, every so often if I do move quickly I get a sharp pains still. Hope this helps

Not felt any flutters yet Dancareoi, I think I was about 15/16 weeks last time. The midwife asked me if I could feel anything yesterday when the baby was kicking through the Doppler but I didn't feel a thing.

It does sound like your daughter has worked it out :haha:

She's too clever for her own good:dohh:

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