x James' Mummy x
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hey everyone =)
I havent read all the other pages - theres been so many posts! Chatty ladies!
Congrats to all the new mums and babies. labourto all those who want. Ive tried to upload a picture, but it wont let me
ill try again soon!
Heres my little birth story for you all =)
As some of you know, I started getting pains on Sunday - nothing serious, just mild achy pains. They continued all day and by half 10 at night, we decided to start timing them. The pains continued through the night, I managed to get about an hours sleep. Woke up on Monday and had a bath - they completely stopped! I thought oooo shes playing tricks on me then! They then started back up. I carried on with my normal day, had dinner down my mother in laws, then decided to see if these contractions were doing anything, so I did a little examination (being a student midwife has its advantages!!) I was then completely shocked to find I was 5cm dilated :O couldnt believe it! Didnt even think the pains were bad enough to say I was in established labour! We phoned the birth centre and they told me to go in. Was examined by the midwife who confirmed I was 5cm dilated. I then went into the pool - the water was amazing and so comforting. My mum and husband were both there - husband in the pool with me bless him. 3 hours of pains later, I could feel such a pressure - so everytime I had a contraction (which just felt like I needed to go to toilet!!) id push down, and I found this helped loads with the pain. 1 hour after the pressure feeling (4 hours of being in the pool) the midwife decided she wanted to examine me to determine progress. Fully dilated and ready to go! It was my plan to get back in the pool, but being led down, something just happened, and I had to push there and then!! 15 minutes later - little Roxy was born into this world =) it was such a fantastic birth experience and I know im truly lucky! I hope alot of you experience what I did as it was fantastic!!

Hey becs, hope something is happening for you hun!
I'm not too bad now thanks, much better than i was. Symptom wise i seem to have a constant lower back pain & horrid shooting pains through my bumenough to make me yell out when they come, but then they dissapear immediately
. I also seem to be 'clearing myself out' (sorry if tmi) and i have increased discharge (again tmi) & worry about smelling
. Other than than - nada!!!
Same here Limpets!!

Hi Ladies,
Congrats on all the September star babies, so exciting
I had my little man on the 1st, although he was due on the 10th. Can someone update the first page for me? He weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces!
Good luck to everyone waiting
B2B xxx
Congrats hun!!! (fish&chips updates the front page and had her baby a couple of days ago and so it will probably take a few days x) xx
Hope everyone isn't feeling as fed up as me...4 days overdue now!

Well i wish my DF had got into shooting or golf instead he takes me to honda to 'look' at the deals on the type r gt (we have a type s gt already)....type r gt will be ready for collection on the 23rd!!!!!! MEN!!! lol x