****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Apaton - how exciting, sending you lots of labour :dust:

Hope everyone else is well? It seems like there is a lot of taunting going on by the naughty babies on this thread. Nothing is happening for me, even my cramps have gone away. Does everyone leak colostrum before they give birth? I haven't been leaking at all, I can't believe there is anything in there to be honest!

:hi: Mamabear

Danielle - it does sound like something is happening for you

I can't remember what else I was going to say. I'm a little bit disappointed that no more babies have been born. I felt sure we would have some over the weekend. FX we have some today. Just checked MamaBirds thread - hope her baby starts coming soon.

Asher i keep changing the beds loads too ha ha!! But my DH likes them changed more than once a week :wacko: so he's happy.
Apaton :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: Thats fab!! Though i'm slightly unamused that nobody else is like me and having to wait :rofl:
Goodluck apaton :) Sorry I only had a skim through the post's this morning, only just had abit more of a read.

err ok just read on facebook, that OH's neice as come out in chicken pox's last night :/
I was with her alday Friday, I don't understand the whole chicken pox and pregnant women thing...with me being so late into my pregnancy will I need to have the jab thing? (I had chicken pox when I was a toddler)..
Apaton, fx'd for you xxxx

Danielle I am sure you must be in slow labour xxx

Asher, I love changing my beds, have to say I am abit obsessive over it!!

Just been for a 3 mile walk with the dog and now off for tea and scone, then come home get changed and get sorted for the christening!! The weather is lush but we have had a weather warning for tonight!!
What still no more babies!?!:shrug:

apaton it sounds like your going to joining the star baby race in the next fw days too...along with Asher and her "fanny snot" I say get changing the beds and hopefully it will set you off and we will have 2 further stars making an appearance by Tuesday!!
Dannielle I think your gonna go soon too with all you back ache get that ball blown up and get bouncing!

Was hoping to have heard a further mamabird update but nope. Hope she is doing well...oh is it their night time over there so might explain it lol!!

Any word from Rocky? Did she go to hospital as she really didn't sound good in the last post I read and she was being induced tomorrow??

Well I got back to sleep and again thismorning I have woke up to this horrible period pain! To the point I rushed to the loo as I was sure there was/should be something happening there but nothing at all. Quite dissapointed really considering my periods were never really bad but this is horrendous!!
Also I am deep down praying/hoping/wishing for things to kick off as am now on day6 of period pains which have upped, so far no contractions and my OH is back to work tomorrow for 4 full days so I am worrying how I will cope? My mum said to call her she will take Nahan out for the day etc etc but I kinda feel he is mine I shouldn't be off loading him if you know what I mean?

Better haul bum out if bed I have housework to do which I hope might kick it off!!

I will be back for baby updates lol

Danielle - as you have had chicken pox, you should be ok as you can't catch it twice. As an adult it manifests as shingles instead of chicken pox, but you have to have quite a compromised immune system for it to be activated I believe. Once the spots have scabbed over the child isn't contagious so it does sound as if you were exposed to your niece when she was still contagious if the spots have only just appeared now. I honestly think that as you have already had it, you will be ok but you could always ring NHS direct just to check

*Sorry meant to say that if you get it again as an adult it manifests as shingles
Danielle - as you have had chicken pox, you should be ok as you can't catch it twice. As an adult it manifests as shingles instead of chicken pox, but you have to have quite a compromised immune system for it to be activated I believe. Once the spots have scabbed over the child isn't contagious so it does sound as if you were exposed to your niece when she was still contagious if the spots have only just appeared now. I honestly think that as you have already had it, you will be ok but you could always ring NHS direct just to check

I'v had them, but I will stay away anyway. I'm so annoyed i'v had to read it on facebook tho, LO's mum doesn't know that i'v had them, so surely she should have let us know
Chicken pox shouldn't be a problem as you have already had it, you build an immunity to it once you have had it and its really rare to get it a second time.

I have to jump in on the shingles thing though (sorry not trying to be a know it all or anything). Adults can get chicken pox and its more serious when they do. Shingles is actually caused when you have already had chicken pox and the virus lays dormant in your system and eventually comes up again. You cannot catch shingles, but if you have shingles people who have never had chicken pox can catch it from you. Shingles happens mainly with a compromised immune system and you would have a lot of pain so i wouldn't worry about that. Just have a chat with your doctor that you have been exposed to chicken pox but that you already had it to make sure they think its not a problem, but it really should be fine.
Morning girls

Asher LMAO at your fanny snot ha ha that made me laugh!! :haha: Hope it's your plug starting to go. Funny you say that with the changing the beds thing as I did the same thing the day before I went into labour. I also went and did a massive shop at Sainsbury's which was enough to feed the 5000 for no particular reason. I think our brains secretly know something we don't and make us get all prepared!

Emma sorry to hear about your heartburn, I feel your pain as I always have heartburn too :hugs:

Blob I don't reckon you'll go overdue... hurry up baby! I keep checking my phone to see if you've text to say you're in labour! BTW I just looked at your facebook photos and your little girl is soooo cute!

Apaton oohh soo exciting!! I went the day after my bloody show, hopefully not much longer for you now!!! :happydance:

Hope MamaB is well on her way by now, how frustrating being cooped up in the hospital.

MrsJ I didn't leak anything before giving birth, but sure enough it was there afterwards!

Danielle as far as I know if you had it then you are immune to it, but maybe ask your midwife as I'm not sure with being so close to delivery?

Becs have a lovely time at the christening

I'm just waiting for the midwife to come and check on Holly. I really hope she has put on some weight, I think she has as she looks a bit plumper and has been feeding well with the breast/expressed milk/formula combination so FX. She's still looking a bit jaundiced though, but a bit better I think.

Thanks hun :hugs: :hugs: I hope baby comes at some point soon i just cant see it though :hissy:

I SO hope she has put on weight :hugs: least she still looks like a baby Tabs had doubled in weight by 8 weeks :dohh: Also I just thought Tabs looked tanned :rofl: I knew about jaundice but my dads side of the family is really brown all the time ha ha!!
Danielle, I totally agree. I'm constantly analysising signs etc and every time I go to bed I think.. oohh.. maybe tonight is the night and then wake up disappointed!

MrsJ that would have driven me mad too! I'm very lucky as my dh is totally ready and prepared. He's done all the little jobs, stopped drinking (so he can drive at the drop of hat/baby) and he's constantly checking his phone. If it goes out of signal he gives me a landline number to call instead. Bless him.

Blob I totally agree. I don't care so much about when he comes but this is like watching a kettle boil. I would just like to know when and then I can ensure I'm well fed and slept.

Emma could you imagine if we were all synced in together!!! The forum would go so quiet and then all hell would break loose!!

:hi: mama.bear! You've chosen a gorgeous name for your LO!

Krakir, when I read your post I thought Blackberry as in the phone. How sad! I hate the blimen things as well but love fruity Blackberrys! Hope your pains lead to something exciting if you want them to.

Asher I changed the bedding last week but don't think I'll do it again for a little while (hopefully) incase my waters go. I've got clean sheets waiting to one side for my dh to deal with when I go in to labour.

Apaton that is great news!!! How exciting! aagghhhh... I want contractions! I know I'll regret saying that soon! LOL

Well for most of yesterday and still today I've been getting what feels like trapped wind/constipation but no matter what comes out it doesn't go away. I went for a walk yesterday so I'm wondering if it's due to that? I'm going to go for another one today to see it it gets things going. Does anyone know if a trapped wind feeling is a sign? Blimen hec I feel like I'm in my two week wait again and analysising every blimen sign!!
Hi all! Can't believe there are no more babies this morning! Although it is really soundling like there are a few brewing up ready! I think they are all going to arrive at once!
Apaton wooooo on your show, hope it gets started nice and quickly for you!
Becs enjoy your day!
Asher..... hee hee! You made me laugh at your fanny snot! Fingers crossed it will all start soon!
Emzy, so pleased she's feeling a bit better and hope it's good news at the check up today! Every time you put a new pic up on facebook I think she looks even cuter!
Danielle, get bouncing on that ball! I would give someone a call re: chickenpox but think you'll be fine as you've had it.
Elmaxie, how frustrating for you that these cramps have still not turned into proper contractions! I would just say, hold on to the hope that your active stage of labour will fly by as your body will have done all the preparing etc early on!
Anyone heard from fishy recently? She's been a bit quiet?
Blob.... still nothing eh :( It will happen all so suddenly I bet you!

Well ladies, I had a fun night last night! I ended up having to call an ambulance for DH as he woke up at 1am dizzy, hallucinating and sweating and with the most blinding headache ever, he couldn't do anything and I couldn't get him to move, I have never seen him like that before, it was so scary! He had used some medication earlier on in the evening (about 7pm) for a 'bum' problem he has had before, he got it prescribed about a year ago and still had the cream so just used it when the problem flared up.

It turned out it was a GTN headache... caused by something in the cream which they use to treat heart attacks/angina apparently, it caused something in his blood to expand or something.. but because SS's were in bed I had to just let him go off in the ambulance, couldn't go with him so ended up sitting up and waiting to hear something! Got a call from him about 4/5am and he was loads better and being discharged so had to get the kids up out of bed which they found very exciting! Especially as they saw lots of bears on the way to hospital apparently!

The doctor told him that he's had many patients having a heart attach refuse to take the stuff because they say the headache is worse pain than the heart attack itself?!

It was very strange having to ring his mum at 2am and start the conversation with "I'm not in labour!"
Asher - I quite like the name Fanny Snot :rofl: I must tell my DH that one....... I'd be cleaning the sheets again aswell, I like to be prepared

Danielle - Hope you manage to rest some today as I think it won't be long for you xxx In regards to Chickenpox I had to be tested a couple of weeks ago as one of the partners in antenatal had cp. If you have had it when you were younger then there is no problem, if you hadnt then you need to see your gp for further details as it can be dangerous regardless at what stage of pregnancy or upto a week after having the baby. As you have had it you will be ok, if your not 100% sure you have had cp go to gp for a bloodtest and they can double check your immune

Apaton :wohoo: Keep us posted but that's great news!

MrsJ - I know my sister didnt leak beforehand so it doesnt mean baby isnt on its way or that you wont produce once baby is here xx

Becs - enjoy the Christening hope it will be nice weather, you put me to shame with your 3 mile walks I did say once on leave I was going to aim to go for a long walk every day so I suppose I have no excuse now

:hi: Mamabird I like the name Sophie and had it on our list

Elmaxie - Maybe you are in long early stages and you just wont get a show this time... not everyone does. Dont get disheartened xx

Emzy - Loving the new pictures you have posted on FB, Holly is so adorable xx

Well so far today DH and I have rearranged the Nursery and placed our carseat base in the car and tested sand checked how to use the carseat.... lets just say I need a little bit of practice :blush: If i'm like this with the carseat I dread to think what I am going to be like with my pram when it finally arrives...... Housework for ,e today, determined to sort our house out then I can start my RLT.

Hope to hear of some birthing stories soon
Oh Louise that must of been so worrying for you last night, so pleased hes OK now xx
I decided not to do the beds after all as my mum said I was mad too. She has said leave them, and she will help one day this week if I insist. So instead I have vacuumed and mopped and washed and ironed like a mad thing. I am swimming in a bit too, so that should help with some of this nervous energy.

DH has annoyed me by making a stupid comment, and I am feeling a bit grrrr now. It will wear off!

Louise your poor DH!! Hope he's okay.
Sounds like things are hotting up for you Apaton! Exciting!
Elmaxie, surely things have got to pick up for you soon, this has been going on for days now! No wonder you're getting fed up!
Jelly, loving the car seat trying thing! It's a good idea, but soon enough you'll be able to do it with your eyes closed! I wish I had done it with our new car seat before Jack was born - we ended up being discharged from hospital at 10pm at night, so it was dark, and we had to go in the lit undercover carpark at the hospital to read the fitting instructions!! Doh!!

Let's have some baby news soon! Somehow, I don't think it will be from me! Mine all seems quite settled again! Unless of course the "fanny snot" is something to get excited about. Hmmm was thinking of DTD tonight, but he's got little or no chance now with him irritating me!
Hi mamabear :wave:

Danielle if you have had chicken pox before you should be fine hun. :thumbup:

elmaxie i know wot you mean about feeling as though u are "off loading" but dont feel guilty hun :hugs: if your mum is anything like OHs mum she would av him every day if you let her.

emzy pleased to hear holly is looking better, good luck with the MW i'm sure she
has put some weight on if she has been feeding well :hugs:

sending :dust::dust: to Apton

Asher "fanny snot" :haha: oooo you could be losing your plug? :dust: for you too :)

louise pleased your DH is ok :thumbup:

F&C :hugs: i dunno if it is a sign but i felt like that the other day
i think its to do with babys head or something :shrug:

ive felt alot of pressure down there over the last 5days (in my foof and bum)

will check back later, hopefully we will av some :baby: news???
Louise your poor dh thats all you need on top of everything else, hope he okay now

Asher- i feel the need to go and change the beds now :)

Elmaxie- i assume you wernt burgled in the night?

Jelly cat- im with you on the practicing i did that the other day i still havent managed to collapse the buggy on my own and its a bit big

Well i waddled my way to the local car boot this morning in case there were any bargains to be had, which there wernt but it was good exercise , i must admit i wore sunglassses the whole time otherwise people like to comment or ask when in due.
Going to do some more sorting today going to get dh to drag out the contents of my wardrobe so i can sort through it then nearly every cupboard in the house will be sorted.

on a baby front i have no signs whatso ever that the babies are coming , nothing to report about plugs or period pains but am wishing you all on i will be here talking to myself soon :)
Mrs_ N- i had worked it out last week, ill see if i can find my post about it but think boony is right its about 35+4/5.. mine should be going up any day now..

Daisybell - I have some in my fridge, i wasnt too impressed hence why the stuff is still in my fridge but taking it in to work on my last day

Genies-might try the pear cider myself then... sounds nice. Hubby is getting me a bottle of champagne once i give birth.. but i plan to breast feed so i would still only be allowed a small glass... but it will be the best glass ever !!!!!

Rocky- call MW honey x

Limpetsmum- good on your hubby !!! mine is painting the entire house next weekend..i plan to go shopping :thumbup: ..lol

Snoozie- i giggled when i read your post, i make sounds, i moan and sometimes scream with the pain of BH and baby kicking me, everyone ignores me now as i do it too often, hubby said i have to have a warning word so he knows which ones to actually take noticed of.....

Choc- as said before you will know, BH are not really suppose to hurt.. well compared to real labour.

Blondie- glad it went well honey

Elmaxie- 4am !!! thats my first loo trip time.. lol

Mama.bear- welcome honey x

Krakir-how you feeling now ?

Laura617- Yes my LO has had major increased movement .. might just mean they have no room so we feel it more....When im not working i am also glued to bnb... I also have my lap top on with a window open to this web site so must look like im always here

Teeny weeny-- OMG how close are you, im soooooooooo jealous !!!!!

Louise- oh babe what a night you guys had, hope your hubby is ok now... must have been scary. at least you didnt go into labor then !!

Jellycat- My OH is dying to put the car seat base in the car and set it all up.. i told him he cant until the 2nd of Sep....arnt we due to up on our ticker this week?

Sorry if i forgot anyone.... xxx

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