Limpets - Awww, your feet look so sore, Glad you're ok though
Blob - I can't believe they're not going to check make sure the baby is measuring ok on a scan! I'd complain if I were you, especially since it's quite a long while since they think baby hasn't grown! hopefully they're just measuring wrong
LittleA- Great comparison pics
I'm assuming you guys were talking about linea nigra - I still haven't got one! I'm very pale though, could be why.
I'm FINALLY moving in to my house this weekend coming

I couldn't be happier, I don't get along with my parents and they've made this last few months of my pregnancy miserable and hell, I've cried at least 3 times this week because of them shouting, arguing and causing too much stress. Can't cope with it.
Got a growth scan tomorrow and an appointment with the diabetic nurse! hoping baby is ok and isn't measuring too big.
Here's a bump piccy of me from yesterday