Loving all the going home outfits. I'll take a pic when I finally pack my bags. Saw the midwife today who said she will come to my house to give me some sweeps as soon as the consultant ok's it tomorrow.
Glad all went well Zebra and you have a dateMy induction with my son took 5 days!!! We had the 1st pessary at 10am Saturday morning and he came out 9.31am Wednesday. I hope its a lot quicker for you. Thats a lovely weight Zebra. My LO was 5lb 10oz at the 34 week scan.
I'll keep you posted about my scan tomorrow unless she is masshoosive I dont think they induce earlier than 39 weeks for me. xxxx
Yay for midwife doing sweeps soon meaah
Zebra I doing rlt, been bouncing on my ball and doing lots of walking not sure if I up for dtd but we will see
Shattered now been on my feet pretty much constantly since 1. Went to for a few shops then went to Chloe's very late 2 year review, followed by more shops then a trip to the park only just got home
Bit of a selfish message and I haven't wanted to post this before as I don't want to upset anyone but I'm in tears and no one seems to understands....
I am just so worried something bad is going to happen I have practically soent my entire pregnancy living day by day waiting for the one thing I have been waiting 5 years for to be taken away from me and I cannot shift this horrid thought
Never wrote this before but I went thru severe depression when we had to terminate our first pregnancy due to trisomie18, it took me too long to get help that I attempted suicide once and feel so guilty about that still....
Ppl keep telling me to stop being so negative etc...well this is what they all told me last time aswell eventho i Just knew something was wrong with my baby so percentages mean nothing to me as what we had is fairly rare so..
Just not coping very well atm I think it's time to tell the midwife about it
Sorry I don't mean to upset anyone. xxx
Sannie parl is hard and you never stop worrying, it's only natural to feel that way, especially being so close.
Zebra your date is the same as mine. If I get to my induction date I don't think it will take long as mine tend to be early babies.
I won't be doing anything to bring labour on early as I don't eat an August baby!
Liss the washing machine hasn't stopped!
Went to docs tonight. Woke up at 3.30am with a whooshkng on my right ear. Midwife said to get blood pressure checked. So saw gp - blood pressure was 102/50 so all good there.
It's probably pulsating tinnitus probably caused by a blockage in tube in ear due to all he flem I have had for weeks which is probably a mixture of the pg and hayfever.
Hope it clears up cos I've had enough already!
Big hugs Sannie, I'm glad you posted as we are all here for you.
Had my scan today, baby is still in 99th centile chart, and weighing in at 8lb 2oz. I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and because of my back pain and sciatica they have referred me to the FAU for baby to have a CTG and then see a consultant about getting induced.
Although I'm not sure I want to be, if it's for my sake rather than babies I will probably say no thank you, but if it's for baby then of course I will go ahead with it. I had an induction with my 2nd son so I know what it involves.
Should be getting a call from my hubby in about 2 hours after he arrives in Fiji, so I will happy again then.. haha
Good luck with your scan tomorrow Mwaah!
Sending big hugs Sannie. Its good that you are letting it off your chest. We are always here to listen. Hope the midwife can offer some support.
I had my midwife appointment today. Measuring 36 weeks at the mo. When i looked at my notes at home shes put that the baby is engaged. Not sure if she has just put it though, she never really felt and she never mentioned anything. Few faint pains tonight. Had a very hot curry for tea. May dtd but hubby is not in my good books at the mo.