BTP - lets both go into labour overnight - i keep saying to my OH that baby will be here on its due date it just doesnt want to be early or late....... so it would be a real treat if s/he did turn up for the early hours./... doubt it though....
Nope, still here!! It was a good plan though!! Happy due date xx
BTP - the thought of 2x the amount of drool (you find it everywhere, including on the ceiling) and hair shedding doesn't appeal.
Mmmmm drool, perhaps not then, so i am looking for a dog that doesn't drool everywhere, moult everywhere and has a nice temperment, I think the closes i have got is the poodle, they are aparantly nice doggies, not a clipped fluffy ribbioned sort, although my dd would love that!!
Sam was a horror last night, really unsettled, am hoping he'll be better tonight, he's fed well and been awake a fair bit today so I am hoping for a better night. Health Visitor came today, had lots of pearls of wisdom (tongue in cheek..... no words of wisdom) and she weighed him.... 9lbs 2 and a half ounces! He's put on a pound and 2 ounces in 8 days!

all on booby juice!!
Well done you, booby juice is fab, my first 3 never dropped any weight from birth, and my second the midwife thought the hospital had nweighed him wrong because it had increased in the first week so much

stupid woman!! My last only dropped weight because she has tummy problems and threw most of it up!
Sam sounds like a very happy contented baby, they get the hungry days and nights, i think its is about 10 days they have a hungry time then again every so often!

Hoovered downstairs and cleaned kitchen, showered and dressed, just gotta straighten my hair and put some slap on then I am ready!! Its bloody miserable outside, no wonder Murphy has gone back to bed!! Think I need to go shopping today, we have no bread or milk, shame on me!!! Bad wife!
You sound like you are up to more than me today, I need bread and milk too, but the hair straightening is not really on the agenda!(although i need to!) I want to be bothered to put my make up on, usually i won't be seen without it but i have gone out a few times with none and feel naked!!
Not a bad night, much better than the night b4!
My hips burn so much, and my bum aches, and indigestion is awful, i am out of chewy rennies now, hope i remember to get some!
I am out of patience, and every little thing is getting on my nerves, the kids are driving me bonkers and have to argue everything, my ds has left his wet towel on his step brothers bed, and he is over tonight, it is really petty stuff like that that is really getting up my nose!!
Well off to farmville

how sad am i, nothing else to do so off to my fantasy farm! Actually i have plenty to do, but can't be arsed!
Back later, happy day to all, and

to everyone xxxx