***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Well I am now back off delivery suite and back to my own room. The steroid jabs have played havoc with my blood sugar levels.

12 days left for me!

I think the baby weights are def just a rough estimate. I think I may have posted this already but can't remember with so much doing on. My first was said to be approx 8 pounds at 36 weeks , 6 days later he was born at 6.3.

At this stage of pg they put on approx 1/2 pound per week.

Problem I have now is I've not eaten very much yesterday because of my sugar levels, the insulin drip didn't work properly yesterday as when ca half was take out there was a kink in it.

So by not eating enough I have key tones in my urine also have been told I need to drink a lot more.

Now I'm back on ward and back to my own insulin I'm hoping I can get it all back under control. Need to eat a little more, not that easy when you can't help yourself.

Might buy some more rich tea biccies later.

I really thought the way things seemed to be going last week we might have had a rainbow by the end of this week. Come on babies!
Hugs pink don't give up yet though I feel the same

I don't think I will get a sweep until close to 41 weeks

Hope the pains turn into something army

Mwaah exciting for packing bag my nephews giant trampoline keeps trying to tempting me :haha:

Dancer sorry your not having a very good time hope things get better. I agree I though we'd have one by Sunday and if not certainly by 31 one of these babies has to want to meet the world surely
@Chimp that's an amazing bump!
Hope u don't mind me asking and i apolagize if I am being a total tool and missed something but why do they need to check ur placenta hun? Glad the scan went well!

@MTC same problem here my mouth feels like it's on fire :haha:

I was sat here on my ball bouncing away having pineapple, I told bump I would buy him a car if he came out soon LOL Lots of walking today too.

Hi Sannie,

Not at all, bump was measuring big so had 2 growth scans but although he was 1lb heavier 2 weeks after the 1st scan his head and belly had hardly grown so they think I might have static growth which is where your placenta doesn't work like it should be so they are worried it could stop altogether.

I meant to say yours sounds like a right whopper was that estimate what he is now?
Oh right I see, hope it all turns out well for you :flower:

And yep at scan he was estimated as 4kg which is around 8,8 lbs :wacko:

As dancareoi pointed out and so did the doctor and midwives that saw me these estimates can be out by 30% so let's hope he is a little bit less and not more lol Hope they are making u as comfortable as you can be in hospital hun.

@Mwaah No signs yet doesn't mean you will be last, I have read it can just happen out of nowhere :flower:
Yes scans can be largely out sannie x

Busy day for me today not only got chloe but also my slightly autistic nephew. Off swimming and then for picnic in park just hope it's not too much with both of them
Baby has now moved to a breach position.

Theoretically I could now go home, however I am very anxious about this in case she was to go transverse again.

Doctor has said they will keep me another 72 hours and will scan tomorrow to see what's going on.

If she doesn't move in next three days I will feel happier about going home. If I wanted I think the would let me stay!

Breach obviously still means section on 3rd sept.

We'll see what happens over next 3 days. She has been quite wriggly this morning.

It may sound strange that I would rather stay here than go home, especially with 3 kids at home that need me, but with what we have been through this last 2 years (almost) I just don't want to take any risks whatsoever with this precious bundle and if that means staying here until 3rd sept then that's what I'll do.
Don't blame you dancer hooe next few days go okay x

My back started playing up on park then suddenly got a constant throbbing in my cervix used to occasional stabbing not a constant throb
Lisa i would stay put if i was you too. You have got this far 2 weeks is not long at all then all your babies can have you home. What a little monkey she is being for you. Are your sugars back to a decent level again now?

MTC sounds like you are doing all you can to the baby to make a move. Obviously to comfy in there.

i dont think it matters what size the babies are Sannie, if its going to hurt its going to hurt no matter what lol and yikes!! i think mine will be the biggest!!! I have some newborn clothes that I can send to the tiniest lol as mine wont be wearing them lol.

Well I've had a lovely day. My sister had Banjo last night and today. I had a waddle around Sainsburys then came back and had my hair cut and coloured. just need to shave my bits and then the little lady can come whenever she wants.

How is everyone else holding up?? xxx
Dancer - good that your little girl has moved breech from transverse with the whole cord thing. Phew! Hope you are ok regardless of the insulin and such. Doesn't sound very nice :( :hugs:

Hope rest of us are doing well, I was hoping to come on here and see some rainbows being born. Surely soon...I know I keep saying it but surely.

I went to hospital yesterday as when I woke up from napping my right side, especially my arm/hand was really swollen. My head was too, I was deaf in one ear. It was a little crazy, scared for blood clots and other factors so I rushed in. Took bloods and blood pressure (ow that really hurt as it was in my right arm) they struggled so ended up getting blood out of my right hand. CTG was good, she is doing fine, which I knew but best to be safe.

The moon did nothing for me, boo! I just had bad braxton hicks which faded once I layed down.

Is anyone else snoring, I heard myself snoring today despite me being in a lovely deep sleep :wacko: :haha: probably the loudest I have ever snored :blush:
Been on monitor this afternoon for about an hour and baby is doing lovely and had a real good wriggle about.

Struggling with the sugar levels though. They have got me taking insulin at lunch time which I don't usually do and my reading was still too high after lunch.

On a plus side I now only have a trace of ketones in urine.

Come on babies, ones got to come soon. If mine keeps playing up like this, won't be first that's for sure as it will be 3rd sept, so looking to others to produce our first one!
Scary zebra! Glad all was well!
mwaah: you reminded me, i need to order my bleach! I cant wait to color my hair again!!! My roots look so bad :dohh:
mtc: :hi: same boat here. I tried googling to see what back throbbing could mean. I have gotten it every night and day off and on....i feel like im getting really really close! Its a throb on my left side. Same side i had with ds.
I've given up hope of anytime soon mwaah just getting on with day to day stuff.

Glad all is okay Zebra

Hugs about sugars dancer hope they come under control

Oww hope its means something good if you had same with ds army

Surely we will have one August baby :shrug:
Like clockwork...its the evening now and my back is starting up again. It seems like it does it at the same time each night.

....hopefully this one turns into full blown labor ,fx
Hugs around but you never know could be real thing x
The twins and I went for our second NST of the week. It is now twice a week until they deliver via c-section on 9/5. Everyone tells me I could go at any time but I don't think the twins are very interested in the coming out and I am ok with that because I honestly would love to get to 37 or 38 weeks. The bigger they are the better they are and that would make me really happy.

I had a jabbing pain when I turned over to my side to sleep. I think it has something to do with my ligaments. The babies must be getting heavy. I hope that's all it was but it went away so I assume that's what it is.

My body is slowly telling me that it's getting tired.
ghinspire22 the stabbing pain certainly sounds like ligament pain hunni. Glad all is going well

Thought I would share my 38 week bump


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Thats a lovely bump MTC.

My friend was due yesterday and she had him just after midnight last night and he was her 3rd. She had backache and cramps for 3 days solid before his arrival. It makes me feel disheartened as i havent even had a twinge. Although my bump is feeling very low and heavy.

Had a lovely time with family who have gone now. I'm hoping she doesnt arrive in the next 3 days as I have no one to cover me at work or have little man. Anytime after Tuesday is good for me....lol

Just on with packing my bags. I'm sure they were packed by 20 weeks with little man.

I wonder if a rainbow will arrive this weekend :p xxx
I'm kinda hoping we have a rainbow by or on the 31st, would be nice to have one august rainbow baby but im not sure.

Glad you had a good time Mwaah. Its nice to see family, and hope baby stays put until Tuesday :D Congratulations to your friend on their little girl :D

I am going to try and get my uni work finished, I have until the 31st but wondering if baby might treat mummy with an early arrival if I get it done sooner. :rofl: yes right I can hope big time
Gorgeous bump MTC!

7 days until im due, doesn't seem real and I cant even imagine having a baby around soon. Lost my baby spirit :cry: Its rubbish after having weeks of signs that he is possibly ready to arrive and now I have nothing and my chances of having a VBAC are disappearing with each day. Doesn't help that I keep thinking if had actually agreed to have a section the baby could have been here by now and i'd have saved myself all this stress.

Come on babies!! :dust: Really hope a rainbow arrives this weekend, i need cheering up!! :haha:

Speaking of rainbows did i ever post up a picture of the little rainbow outfit i bought? Will try find a pic :thumbup:
Big hugs PinkEmily :hug: I know what you mean about the symptoms. Will you still be allowed a VBAC if you go overdue? Don't give up hope many ladies have no symptoms and then suddenly go into labor so maybe the symptoms will stop and you will go when you least expect it x

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