September Snugglers 2016

Also a question for you ladies!! What (if anything) did you do differently this month to get your BFP?

I have been using OPKs for the last 3 cycles and I have gotten pregnant each time. To help prevent another early loss this cycle I have been taking one 81mg baby aspirin every day. I have read a lot and decided it can do nothing but help. We shall see!!

What about you?!

I did a lot of things! Maybe I'm crazy, but it must have worked lol. This was my first month charting and doing OPKs. Charting did help a lot, but I learned that being a mouth breather throws my temps off so that was a bit frustrating (I hate year round allergies especially at night!). I'm glad that I did OPKs though because I found that I ovulated later than what the norm is (CD19) which is what I suspected that I did. I also used Pre-Seed (just as a regular lube and none of the internal stuff). I ate pineapple core for about 5 days after ovulation, and did the whole prop my hips in the air for 30 minutes thing. I think it just really comes down to better timing this month.

Today the fatigue has hit....BAD! I was trying to wash some dishes, and I had to sit down. I'm not tired, but I feel sick without the sickness. My mother in law said that she felt hungover. Yup, that pretty much sums it up today!! Also, just super emotional still. I've been taking pregnancy tests like they are going out of style. I got a good positive last night on a different brand. I texted DH this because he was at work, and all he said was "ok" LOL what?! He is excited but I know better than to text him important things when he's at work and expect a long response. :dohh: The tears were flowing on that one lol. BUT I'm excited to call the doctor tomorrow to get my first appointment scheduled!
Also a question for you ladies!! What (if anything) did you do differently this month to get your BFP?

Had sex! :haha:
Honestly, our relationship sadly had taken quite a backseat for much of the time we've had Sophie. The opportunity for that kind of thing was rarely there, or rather, I'd prefer a good nights sleep and a hot cuppa tea than hitting the sack with my fella. Plus after my tear things were a bit uncomfortable. We still aren't regular do-ers in the bedroom, the fella has called this pregnancy a one-hit-wonder!

Haha one-hit-wonder...that is great!
Just thought I'd check in with everyone this evening:) I am feeling pretty tired tonight. Christmas holidays are over for my kids tomorrow and it's back to school. I think I'll turn in early tonight an try and get a decent nights sleep. I will be calling my doctor first thing in the morning to setup an appt. Hopefully she she fit me in this week sometime. Talk you ladies soon:)
My stretching/ligament pains have mostly gone away. I get a cramp every now and then.... but I don't have any real symptoms. I'm napping a lot and going to bed early, but I think that's probably because of the progesterone shots + endometrin rather than because of the pregnancy itself. 5 weeks tomorrow, and I'm hoping I can continue along this way. No symptoms, no complaints!

Thanks to you ladies who commented on my mom's health. She's got cancer that was already in multiple organs when they found it, so it doesn't look good. I'm not sure how much she'll be up for with chemo/radiation since she just went through it with an entirely different cancer three years ago, but I know she knows I very selfishly want my mother to go through this with (it's my first pregnancy) so I think we sort of have an unspoken plea in the air for her try what she can handle. I never knew that I could feel all of these emotions at the same time. Doesn't seem like you should be both this happy and this sad all at once.
AJ that has got to be so hard. I send my best wishes to you and your family. :hugs:
Mari my son is back to school tomorrow to which means waking up earlier... ugh haha. I have been... for lack of a better word... antsy today. Not tons of energy but can't decide what I want. It's silly! Tired and weepy too. Darker than control IC this morning so that feels good!
BlueEyes it's crazy what we will go through to get the egg huh?! Good luck scheduling an appointment tomorrow! I hope you get one soon. The waiting never ends in pregnancy it seems!
Hope you ladies have a restful night. Will catch up tomorrow!
What a horrible, horrible situation for you AJ - I can't even imagine how scary these times are for you.

The sickness well and truly kicked in for me yesterday, I lost my dinner - so when it came to supper, I left it a bit later and came to bed in the hope i'd fall asleep before feeling sick again. It worked!
I need to book an doctors appointment too, usually there's quite a wait though.
I'm thinking I need to tell work today too, my job can be quite physical so the sooner they know the better so that risk assessments can be made, but I also think it's a bit too early! A bit stuck on this one! Then again do my maternity rights start as soon as they have been informed? I can't remember!
Hi all!! I got my BFP on New Year's Eve, and couldn't be happier. Hoping for an H&H pg. This is my first, and I'm already getting nausea and fatigue at just 3 weeks! Based on my calendar, EDD is 9/15. Would love to join the group :)
Alea- hi we were on may Miracles together. So pleased to both be here.

I am thrilled to see you here :flower:

Are we all ready for a new week? What are your plans? I've just booked in with my GP to have my maternity referral so I'm looking forward to my first midwife appointment although it's not likely to be more towards the end of the month.
All back to normal here now that the festivities are over, back to the grindstone!
I told the bosses - they're very happy for me and already trying to figure out when my maternity leave will start. Bloke boss said June - ha! Not bloody likely!
Got an awful headache today :(
Anyone else suffering with heartburn?? I'm only 3 weeks 5 days!
Good morning everyone! How are you? I'm just trying to keep down my toast and my (decaf) coffee.

AJ :hugs:...I can't even imagine how difficult your situation must be for have every right to feel emotional! Happy and sad at the same time makes a lot of sense. You have our support and we are here to listen if you need it!

Back to the daily grind today. I'm a high school teacher. Most worried about when morning sickness really kicks in and hoping I can control it while teaching. The kids are smart and will start guessing REALLY fast if they suspect anything. Not ready to tell my boss yet! Haha. Glad everything went well for you Mummamoo when you told yours!

lesondemavie...congrats on that BFP! It's my first too :)

Question for anyone working out during their pregnancy? I was really active before being pregnant and worked out around 5-6 times a week for at least a half an hour. I've worked out a few times since I found out, but only moderate exercise because I'm terrified of doing something to hurt the baby! Is it ok to be exercising? Any second time or more moms that can share some experiences/opinions?
Amantila I think exercising is fine if it's something your body is already used to, but don't wear yourself out! I reckon your body will only let you do what it can anyway, doing what you're used to might be an effort. Not speaking from experience though, I'm rubbish at exercise!
Anyone else suffering with heartburn?? I'm only 3 weeks 5 days!

With my first I had terrible heartburn.........for 2 days. I bought all the remedies going and never needed them again!
Anyone else suffering with heartburn?? I'm only 3 weeks 5 days!

The week before I got my BFP I had the craziest heartburn. It was there whether I ate or not. I had no idea I was pregnant, but it makes sense now. Lol With my other pregnancies I've always suffered really bad heartburn.
My stretching/ligament pains have mostly gone away. I get a cramp every now and then.... but I don't have any real symptoms. I'm napping a lot and going to bed early, but I think that's probably because of the progesterone shots + endometrin rather than because of the pregnancy itself. 5 weeks tomorrow, and I'm hoping I can continue along this way. No symptoms, no complaints!

Thanks to you ladies who commented on my mom's health. She's got cancer that was already in multiple organs when they found it, so it doesn't look good. I'm not sure how much she'll be up for with chemo/radiation since she just went through it with an entirely different cancer three years ago, but I know she knows I very selfishly want my mother to go through this with (it's my first pregnancy) so I think we sort of have an unspoken plea in the air for her try what she can handle. I never knew that I could feel all of these emotions at the same time. Doesn't seem like you should be both this happy and this sad all at once.

I am so sorry your mother is sick. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I will keep her in my thoughts.

I am tired a lot too now. One thing I've noticed the past few days is going to the bathroom more. My bladder seems to get full so quickly. Lol I don't remember this happening so early with my other kids.
AJ that has got to be so hard. I send my best wishes to you and your family. :hugs:
Mari my son is back to school tomorrow to which means waking up earlier... ugh haha. I have been... for lack of a better word... antsy today. Not tons of energy but can't decide what I want. It's silly! Tired and weepy too. Darker than control IC this morning so that feels good!
BlueEyes it's crazy what we will go through to get the egg huh?! Good luck scheduling an appointment tomorrow! I hope you get one soon. The waiting never ends in pregnancy it seems!
Hope you ladies have a restful night. Will catch up tomorrow!

All my kids woke up crazy early today. Lol It is so cold here this morning, like -15celcius, but with the windchill makes it feel like -24!!! I am not looking forward to walking out the front door.
Mummamoo - I've also got a headache this morning. Sorry to hear you do as well. With my last baby I suffered from terrible migraines. I literally had a migraine for 14 days straight. They were hormonal headaches. I'm really hoping I don't get them again.

Amantila - my cousin worked out through all her pregnancies. She is a runner and ran well into her second tri. I think continuing to exercise is just fine. But always discuss it with your doc:)
Mum - I have some acid reflux/burping here at just 3 weeks 3 days, but I will take that over the nausea I felt Friday at dinner.

Aman - I plan to exercise throughout. My doctor said that I can keep doing whatever I usually do. I was running half marathons before ttc, but it caused annovulatory cycles, so I switched to these 30-60 min videos on and love them! I also started using the 10-15 min videos to beat fatigue. Peps me right back up :)
Welcome lesondemavie! I have added your date to the first page :flower: Congrats on a New Year's BFP!!!:happydance:

I have had intermittent heartburn since before my BFP. I take a tums and feel much better. It will probably only get worse, unfortunately:dohh:

Back to the grind today! My son was so excited to be back to school to see his friends. I have only told my assistant manager at work because she was a big support for me through my chemical pregnancies and is trustworthy not to share it around.

OH and I were discussing announcements to grandparents last night an think we may have come up with one. We will be doing a separate facebook announcement after the first ultrasound. Same for my coworkers, I will be doing something special for them. This will be our last baby and out first was not planned (got pregnant in college at 18 and had him at 19:blush:) so we did not have a lot of excitement from family and friends the first time around. This time I want to make the best of it!:winkwink:
Do any of you ladies have something planned or know when you will begin telling general public?

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