***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

My BH seem stronger these days. Due to my biconuate womb baby is all to the right so when I get a BH the right hand part of my tummy gets hard and sticks right out and the left stays soft and down literally at 45 degree angle!

Chimp glad scan went well. If they do decide they need to induce early will hubby be back ?
Sannie, so sorry you are feeling like this. I hope your midwife can help you through feeling like this and when you hold your little one you can enjoy being a mummy minus the depression.

Well Zebra at 36 weeks they told me DS was 6lb 1oz and he came out 39+3 weighing 7lb 2oz so not too sure how accurate they are. This one definitely feels a lot bigger.

Thanks Chimp. Wow you are having a big one too. Hope they wait until your hubby is home. I was against being induced again but like you if its best for baby I will do it. I'm in no rush to have her, infact I'm so not ready and my cover for work isnt coming until the 27th!! EEEkkkk.

I love washing Lisa, just hate the ironing of it.

MTC and pink sounds like you are doing all you can to get those babies ready to pop. Goodluck.

Sorry if I missed anyone. Just had a panicked moment...Heard DS shout but could tell it wasnt normal. I can't move that fast and told hubby to run whilst I battled out of the chair. He said why and I just said you know when something isnt right. So he ran. DS had his leg stuck in the wooden slats in the side of his bed. Luckily hubby was here and he pulled the bed out then climbed on the bed and maneuvered Banjo's leg out. He was hysterical at this point. Some cuddles, kisses and 3 stories got him settled again. Don't think I would of been able to pull the bed out myself. phewwww children. Doesnt matter how old/young they are they are always a worry.

Excited and nervous about my scan tomorrow. xxxx
What is involved with inductions? I'm confused. I thought when you get induced they don't let you leave the hospital and they hook you up to an IV and start giving pitocin to start contracting.
so wouldn't baby be born day of induction?

It depends on how they induce you Army but once they start you can't leave the hospital as baby needs to be monitored.

They put a 24 hour pessary in me to start with and nothing happened, then they used a gel which they could use again 6 hours later but they will only use it twice and they you have to have gap of so many hours before they will use it again.
They wanted to take me for a section on the Tuesday morning as nothing was happening but I refused. They gave me more gel, which still had no effect and then Tuesday evening they broke my waters and put me on a drip to start contractions. He came 15 hours after they broke my waters. They said that was normal for a 1st time induction. The midwife told me today that it wont take as long this time as my body knows what to do....we'll see. xxx
That's why I don't think mine will take long

My first was early and start to finish took 42 hours . Spontaneous labour . Second was section at 38 weeks. Third was spontaneous and was just under 6 hours from start to finish! So yes, your body does know what to do. Plus is already stretched etc!
Glad your son was okay mwaah.

My pains carried on for an hour in bed then just died off. Though I suppose maybe it is a good sign as my midwife said 2nd+ labours you can be at 4cm for days without knowing so maybe I getting somewhere slowly
Glad your son was okay mwaah.

My pains carried on for an hour in bed then just died off. Though I suppose maybe it is a good sign as my midwife said 2nd+ labours you can be at 4cm for days without knowing so maybe I getting somewhere slowly

Exciting stuff - you could be he first!
Never know, had a bit of a show this morning and back pain on and off since. But nothing more gonna go for a walk to feed ducks after lunch
Thanks MTC. He doesnt seem to remember it now. A show??! wow go you. Like Lisa said it could you 1st. Fingers crossed.

Well the scan was bad!!! Baby is HUGE!! 8lb 2oz at 36 weeks!!
The consultant is lovely though and she was the one that induced me with DS. She knows how horrific I found it.
She has agreed to let me get up to my due date as long as baby is fine. I'm booked in for an induction on the 4th Sept but if all is well they wont do it if i am still against the idea. I told her I would rather not go in on my due date as it's Banjo's birthday so she said she will let me go to the 9th :) After saying that I have my sweep on Monday 19th!! Not sure how successful sweeps are on a second baby.
She also said if I change my mind they will induce me anytime after 38 weeks if they have a bed free.
So exciting we are all getting so close. Oh I did go and buy some size 2 nappies as thinking she wont be in newborn lol xxx
Gosh big baby hopefully that measurement is out by some.

Yes I had one not sure if it means anything though had 3 with Chloe
Hopefully they are out by a lot lol

Oh really?? Hmmm well at least you are getting a bit of action. I really doubt the 1st sweep will work but if it did I could have a baby in a week...yikes best start packing loool xxx
When will your first sweep be I wouldn't get one til around 41 weeks I don't think
And yes with pain coming and going in back and bump wondering if I slowly getting to 4cm as midwife said at home birth visit many 2nd+ time mums sit at up to 4cm before labour then when labour starts its straight into active labour
I'm having it this Monday, I will be 37+1. Then i can have another a week later, then every few days. The midwife says she is hopeful it wont come to that. You just cant tell with babies.

Yes I'm sure your pains are doing something good to your cervix. :) :) I must keep checking in on you :p xxx
Ouchie momma! I'm getting bad cramping and my vagina feels soooo sore when i walk.....i think i may not go overdue this time...i'm thinking last week of august i'll pop.

Wow mwaah! You are getting a sweep monday?! You better get to packing!!!! :wohoo:
I'll probably be here later than you mwaah but never know. And least they doing quite a few sweeps if your up to it go for a walk after each
Cramping is good Army, and you are full term so you could pop anytime too!! I wonder if any of our little ones will share a birthday?

I know I really need to pack!!

I have my nieces and sister coming for a few days on Monday so i wont have chance to be sitting still, they have so much planned so if that doesnt do anything nothing will.
Can you birth at home from now MTC if something was to happen xxx
They say 37 weeks which from scan date is Friday but I trust my date more which would have been 37 this Monday just been. If I say I want midwives sending thry have to send

And yes army cramping is good :D
Gosh this is all so exciting. Wonder what the chances are of a rainbow being born by this time next week
I think we could have at least one within a week. Fingers crossed
Don't know how clear this picture is but this is my tummy looking down during a BH, will try and get a better one


See how big right side is!

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