***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Thanks danceroi! I didnt show with ds until wk 30!! I am pretty tall...maybe thats why.
Im happy to be showing sooner!

I cant believe it, its spring time and we are gettti ng 6 inches of snow :dohh:
Monday will be 2 weeks since I saw the doctor. It's always around that time that I get anxious. I'm start worrying again. It's so weird. I wish I could get ultrasounds every two weeks. It would help with my peace of mind. I really hope and pray that the twins are doing well.
Mwaah Thanks hun we're ok, just awaiting the test results from A&E but they said monday night it probably was nothing so we will go with that for now, I check his HB and it seems normal so I am hoping the tests come bk fine. Thank you for asking :hugs:

MTC My due date is now the 9th of september & expecting a boy :flower:
ghinspire22 glad you are being able to keep the sugars ect under control yourself with diet.

dancareoi yay for being able to tell the other children, and bless the eldest trying to make sure all is alright.

sannie87 i have changed the sex for you :D congratulations on team blue

As for me for reason i cant really go into our anomaly scan has had to be put back the the 29th April. So now i am going to be 21+3 i am also currently fighting with my uni to get a deadline extension due to the same reasons. Not having the most fun week :(
But on a positive i am feeling the baby at least 3 or 4 periods every day
Monday will be 2 weeks since I saw the doctor. It's always around that time that I get anxious. I'm start worrying again. It's so weird. I wish I could get ultrasounds every two weeks. It would help with my peace of mind. I really hope and pray that the twins are doing well.

Ghin, I had scans at 7,8,9,11,12,13 & 14 weeks. I could have carried on going weekly at miscarriage clinic but we discharged ourselves for 2 reasons

1 - I had started to feel baby move

2 - my community midwife is fab. I go and see her every week and we listen to HB through her Doppler. Can't you see someone like that or buy your own Doppler then that would maybe put your mind a rest:hugs:

How is the blood checking going Ghin and Liss. Mine are doing ok, even my morning ones are under control.

We eat out quite a bit and I find Some f these readings are better than home cooked food.

For example, going for a curry and having chicken dhansak gives me a reading of 6 point something, steak and chips is good as well! A bowl of honey oat cereal given reading of 7 point something.

Army, let us know how you get on with your scan

MTC its so comforting isn't it to feel the movements.

:hi: to everyone else
Hi everyone :)

MTC that sucks about Uni. Hope you can get it sorted.

ArmyWife the weather sucks here too. We had snow about 2 weeks ago. Thankfully its starting to warm up now, slowly!

Ive finally started to feel the baby kick, it was like someone flicked a switch at 19 weeks. I cant believe i am 20 weeks tomorrow, we were supposed to be having our 20 week scan but they had to rearrange to Monday.
Really struggling with my back at the moment. I think lifting Olly and running round after him is taking its toll.
I went to a baby fair on Sunday and bought a few bits, still doesn't seem real at all.
Hi everyone :)

MTC that sucks about Uni. Hope you can get it sorted.

ArmyWife the weather sucks here too. We had snow about 2 weeks ago. Thankfully its starting to warm up now, slowly!

Ive finally started to feel the baby kick, it was like someone flicked a switch at 19 weeks. I cant believe i am 20 weeks tomorrow, we were supposed to be having our 20 week scan but they had to rearrange to Monday.
Really struggling with my back at the moment. I think lifting Olly and running round after him is taking its toll.
I went to a baby fair on Sunday and bought a few bits, still doesn't seem real at all.

Hurray for kicks :hugs: happy 20 weeks, half way :happydance:
Monday will be 2 weeks since I saw the doctor. It's always around that time that I get anxious. I'm start worrying again. It's so weird. I wish I could get ultrasounds every two weeks. It would help with my peace of mind. I really hope and pray that the twins are doing well.

Ghin, I had scans at 7,8,9,11,12,13 & 14 weeks. I could have carried on going weekly at miscarriage clinic but we discharged ourselves for 2 reasons

1 - I had started to feel baby move

2 - my community midwife is fab. I go and see her every week and we listen to HB through her Doppler. Can't you see someone like that or buy your own Doppler then that would maybe put your mind a rest:hugs:

How is the blood checking going Ghin and Liss. Mine are doing ok, even my morning ones are under control.

We eat out quite a bit and I find Some f these readings are better than home cooked food.

For example, going for a curry and having chicken dhansak gives me a reading of 6 point something, steak and chips is good as well! A bowl of honey oat cereal given reading of 7 point something.

Army, let us know how you get on with your scan

MTC its so comforting isn't it to feel the movements.

:hi: to everyone else

I have not felt the twins move yet. I think too that is why I have been on edge too. I thought by now they may be moving but I guess not. My best friend said next week could be the week. I will be 18 weeks on Monday.

And my doctor recommended not to get a doppler just because it could cause more bad than good with me. I have anxiety issues and if I couldn't find two heartbeats I would be so upset. She knew that and they don't even use a doppler in the office for me and always do ultrasounds because they say it would be hard to find the twin's heartbeats.

My blood sugar has been good. I went from testing four times a day to two or three. I spike now and again when I eat something not so good but I really try to monitor it. I also check ketones every morning and make sure I am eating enough for the twins.
Monday will be 2 weeks since I saw the doctor. It's always around that time that I get anxious. I'm start worrying again. It's so weird. I wish I could get ultrasounds every two weeks. It would help with my peace of mind. I really hope and pray that the twins are doing well.

Ghin, I had scans at 7,8,9,11,12,13 & 14 weeks. I could have carried on going weekly at miscarriage clinic but we discharged ourselves for 2 reasons

1 - I had started to feel baby move

2 - my community midwife is fab. I go and see her every week and we listen to HB through her Doppler. Can't you see someone like that or buy your own Doppler then that would maybe put your mind a rest:hugs:

How is the blood checking going Ghin and Liss. Mine are doing ok, even my morning ones are under control.

We eat out quite a bit and I find Some f these readings are better than home cooked food.

For example, going for a curry and having chicken dhansak gives me a reading of 6 point something, steak and chips is good as well! A bowl of honey oat cereal given reading of 7 point something.

Army, let us know how you get on with your scan

MTC its so comforting isn't it to feel the movements.

:hi: to everyone else

I have not felt the twins move yet. I think too that is why I have been on edge too. I thought by now they may be moving but I guess not. My best friend said next week could be the week. I will be 18 weeks on Monday.

And my doctor recommended not to get a doppler just because it could cause more bad than good with me. I have anxiety issues and if I couldn't find two heartbeats I would be so upset. She knew that and they don't even use a doppler in the office for me and always do ultrasounds because they say it would be hard to find the twin's heartbeats.

My blood sugar has been good. I went from testing four times a day to two or three. I spike now and again when I eat something not so good but I really try to monitor it. I also check ketones every morning and make sure I am eating enough for the twins.

We decided against our own Doppler purely for the same reason, we would panic if we couldn't find anything.

With your first PG it can be up to 22 weeks before you feel anything. I can't remember with my first but I know it was about 15 weeks with second, 13 with third and 12 with this. Also taking into account this is my 7th PG.

When you spike in your bloods, you know then not to eat that food again. Bit of trial and error to start.

I find that scrambled egg or omelette are very good and give nice low readings. Eggs are also extremely good for you in PG and help to give you healthy blood, along with spinach, kale, broccoli and good steak too!

This is info from my acupuncturist. He said to eat at least 2 eggs every day, but the dietician at the hospital said to restrict to 7 a week!

Just had scrambled egg on toast - 3 eggs and seeded bread.

My acupuncturist also said to use proper butter rather than low fat spreads, although diabetic diet says not fat!

He said the low fat spreads have other things in that are not so good for you, but butter from grass fed cows is the best for you, so we buy Kerry Gold.

This is the 7th time I have had to test sugar levels and follow diabetic diet so I am a self professed expert now!
Its a boy its a boy :wohoo: :wohoo: ssoooo happy! Just what we wanted!
wont have to buy much! Just a double stroller!
Its a boy its a boy :wohoo: :wohoo: ssoooo happy! Just what we wanted!
wont have to buy much! Just a double stroller!

Great news, another boy for this thread.

They will look so cute when you dress them in the same clothes!:hugs:
Even got 3d pics which is shocking because you are suppose to pay for them i thought:shrug: thats what they told me when we asked about getting it for ds.

Hubby doesnt really like the 3d pics though....a lil to spooky for him :haha:
I have my gender scan in 2 days!! Come on boy!!!! Fx'd

Other than that still peeing 4-5 times a night and leaking in my panties whenever i sneeze or pick up my son :dohh: starting to wear pads so im not changing my panties 3 times a day anymore!

I'm down to 2-3 times a night but totally with you on the sneezing stuff!!
Congrats on having a boy!! I'm convinced my bean is a boy especially if you believe the old wives tale about the heartbeat. xx

Mwaah Thanks hun we're ok, just awaiting the test results from A&E but they said monday night it probably was nothing so we will go with that for now, I check his HB and it seems normal so I am hoping the tests come bk fine. Thank you for asking :hugs:

Awww So glad. Everything is a worry and when you didnt update all night i was really worried. xx

As for me for reason i cant really go into our anomaly scan has had to be put back the the 29th April. So now i am going to be 21+3 i am also currently fighting with my uni to get a deadline extension due to the same reasons. Not having the most fun week :(
But on a positive i am feeling the baby at least 3 or 4 periods every day

Thats great you are feeling baby. Sorry you have to wait longer for your scan, hope everything works out for you xxx

How is the blood checking going Ghin and Liss. Mine are doing ok, even my morning ones are under control.

During the day they are fine Lisa its just that 1st morning one still, cannot get it under 6 for love nor money. I went to the weight management clinic on Wednesday and the midwife said that my sugars would wait until my appointment this Monday with the diabetic nurse but she did say that she couldn't see me much longer without insulin grrrr.

Have a lovely time at the communion tomorrow. xxxx
Hi everyone :)

Ive finally started to feel the baby kick, it was like someone flicked a switch at 19 weeks. I cant believe i am 20 weeks tomorrow, we were supposed to be having our 20 week scan but they had to rearrange to Monday.
Really struggling with my back at the moment. I think lifting Olly and running round after him is taking its toll.
I went to a baby fair on Sunday and bought a few bits, still doesn't seem real at all.

Congrats on being half way there. I'm 19 weeks tomorrow and still not felt baby yet so hopefully that switch will flip for me too!! You be careful, its so easy to forget you are pregnant when chasing a toddler. Hope your back eases up. xxx

I have not felt the twins move yet. I think too that is why I have been on edge too. I thought by now they may be moving but I guess not. My best friend said next week could be the week. I will be 18 weeks on Monday.

Hiya Ghin, try not to worry. Your twins are moving lots. you just can't feel them yet. I was 25 weeks with DS and haven't felt this one yet. I do hear him move on the doppler all the time so i know he is very active. Hope we feel our babies soon xxx
Mwahh: glad im not the only one peeing my pants :haha: My babys hb was 134, is that correct with the wives tale? :)
Liss, communion is next sun not tomorrow. Got a lot or tidying , cleaning and cooking to do this week!
I expect they will put you on the insulin I am on which is just in the evening , a slow acting one to help overnight.

I found peeing a problem too when not pregnant. Couldn't go on trampoline with kids because I would wet myself, that's what having 3 kids does to You.

My HB measured around 150 so what would that suggest! Plus I had sickness up until 15 weeks!
Mwahh: glad im not the only one peeing my pants :haha: My babys hb was 134, is that correct with the wives tale? :)

Oh believe me you're not haha Glad I'm not the only one either.
Yes it fits in, the lower the HB chances are its a boy. Benjamin's was always around 145-153 and thats what this is is too. They are even lay the same so far.

Liss, communion is next sun not tomorrow. Got a lot or tidying , cleaning and cooking to do this week!
I expect they will put you on the insulin I am on which is just in the evening , a slow acting one to help overnight.

I found peeing a problem too when not pregnant. Couldn't go on trampoline with kids because I would wet myself, that's what having 3 kids does to You.

My HB measured around 150 so what would that suggest! Plus I had sickness up until 15 weeks!

Yes a busy week for you, are you doing the food aswell? Have a lovely time next week :p
Yes i had that one last time from 20 weeks which will be about right. The blue pen?
Hehehe I MUST do some plevic floor exercises then lol

I would say a boy, I think they say over 155-160 for a girl. Eeeek remind me again when is your 20 week scan?? xxx
ArmyWife1984 congratulations on your little boy :D
Mwahh: glad im not the only one peeing my pants :haha: My babys hb was 134, is that correct with the wives tale? :)

Oh believe me you're not haha Glad I'm not the only one either.
Yes it fits in, the lower the HB chances are its a boy. Benjamin's was always around 145-153 and thats what this is is too. They are even lay the same so far.

Liss, communion is next sun not tomorrow. Got a lot or tidying , cleaning and cooking to do this week!
I expect they will put you on the insulin I am on which is just in the evening , a slow acting one to help overnight.

I found peeing a problem too when not pregnant. Couldn't go on trampoline with kids because I would wet myself, that's what having 3 kids does to You.

My HB measured around 150 so what would that suggest! Plus I had sickness up until 15 weeks!

Yes a busy week for you, are you doing the food aswell? Have a lovely time next week :p
Yes i had that one last time from 20 weeks which will be about right. The blue pen?
Hehehe I MUST do some plevic floor exercises then lol

I would say a boy, I think they say over 155-160 for a girl. Eeeek remind me again when is your 20 week scan?? xxx

It's 30th April, when's yours?

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