Hi ladies,
Well it turned out to be a busy weekend for me lol, i went to my friends armed with chinese last night & didn't get in until 2am

, went straight to bed then slept late today, popped out to look for some card embelishments, came back & made more jewellery & by that thime DH was home

. Only just found time to come back online

The midwife also came yesterday - i'm almost ashamed to say i gave in & agreed to a sweep. She said my cervix is still very hard but she could get one finger in (sorry if TMI) and have a good sweep around. The good news was Tufty's head was waaay down & she was not able to push it back up which she said is a good sign for when my cervix finally does decide to kick in & soften. She's coming back thursday to repeat it as she said rthey are usually more successful the 2nd time around

. She also recommended plenty of

at least twice consecutively to get enough of the hormones in the semen needed to soften the cervix (i think midiwves are just obsessed with urine, bowels & sex personally

Well i wish my DF had got into shooting or golf instead he takes me to honda to 'look' at the deals on the type r gt (we have a type s gt already)....type r gt will be ready for collection on the 23rd!!!!!! MEN!!! lol x
Oooooooh niiiice! (sorry lol) i'm a huge honda fan - you really should get excited hun heehee! Oh - & i bet he wants to get a little matching recaro seat for the baby too
Jellycat - thanks for the contraction timer link! I have downloaded an app on my phone so i'm not tied to the pc but it's always great to have one that works it all out for you
Since you ladies have shared photo's of your Gorgeous new arrivals
here one of mine
Gorgeous little man hun, i had to giggle at the outfit - i have that one in my hospital bag & i bought the same for Sam (brownsie my bump buddy) and Carley (the strange one who keeps stalking me

). Hope Tufty decides to come whilst it's still warm enough to wear it
2 days left for me.... cummon LO i want you now...
Like i said on facebook - you have your before mine & there will be trouble lady!!!!
Danielle - at least you may avoid induction sweetie - that's one thing to be positive about. Try to get plenty of rest & keep your carb intake up so you have the energy to get through labour. Thinking of you hun
Right - off to rake DH out of the bath so i can have a soak