Uni- I'm glad LO is giving you lots of reassurance today
And yes, the pineapple was delicious. It takes forever to grow a pineapple, so it's hard to wait for it to ripen on the plant. But well worth it! I would eat spicy foods and try all of the tricks to bring on natural labor asap, but with the heartburn I've been having I shouldn't risk it. Strangely, the acid in the pineapple didn't hurt me any.
Ginge- sorry that you had so many issues with the last birth. If LO went to full term, he'd be 10 pounds, that is why they are inducing me early (only 9 1/2 pounds, yay!). I talked to my doctor about the whole plan and how it would go. She said she's going to follow my labor chart, checking every hour and if things aren't progressing go for the c-section. Her matter-of-fact description really helped me feel that I was in good hands, and it made a lot of sense.
Mari- have you decided on getting c-section or being induced? Sorry if you posted already and I missed it...
Any ladies that have been through this, if you are planned to be induced, do you have to fast 8 hours before arriving at the hospital? That seems particularly cruel...
Well, today I am officially 38+1 and have 1 week left. It's kind of crazy- I've had my eye on the prize of taking a healthy baby to term, but now feel like I haven't really thought about having a baby in any practical way. I'm just coming to grips with the fact that I have come this far, and the doctor told me to stop taking the baby aspirin. That terrifies me, as I lost my first pregnancy due to a blood clot. But rationally, I know that developing a huge blood clot at this stage is unlikely, and it's more of a risk to take aspirin and risk a hemorrhage. Pleasant thoughts, I know.
On the positive side, I've noticed that since I've given myself a lot of downtime I am so much more aware of all of the kicks and movements. And I've counted down the maternity outfits I have to wear. I'm so excited to wear big girl pants again!
Sorry for the self indulgence. Can I blame pregnancy brain?