Becs she is gorgeous, you must be so happy

I'm glad it went well today!
Shoes and maxi dresses... to be honest I am turning into a flip flop only girl at the moment, and I'm talking about simple cheapy toe posts from tesco type ones!! I would probably try to get a pair of sparkly/slightly fancier flip flops/sandals but ones that I could still wear casually.... I'm in the same position as you and planning to go shopping this week for a lovely maxi dress and accessories for the various mess do's we have coming up... I thought that the 'festival' themed thing would be it but no, they have alsorts going on! We even have the Christmas mess do at some point in July because the lads won't be here at Christmas!!
I have been the grumpiest rattiest moo in the world to DH today! Bless him, he's taken it all very well, it was when we were driving my step sons back to where they live in Kent, 5 hours, I was uncomfortable, hot and the baby kept kicking my bladder so every bump we went over in the car had me crossing my legs! I was soooooooooo sulky and grumpy and snappy!! He managed to make me laugh every so often and at least he managed to realise that it was grumpiness and he was ok with it all! I do love him!! I did say though that I won't be going with him to collect/drop off the boys any more, it's just too far! We are doing our last travelling on the 10th August... 5/6 hour trip to Minehead to visit MIL and FIL for a little family gathering, I don't mind though because it is also Wayne's chance to say 'goodbye' before he is deployed
Sorry to all the ladies suffering with the heat... at the moment I don't seem to be doing too badly, no swelling etc yet, just get a bit grumpy!
My belly button hasn't popped, it's still an inny although a whole lot shallower than it used to be! DH said that I have grown loads over the last week or so... about time! If I put my fingers either side of my belly button and push down, I can make it pop out though... it's horrible! I hope it doesn't pop!!