September Snugglers 2016

Aman - that's good to know about RLT. I would love to heal better this time around.

Hopie- enjoy your baby moon! Hope it is nice and relaxing for you:)

Xan - that is so sweet your hubby shopped for the baby! So glad your appt went well and that you are dilated. Can't believe your baby could be here next week!
Hello ladies I've been away on a quite eventful past week. Went in on Monday because I was feeling off. And my BP was 135/80. They ran blood and urine tests and no pre-e yet so I am relieved. I was put on relative bed rest. Anyone else dealing with high BP? I didn't have this at all with my daughter it's all new and I'm scared. Also they did a scan and baby is measuring 1 week and 5 days behind. They say they don't worry until there's a 3 week difference but having had a growth restriction with my daughter (she stopped growing at 33-35 weeks) I am honestly terrified it's happening again this time but way too soon. I went from having a mostly uneventful pregnancy to being worried sick in one day. I am sorry for this being so long, sorry I can't catch up right now, feeling nervous.
Borr, I'm so sorry hun, that's a lot to take in all at once, but I'm glad they seem to be keeping an eye on things. I've always measured a little bit behind but my son was born all healthy although he was low birth weight. I've no experience with high BP, I hope it was a one occurrence thing and that it goes away. I know hibiscus fruit tea can bring that down.

Growth scans can be a little off too so just see how your next one goes. Thinking of you.
Borr- I have been having some high BP readings, too. Had to do the blood tests and the 24 hour urine collection, as well as being monitored at the hospital for 3 hours. My reading was higher than yours, 140/90, and then when I was checked today, it was 147/94. (Course, they had just drawn blood, and I'm afraid of needles, so that may have affected it...) Anyway, I've agreed to monitor my BP at home twice a day to give my doctor a better idea of my "true" BP. I haven't had any headaches, blurry vision, or pain, but the doctor said that even with just the BP, he might want me to deliver at 38 weeks.

I hope your BP returns to normal. I'm going to add more water and fiber to my diet to see if that will help. I've been eating kinda crappy so I need to get focused.
Borr- my first pregnancy I had bleeding throughout and my bp was a bit high, but they didn't worry unless it got to 140/90. In retrospect I think it was the stress, though heat and a number of things can raise blood pressure. If your blood and urine tests were fine, I would try not to worry (easier said than done, I know!).

Are they going to do another growth scan in a few weeks? it's hard to know from one scan if baby is just smaller or growing slowly. Hang in there, I'm sorry you had 2 scares back to back, and I hope you get some good news soon :hugs:
borr - Sorry that you've had so much stress lately :hugs: I don't have any experience with high blood pressure at all, but since you're not showing any other signs of pre-e, I'd try not to worry too much. Your doctors are keeping a close eye on you, so focus on that and the fact that if anything should come of your bp, your doctors will know and take care of you right away. Also, as xan asked, are they doing another growth scan? My LO was measuring small (around the 25th percentile; not sure how many weeks behind that would be) at my 20 week ultrasound. So I had another done at 32 weeks where he was measuring small again (slightly smaller than the earlier ultrasound). They scheduled me for another ultrasound at 36 weeks. I was worried sick thinking that he was going to be measuring super small and be determined to be growth restricted. However, he did manage to catch up some - measuring at the 31st percentile. Hopefully your LO will have a growth spurt and catch up, too. I know it's really scary in the meantime though. :hugs:

AFM - Wanted to update that I have my induction officially scheduled now :happydance: August 28, 2016 at 12:05am

My doctor said that my cervix is 1-2cm dilated and soft, so there's a chance I'll go into labor before that, though. Everett is also low and head down. I definitely think I'm losing some of my plug now, too, which is hopefully a good sign. I'm so excited to meet this little one!
Xan I'm so excited for you! :flower:

Borr, sorry to hear about all the stress. I find that my BP can be really high at my appointments if I'm worried, but then it's fine at home. Did they take the reading after they took the baby's measurements? Because that would put my BP through the roof, I think :hugs: I hope it's all just false alarms, but glad to know they're keeping an eye on you. If you get bored on bed rest, we're here to help keep you entertained!

Uni- Are you sure she keeps flipping up and down? I thought DS was doing this last time, but turned out he really was head down the whole time! I think second babies get into position (and stay in it) sooner because it's already molded into that shape by the first pregnancy, you know? There's just more room down than there's up.

My doctor said that if they're head down now there's a pretty good chance they'll stay down, which is uncomfy but it's a good thing, all that pressure you're feeling will soften your cervix and dilate it!

I wish! Unfortunately, I know exactly what position she's in as I get scans twice a week. She went from breech, to transverse, to head down. Back to transverse but the opposite direction, back to breech etc etc :dohh: I think she's transverse at the moment with her head on my right side and her feet on the left. I don't know what to make of this. But, I guess at least she still has plenty of room to move around so I suppose there's still hope she'll get facing the right way in the next two weeks fx I'm trying not to let it bother me. But, it's .... idk how to say it, it's safer to worry about than the other worries I could focus on. So I'm kind of fixated on it so as to distract myself from other worries. Also, inversions off the couch are kind of fun! I don't know if they're helping, but they feel nice.
Mumma, completely understand your worries, I hope baby Moo stays in until they're back. Is there anyone else who can possibly watch Sophie!?

Well this is the thing - Verity was an option, and still is, just not this weekend coming as she's got a surprise weekend trip to Legoland planned for her kids. Hopefully the neighbours don't go too far. I'm going ask my mum to come and spend the day with me on Saturday, so if things happen, she's here - she can't drive and lives about half an hour away so I'd feel better knowing she's here. I'll ask her to make sure dad doesn't have a drink (he enjoys a couple of beers at the weekend) so he can drive her over at any moment, day or night.
I told MrMoo what I was thinking and he says "well it sounds like you've got a plan B" - so once again, he's just not thinking about us, he's leaving it all to me to worry about.. SOOOOO effing frustrating!!

Borr - sorry hear you're feeling so worried after a stress-free pregnancy thus far. That BP is at the top end of my normal range, they've never said it's considered high, and as it's been said, it's not considered anything to worry about unless the bottom number goes over 90.
Hopefully baby is due a growth spurt - and has caught up a bit by the next check.
borr - I am so sorry you have so much stress. They say BP readings at doc office are not always the best. People are never clam and relaxed at the docs and usually have higher than normal readings. My Doc/OB consider anything under 140/90 normal. But that being said, you reading was high end of normal. I am glad they are monitoring very closely now. BP can spike so quickly near the end of pregnancy. Glad your urine and blood were ok. Will they do more growth scans on you? If they are not too worried, sounds like baby is ok. Sorry you have so much worry.

xan - I swear you are going to go into labour at any time now!! Those are all good signs. I was cramping on and off yesterday. I also felt sick to my stomach at bedtime. I was up at least 5 times last. ugh!
xan - I swear you are going to go into labour at any time now!! Those are all good signs. I was cramping on and off yesterday. I also felt sick to my stomach at bedtime. I was up at least 5 times last. ugh!

From your lips to god's ear!
xan - lol I've got my fingers crossed for you:)

AFM, tomorrow is the day I have to decide if I want to schedule a csection at 39 weeks. I am also getting a sizing ultrasound and a cervical check. And possibly a sweep is a cervix is favorable. I don't know why, but I am so nervous!! I am leaning towards scheduling the section as a back up if baby does not show by 39 weeks. But I really want to know how big this baby really is before I make that final decisions. I won't sleep a wink tonight!
Uni, you've such an Olympic player on your hands! Honestly all that just points to a healthy baby and healthy uterus and umbilical cord! From what I've read that all the flipping around is the first developmental milestone for them! But I'm sure she'll stay head down soon!

Mumma, my DH was set on us meeting his folks at the hospital (they were looking it up on google maps last night!) and it was like I was talking to a wall. I guess men don't get it at all. That's one good thing about having an induction or c-section booked, you know exactly when it'll happen!

Xan- Sounds like you're clearing out! I'm so excited for you.

Mari, I think it's a good idea hun to book it just in case, seems like it's probably the right decision for you. And you've experienced vaginal birth before 3 times so it's not like it's something you'll "never know" about, you know?

Anyone else's baby is so quiet in the morning!? This baby doesn't move much when I first wake up, and every single morning I worry about it then she starts kicking again. I just thought they move much more when you're sitting down or so, but it seems like she's asleep when I'm asleep too?
campn...mine is often very quiet in the morning too. Makes me nervous enough to get out of bed in the morning. By the time I have some breakfast he is stretching and kicking around everywhere though so that makes me feel better :]
MummaMoo - my oh is very laid back to the point it really pisses me off. Was talking to him the other night about what we should do when things get going cause he can't drive so we need to be sorted and it was like talking to frigging wall basically leaving it to me to sort.
When I was having contractions with dd he decided he didn't need to be with for the first few days and left me to it while he went to work. So I was alone screaming into a pillow for 3 days. He thought i was able to cope. Find it really odd how the male mind works they must think that us women just know what to do etc.

Campn. Ds is very quiet in the morning and it panics me but once I get my sugary tea down me he starts to get moving.
Ok so added a couple more ladies to FB group, if anyone else wants to join us from the snugglers then please pm me :)
Thank you all for your kind words I feel so supported :) With regards to the BP, I was sent to monitor it at home and my readings go from 110/80 which is totally normal for me but are mostly around 130/80 so still high. I notice that they get high when I try to get stuff done, so really I need to keep still. I am not too scared about the high BP, since I know I will be super watched and I know that it can take weeks for it to become too bad even if it does. So I am trying to keep it cool until I talk to my Dr, not sure if he will put me on medicine, or maybe do steroids for the lungs just in case or just watch it.

About the size of the baby, I am mostly concerned due to my history with DD, she had growth restriction that started at 33-35 weeks and she was underweight at 5lb6oz when she was born at 37+4. So my reasoning is that if this baby stopped growing so much sooner than her, he's going to remain tiny, he only gained 200grams in two weeks and dropped below the 10th percentile. I am sure they will be doing another ultrasound, if not many, possibly next one will be monday.

Xan, keeping everything crossed something develops soon! I can't wait to see baby pictures! :)
I've been up since 3 this morning:brat::sad2: No reason...just can't sleep. Ughhhh. I think I'll treat myself to some homemade french toast and eggs this morning. And hopefully a good late morning nap! :coffee:

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