September Stars Weightloss Journeys!!

Hey girls

keep forgetting to post here! After being really good last week I weighed in and.... I still only lost 1lb!!! Grrr so frustrated! as a result I've been really demotivated this week and whilst I've not been bad, I've not even bothered weighing this week. Ill weigh next week, I can't believe how slowly this damn weight is coming off! I don't think ill be joining you in looking slim this summer, it'll be next Christmas at this rate!

Emzy you've had a really good loss so far, far better than me.

I know it's disheartening I'm exactly the same 1lb a week since week 2. But stick with it and we will soon see the results xxx

Tried on my pre preg trousers today I could do them up but think I need to wait to lose abit more before wearing them out. Finally took the plunge and organised all my maternity clothes ( except two dresses from next which could pass as normal wear and need clothes for when I get back to work ). As I was packing them up I thought come baby 2 I won't even wear these hopefully as they will be too big. Felt really satisfying kind if out with the old in with the new. Also fitted into one of my favourite monsoon dresses today. I'm still 20lbs heavier than prepreg.

Starting yesterday I've been using ww propoints and my fitnesspal to see how they compare.... Haven't found time to exercise though so hoping to work out tomorrow even if it's just going for a long walk
My weigh in today and I've lost 4lb this week. Really pleased since I havent had any/much loss over the last 3 weeks even though I've stuck to my diet and done lots of exercise.

Tried to eat more this week than I have been doing and snacked more inbetween meals or every 3-4 hours to keep my metabolism going. Also done extra walking added in with 30min + biggest loser circuit training on challenging. I can now keep up with every exercise and hardly break a sweat! might start on hard next week :D

Now weigh 13st 2lb - which is 2lb off my start of year goal of reaching 13st by March 12th :happydance:

I think next goal will be to reach 12st by May/June 2011
SR well done that's Brillant .... I think the extra cals and carbs helped this week, I tried hard this week on Bl and gave up lol but I found challenging difficult anyway.
Sister Rose that is fab well done and good luck at your next goals! :hugs:

Another 2 and a half this week, I can only not it as 2 as it doesnt do half pounds on food focus!
I am 9st 6.5lb today! That is 2 stone loss since i started food focus:happydance:
I am now about 10lb off goal, but i am going to go a bit longer to have some flexibility in my diet as b4 i was feeling my jeans were tight after a good meal! Still not in pre preg clothes, that is how close my size 8 is, I can see it!!!

Have been having really good weeks, but I had fish and chips on dh's birthday, and a teeny bit of cake (as if it matters after fish and chips!!) and yesterday i fell foul of 2 mallow tea cakes and half a bag of chocolate counters, didn't even log yesterday:blush:, but i will prob pay for it at next weeks weigh in!

Bye for now, good luck everyone, and keep it up xxxx:hugs::hugs:
Good job BTP :D 2 stone loss is a real achievement! here's to your last 10lb coming off quickly! :wohoo:

I'm really looking forward to the day I can say I've already lost more than I have left to lose and at 40lb lost 52lb to go it could be any week now :O!

Wooo hooo well done SR! You're doing so well :D

My weigh-in tomorrow, although I said that I definitely WASN'T going to weigh myself anymore as i'm not really dieting, and the gym is actually putting me weight on with muscle building and it's just de-motivating.

But, i'm still gonna weigh-in :blush:

Was 10lb 5 last week, but I think that was a fluke as i'd not drunk much water / had just come off af etc etc. Will be happy to be anything under 10 7.

Will keep you posted! Eeeek!
Can I join in. I am currently 10st9lbs and want to be down to 9st. I am starting from Monday as I am ill at the minute have a viral infection and not really eating well or eating much at all so am hoping I am better for Monday to get this weight shifted. And I think joining in here will give me the motivation to do it as you guys are doing great in your weightloss.
Fb - hope you feel better soon and good luck for Monday!

Well as exam is in 6 days my diet is on hold. I can't look after LO, study and think about diet. Next Wednesday aim to weigh in and start back on healthy eating and exercise.
okay im finally here its been nearly six months since i had the girls and im getting as big as i was when pregnant, im eating way too much and and combatting tiredness with lots of treats.
Every time i go on the wii fit it tells me ive put on weight and im wearing a maternity shirt that was too big a few weeks ago so something has to change.

i cant remember exactly what i weigh now , a lot , ill need to update that later but i was a large 16 before pregnancy and now im a 20 (oh the shame) i cut all labels out and thank god im 5ft 10 ! but photos are showing this enormous person looking back at me!

i dont have a diet to follow but plan to up the exercise and cut down until i can resarch the best diet to follow .

i have the will power of a flea but im here hoping to be inspired, thanks lovelies xx
Genies you can do it!!! My biggest I was a 22 and now I am back into my 16 jeans!!
FB - Hope you feel better soon, I had a really nasty stomach bug this last few days and havent been able to eat either, its horrid :(

Jelly - Good luck with your exam and we'll see you back here soon :happydance:

Genies - I have crappy will power when it comes to dieting, I've been overweight all of my life, was even really overweight as a child. Pretty much from the age of 6 onwards.
I've always tried to diet and cut out things and NEVER stuck to it but now I have Ellie I feel like there's somebody I need to lose the weight for. And also since I had Gestation Diabetes during pregnancy they told me if i dont lose weight it'll be a glimpse in to my future, really freaked me out! I'm only 21 and was almost 17st at my heaviest...disaster waiting to happen there!

Been almost 5 months now and I've lost 3 stone, so you can do it if i can!!

I havent followed any reccomended diets, i feel like if you follow a 'diet' you feel restricted and then want to eat more. I've just planned out healthy meals 3 times a day and stuck religiously to 1200-1300cals per day.
Welcome welcome all!

Well done sr although i am a bit belated, i am sure this week will be just as good!

I have not bad will power, but mainly i just have to stay out of the kitchen

got 2 go someone at door!
Lost 6lb this week. Expected it though as I was very ill with stomach bug this week and spent the whole of tuesday throwing up and couldnt eat a thing, then only had a small appetite the rest of this week. :(

I've now lost more weight than I need to lose though and I'm in the 12st's at 12st 8lb from 16st just after having Ellie :wohoo:
SR that is fab, you have done amazingly well!!:happydance:

Well bit selfish from me, just been looking at my stats on food focus, i have so far lost 2st6lb from start of diet!
I am currently 9st1lb and just 5lb off target, I am then, although very happy with that!! On a roll with it and decided to move the goal posts when i get to goal, just to give me more room for nice foods when i want, rather than thinking if i eat that i can't fit in my jeans!
So new goal will be 8st, which for my height is in the 'normal' range, i think i need to be something ridiculous like 6 stone before i am 'underweight' I am then going to treat myself to some new clothes, when i get to first goal i am getting all my old stuff out, so at new target some new stuff will be fab, i really like the fitted vests with a flimsy floral shirt over, i saw gerri halliwell wearing that with jeans and she looked fab, so that will be my spring look i think!

Hubby lost over 2 stone also and looking amazing, he is in lots of clothes i bought for him but he never wore, its like having a new man, his confidence is back and he is like the man i met:happydance:
He has still got another 2 stone to loose, i don't think i will recognise him then! :shrug:

Hope everyone is doing well, very quiet round here, hope that doesn't mean Louise's cookies have won, i will be having words with her!!

Back soon, :hugs::hugs:xxxx
Well Done SR your doing great.

Well I have started today and weighed myself to see what I am and am 10st8lb and would like to be 9st at the most. I am doing well today have exercised and eaten great and feel so much better for it.

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