Ooh you made a basket Brigitte? What's it like? Are you really excited about your Babyshower?! The invite looks lovely. What do you do at the shower? Babyshowers aren't very common in the UK but they are catching on. Two of my friends told me they were going to arrange one for me but I really don't want one as it's very uncommon and I have so many friends preggers or with LOs and they haven't had one so I would feel sooo awkward. They wouldn't take no for an answer so I had to have a quiet chat with one of them on their own! Hopefully just a few of us will go for a nice meal instead.
Thanks Ann! Hopefully I am not too tired this evening to have a proper anniversay celebration. DH wants to go to the movies...maybe I will finally see Sex and the City 2? lol
Anyway, for the basket, I purchased a basket that hopefully they will be able to reuse, then we got a photo album, photo frame, bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses. I know it's a very common gift for weddings but oh well...I didn't have the energy to be super creative this time around!
I am very excited about my baby shower! Here it is pretty much a given that a family member or friend will host a shower for you. It's usually just ladies, but more and more we are seeing co-ed showers. Mine will be just ladies...all my aunts, cousins, friends etc.. I think we have something like 75 invites!

My mom put me in charge of picking invitations and making a guest list...but besides that I'm not too sure what will be going on!?

Usually you play little games like....um...unscrammble words that are all about baby, guess the size (inches) of mommy's belly, sometimes you are timed to see how many little baby socks you can match and fold in let's say 15 seconds. Anywho...the winner of the game gets a little prize...like a household item. My mom told me she has bought tupperware, kitchen items, picture frames etc... little things like that.
I will be sure to post a bunch of pictures once the day finally arrives!