***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Wow danca! 2wks! Hopefully baby moves!! I don't know what your hospitals are like but hopefully they are somewhat nice for your long stay!
Wow 2weels dancer hope baby turns. Why do they Have to keep you in for transverse baby?

Been to get chloe now sat on my ball to try and relieve back ache
The worry is that waters can break, if they do you can have cord prolapse when basically cord comes out, if that happens section must be carried out as soon as possible to get baby out. Emergency section.

I have my own room with tv on maternity ward, home sweet home!

Doc will see me tomorrow so we'll see what they have to say!
Hope things go ok Dancer and that doesn't happen. Good that you have your own room and such though :thumbup:
Oh no Lisa, 2 weeks!!! At least you are in the best place. Hope all goes well with DR. Thinking of you.

Well hubby and i did the business and been busy all day. Nothing!!! No spotting like the midwife said would happen, no twinges or anything. She is obviously very happy in there xxxx
Oh no Lisa, 2 weeks!!! At least you are in the best place. Hope all goes well with DR. Thinking of you.

Well hubby and i did the business and been busy all day. Nothing!!! No spotting like the midwife said would happen, no twinges or anything. She is obviously very happy in there xxxx

Maybe a spicy curry and some pineapple.

Having trouble sleeping, you know what hospitals are like.

Had scan earlier and baby is approx 6.10 now so in a couple of weeks will be approx 7.10. The heaviest of all mine !

If I do end up staying in I will miss some special dates. Our wedding anniversary on Friday , 16 years. We were going to go out for an expensive steak!
My birthday next Tuesday, although at my age now I'd rather forget that

Most importantly my eldest DS starts secondary school next Thursday. I'll have to make sure DH takes some pics for me in his uniform.
I have my sister and nieces down to visit so quite happy for her to stay put another week. i have my money on Wednesday 28th if next weeks sweep manages to be done. I still havent packed either lol

Oh thats crap Lisa missing those and being stuck in hospital. A lovely weight though. Well done for managing your GD so well.

Hope you get to sleep soon. I'm going to try now as going swimming tomorrow. I'll check how you are doing later on. sweet dreams if you can xxx
Hugs hunni sorry you'll be missing all those things hopefully baby will turn for you

My cousin is diwn from London from next Tuesday for week kinda hoping baby cone before then or while she here as she hasn't been down since I was pregnant with chloe. Every time I woke in the night I was sure I was having contractions but then this morning nothing wondering if needing the loo every time I woke was causing
Hugs hunni sorry you'll be missing all those things hopefully baby will turn for you

My cousin is diwn from London from next Tuesday for week kinda hoping baby cone before then or while she here as she hasn't been down since I was pregnant with chloe. Every time I woke in the night I was sure I was having contractions but then this morning nothing wondering if needing the loo every time I woke was causing

I think your body is playing tricks!

Liss enjoy the swimming .

Afm - bored, hungry and tired!

Going to be given steroid injection later, so even if baby turns I will be in for a couple of days as can play havoc with your sugars. They will need to check my sugars every 2 hours and if haywire they will put me on a drip!

I am soooooo hungry , I hope lunch is nice!
Hope the steroids don't mess up the sugars hun. And hope you get a nice meal.

And I agree I think I'm going to have this for another 3 weeks +
Sorry haven't had time to read back but this is a 'me' post!

Scan today, baby growing fine but transverse so admitting me to hosp today for next 2 weeks until section !

Just trying to sort everything out for childcare etc. if baby goes head down I can come home and they will induce as planned.

Hope to keep you updated!

I hope baby flips for you.

Things have been going well. I am getting anxious. 16 days until my csection if I make it that far. Everyone tells me anything could happen now at 36 weeks. The babies seem content where they are but you never know.
I agree 36 weeks with twins things could happen any time, hope they stay put until you are ready x
I have left the hospital in tears, scan showed the baby is measuring 41 weeks 4.4kg and the first doctor said he wanted to induce me within the week his boss over ruled him and said no they will let me go to 41 :cry:

I don't care that if thats what is best for my baby but don't mess with a pregnant womans emotions like that and now i am PETRIFIED of giving birth he is such a big baby :cry:
Hugs sannie the scan could be out especially if they will let you go to 41 weeks. Maybe try some natural stuff to encourage baby along x
Oh I will have texted hubby to bring me pineapple and forwarned him of what is needed of him tonight lol But they said the fluid and blood flow was perfect and baby is healthy inducing would be risky :shrug:

How are things with u? any progress? Sorry haven't been able to read back yet
If you feel up to it try a walk or nipple stimulation too even if it doesn't start things may make things quicker when time comes.

No nothing happening with me but loads of pains and signs that all seem to be fake. Maybe the full moon in early hours will help :haha:
Sannie a spicy curry, pineapple and you know what! Hopefully that'll all help.

My first was born at 36+6, we had done 2 of the 3 but not the pineapple!

At 36 weeks they said he was approx 8 pounds he was born a week later at 6.3!

Afm now on insulin drip for at least 24 hours as sugars high after steroid jab!

Another steroid jab at 1.00am but my sugar levels will be checked every hour even through the night!
Hope you can get some sleep despite all the checks etc x

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