September Stars
Baby Isla Rae born yesterday on the 3rd anniversary of my Nans passing with her big sister Erin and my Olivia on the right. I am so lucky that if I dont get to have any more kids that my daughter will have the most amazing bond with my sisters 3 girls. xxx
Gorgeous pics of Kimi, youngmummy!! She's so smiley!

I'm sorry, I'm crap again tonight. Poor Sam's not so good still. He's full of cold and snot, and gagging on it every few minutes. I feel he will be cuddled up with me again tonight. I hate it when the little ones are ill. I just want to keep cuddling with him and not put him down! Soppy woman!

I wanted to add at some point that Sam's still not reliably taking my milk from a bottle. He took about 4 oz for about 5 days in a row, and then he got poorly and won't entertain it, he wants the boob! Not good timing, as I was supposed to be going out with the girls for tea one night and letting DH give him some milk and bath him, then I'd be back for bedtime feed. At the moment, that won't be happening! Ah well!!

Also, I made a booboo.... I wrapped my secret santa pressie, and put a tag on it!! So the person who's got me will know who it's off as soon as they open it. D'oh. Sorry.....

Love that piccy LBB!! James is a little honey!!! x

I am so sorry for all the stuff I've missed, poor little mate's not given me chance to do much at all today. xx
Laura that pic is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. And what a beautiful name your sister has chosen for her newest little girlie. So lovely!! I bet you are such a proud aunty (and mummy obviously.) xxx
Lilbump-i love your xmas pic, he is such a lovely looking chap! yes i have been a nursery school teacher 13 years at the same place i was deputy head but when i go back ill be part time i saw the rehursal of the play you know its xmas when you hear 25 three and four years olds sing christmas pudding steaming hot, enjoy watching yours x

Youngmummy- Kimi is a sweetie

Laura- fantastic photo we nearly called Layla Isla it was between the two, great name!

sorry to whoever said they were poorly, was it becs? hope you feel better

well my walk totally tired me out, we left the house at 9.30 and it took 45mins to get into town avoiding the icy patches.

We have weight clinic tommorow im going to ask the hv about Laylas eating she has reverted back to only taking 2ozs at a time sucking seems to frustrate her, ive changed the teats ect i do wonder if she will be better when she can start weaning , she loves calpol and licks the syringe :) im a bit confussed really ?
:hugs: to everyone who is ill or have babies who are ill

I have had a amazing day, normally paige would cry about 70-80% of the time while she is awake and hardly ever smiles, i could count on my fingers how many proper smiles i have had, but today she woke up with a huge grin.. then she was smiling all day, hardly any crying and was wonderful when i went shopping today and thanks to a certain September star told me about pumpkin patch shop and told me how her little one looks so cute in dungarees.. well lets say i loved the place so much im going back tomorrow to a bigger branch.. It has been a joy to be a mum today and feel like im on :cloud9:

On the subject on going out, i must be one of the only people on here who doesnt want to go out for the night.. since i have put on so much weight i dont even like to go out to tesco's, my confidence has been knocked and i have no clothes that fit, i feel sick and depressed when i look in the mirror. I much rather be sitting on the sofa watching a movie in my PJ's. I wouldnt mind having some more time to be able to the house work without having a baby in my arms, or to be able to read a book but i dont mind being with her 24/7. I think this is because i regret the fact i didnt spend hardly any time with my son when he was this age, my mum looked after him and i was going out and getting up late. I dont take anything for granted with paige but only because i was such a crap mum with Jake and i regret it every day since.

Paige is now 11.10lbs and is putting on just under a Pound every 2 weeks....

I have a doctors appointment as i noticed paige had one red and one white eye when her photo was taken with a flash and apparently that could be a sign of this certain type of eye cancer in children... i didnt want to come across as a paranoid mum but someone said its better to get it checked out, my doctor is going to laugh at me i know she will as she knows i end up googling everything and convince i have something when i dont..

I don't know if James is doing what Harry is at the moment but I'm having to trick him. I put my little finger in his mouth when he's hysterical and when he decides to suck I quickly give him the boob. Once he's fed he's so much happier and it usually leads to sleep which is brilliant!

Fantastic idea, must try this myself with paige

its our second lot of jabs today, Amelia is on my lap smiling at me i feels so guilty knowing she wont be smiling later !

Lilbump- sorry to hear you had a bad night hope you get a few extra hours

Lady k- expelled at nursery? what did he do? ;)

He hit another child over the head with a plastic tennis racket, there was a lot of other behaviour problems but this was what made then decide to throw him out....he is autistic but we didnt know that at the time.He has always been very hard work, but when he was 6 we were told he has aspergers.

Morning ladies...sorry for not posting for ages just been really busy with family parties and birthdays and a poorly Kimi :(

Kimi's ear is looking a million times better today!!!! She finished her treatment yesterday and is a much happier baby :)

Had the HV today and she said Kimi has a poor weight gain (she has lost half an ounce in a week) and has told me I need to have her weighed next week and be monitored...

She also said because she had a touch of thrush that I wasnt sterilizing her bottles properly...that i wasnt protecting her as she was around someone with impetigo (although we didnt know she had impetigo at the time)

She left leaving me feeling like a really crap mum.... :cry:

I now have to find some more time in the day to fit another bottle but not wake her in the night!!!

This is her general roughly routine -

7am - wake up and feed and play time
8.30am - back for a sleep
11am - 2nd feed and tummy time
2.30pm- 3rd feed then nap
6.30pm -4th feed
8.30pm - bath
10pm -5th feed then bed

Then she goes all night.....

Where else do i have time to fit in another bottle????


Ignore your MW dont let her get to you, they have ticky boxes to fill and using you to do it. But agree with the others its because your young, i was 19 when i had Jake and my MW visited me a lot but i lived with my parents so she must have thought they would look after my son (which to be fair she she is adorable and looks very happy... your a great mum babe xx

Awww Emzy i hope Holly is better soon and can i just say i lover your avatar!! x

I must admit i did say to my Mum the other day that i dont feel like steam sterilisers do the same good job that cold water sterilising just seems strange relying on steam to sterilise! I wash them in hot soapy water then steam sterilise! Have Kimi got white on her tongue hun cos iv noticed James has today and im baffled tbh with what got into him last night...i think im gonna reach for the calpol tonight if he is the same! Saying that iv woken up with a really sore throat this morning and Chris isnt well either!! x

I agree with this new government review on girls clothes and products...why does a 9 yr old need padded bikinis! Shocking!

Paige also started getting white stuff on her tounge but i only looked because i was getting pains in my boobs and slightly sore nipples, paige was dribbling and sometimes had trouble eating.. everyone said it could be thrush so looked in her mouth and saw white staining on the back of her tounge. I took her to the doctors and my doctor said the stain is milk and not thrush but i still think it could be thrush.

HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ive been awol for soooo long im sorry!!

Have had an awful cold and just getting over it now, then on saturday my nan died, she was diagnosed with secondary cancer about a week ago and then died so suddenly was really strange. Im ok as we weren't very close but still its weird.

Have sorted my secret santa and posted it so one of you lucky ppl should have it by now..... |Do we find out who got who afterwards? i hate the suspense!!

I hope everyone is doing wel and getting ready for Xmas.

Big Hugs xxx
Babe i am so sorry to hear about your nan :hugs:

Yay - Soooooooo selfish but I am now an auntie for the fifth time !! My sis has just given birth after a 3 hour labour to her third baby girl. They called me at 7.30pm to tell me she was about to push and at 7.58pm she was born !!! Im gutted I couldnt be there though but sooooooooooo happy !!

Congrats honey, even reading this made me want another... hope to see photos soon x

Laura, congratulations!!!!

Fishy, you must feel like you are tied xx

Anyone else watching Corrie???

I dont watch but as i am not back to work till april and the fact its a big story line i have decided to get into corrie starting this week.. im sure ill be able to work out the story lines, my mum will help me catch up

LBB, I am snuggling on the sofa with my little lady!!!

I have to say I feel quite lucky with Ian, as soon as he comes in from work he takes over with Hope, he feeds and baths her ad then settles her at bedtime, he even does night feeds if she wakes up!!!! Hes hasnt been on the ps3 for weeks, I always say go on but he says he spends enough time away from Hope that he doesnt want to miss anything. He is brilliant!!

My OH can be good, he comes home and holds her as soon ashe cries and cooks dinner every night
laura= that is a adorable photo, u must be one proud aunty thanks for posting,.. im off to make another baby, cause im broody now
Hi girls!!
Youngmummy + LBB, gorgeous pics! What beautiful babies!
LadyKara, so glad you've had a lovely smiley day.. nothing beats it eh?
Asher, sorry Sam is still poorly, I don't blame you for not wanting to put him down!
Laura that's a lovely photo, you're right, she is a lucky lucky girl! And what a lovely name!

I'm on :cloud9:... Wayne rang tonight woo! So exciting! It sounds like he's going 'forward' this week or next, so will be in a forward operating base.. luckily he's in a nice one with facilities so should still be able to talk to him. Means he's going to be out on the ground, I've told him he has to be careful, and not to be a hero! He's already a hero to me, he doesn't need to do silly things to prove it! Also went to a briefing tonight, he should be back by the end of April, and in May he'll be off to Jordan for a month training the next lot to go out there! Great! But after that they are on UK OPs... so they'll be running the searches for the olympics, premiers, terrorist attacks, party conferences etc... basically anything that happens where there is a threat of bombs/terrorist attacks so he will be home for a while, even if he is up and down the country! He willl be on a pager so could be off at a moments notice! It was so so good to hear from him though!

I'm off to minehead tomorrow to see his parents for a few days, should be nice, although I'm really not looking forward to driving there! Anything between 4 1/2 and 6 hours.... argh! I haven't even packed yet as I have been round at a friends visiting as her hubby is back on R&R!

Hope everyone is well... better go as I haven't written Wayne's e-bluey for today yet!
kara best to get checked but i think that is what they check for at the 6 week check so im sure she is fine hun x Thanks everyone for the pic comments x
Lady k, I feel the same. I hate my mummy tummy, don't even want Ian to touch me.
Laura, lovely pic and name.
Louise, yay for the call. You drive carefully x

I think hope is ready to ween, tried changing tests but she keeps waking in the night. Its got earlier and earlier so going to try some rice at lunchtime!
Wow, things move fast here!

Nice to see who is doing ss, i was realistic in what i can do, and 6 kids and a dh was enough! I have a friend from America I met here and i want to send her a card and a little something for her bump, (we were trying together, she would have been a star but sadly mc but is expecting again and its all looking good for her) So got a few little bits to send her, I would love to send her more for her other children but it starts getting a bit crazy!
Does anyone know anything particually British i could send?

Louise, drive really carefully hun, it is just white with ice and frost here, will pm my number today if u r passing for a coffee! :happydance:

That pic of the girlies was lovely, I am pleased to have my last 3 girls, they will, i hope be really close at 7, 2 and 0 years.
I wish my sister lived closer, her dh has just been caught having an affair, she has booted him out but i would really love to be there for her not just on a text or call.

I forget what else i was going to say, Rosie has a watery eye and its a bit crusty, but when i take her sister with this the doctor says leave it, just bathe in cooled boiled water and tbh it works and goes without drops so think i will try the same for a short while.

I am on :cloud9: with my baby girl, she is so lovely, and such a good baby, like ladyk says it makes such a huge difference when your baby is good, and Rosie is good all the time, and is now all smiley, yet another cute thing to add to her list :cloud9:

Back later, I thought things would get quiet round here once our babies were born but we can all still chat, 4-6 pages a day:haha:

Bye for now :hugs: xxxx
That pic of the girlies was lovely, I am pleased to have my last 3 girls, they will, i hope be really close at 7, 2 and 0 years.
I wish my sister lived closer, her dh has just been caught having an affair, she has booted him out but i would really love to be there for her not just on a text or call.

I forget what else i was going to say, Rosie has a watery eye and its a bit crusty, but when i take her sister with this the doctor says leave it, just bathe in cooled boiled water and tbh it works and goes without drops so think i will try the same for a short while.

Thanks for the comments everyone. xx BTP I know that I am extremely lucky. Both my parents and my sister live within 5 minute walking distance of me (Its a very small estate) I am so thankful to my sister as she let me be very hands on with my nieces from day one as she knew there was very little chance I would ever concieve. Olivia is a baby 8 years in the making !! I collect them from school, make dinner for them and we have sleepovers :haha: Ive tried very hard to keep this the same since having Olivia as my eldest niece Erin(5yo) struggled when I first had her to share me !!

With regards to the eye - Olivia has had this a few times and I know its abit gross but every time I have squeezed abit of boobie milk in it and its cleared up by the next day !!!
Laura I am the same with my nephew and niece, they are like my surrogate kids!!!
Morning girls!

Had a not so good night last night, Holly went to bed a bit earlier than usual but then decided she wanted a random feed at 4am and wouldn't go back to sleep til 5.30! I shouldn't moan really as I know lots of you have babies that get up regularly in the night, but she's slept right through since 11 weeks, so it was hard to get up for a night feed when you're not used to it! lol I guess it could have been because of her jabs, or simply because she's growing. She had a bit of a runny bum last night, so perhaps a bit poorly and she's been coughing again today, although I think that's the copious amounts of dribble! lol We've not given her porridge the last couple of tea times, so will start again tonight I think. I also had horrendous AF pains when she woke up so was not happy (although still waiting for it to arrive, Matt is convinced I'm pregnant, but I said you have to actually have sex to get pregnant LOL!)

I can't believe how big Holly has got! I feel a bit sad actually, I miss having a little baby! Laura that pic is lovely! Made me look at Holly's newborn photos and got a tear in my eye :cloud9: I've put her in a cute dress my sister bought for her today, what do you think?

Hugs for all ladies and kisses for all babies


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Oh and I forgot to tell you, I went on meet-a-mum on netmums, has anyone used it? Anyway I replied to a lady that lives in bolton and we're meeting for coffee tomorrow. Hope she is nice!! I'm the first of my friends to have a baby so lacking in mummy friends that I can meet up with, so thought it would be nice to meet. Her baby is a bit younger than Holly, 8 weeks I think.

Emzy- i love all of Holly clothes, its a perk of having girls i look forward to planning outfits each day.

Becs- let me know how Hope goes with trying baby rice im starting to think about that

Its weight clinic today looking forward to seeing how they doing esp Layla as im a little concerned about her sometimes
Emma, love the dress!!! Its sad that they are growing up so fast, I dont think Hope was ever what I would call newborn as she was a big baby. To me new born is like 6/7lbs!!!

Walked into town to post my SS and the q at the post office was out the door so I gave up!!!! Will try again later!!
After Hope waking at 1am for a random feed she slept till 8am, so not too bad lol!!
Emma I go on netmums and speak to a few ladies local, also stared talking to some ladies from my local NCT.
OMG!!! When I listed all my stuff for sale on here and ebay, I also listed them on Gumtree. That included my maternity bras. I got a message this morning asking if they were still available for sale and I replied and said yes and asked if the person was interested in buying them. I got the following reply:

hi emma i am very interested in buying them for a new website i am building,I can pay more for them if they have been worn (not washed) and maybe 2 or 3 pictures of them being worn
I pay £60 per bra best regards peter ps front and side views

EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Oh my god what a freak!! I'm removing the advert now, what a weirdo.
ewww there are some weirdos out there!!! what the hell! I wonder if he's had any success doing this before, if anyone has thought "actually I could do with £60 per bra..." HA HA! eww. He sent me an instant message on yahoo saying "I hope I haven't upset you" and I blocked him. What a weirdo.

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