September Stars

Morning girls

Well we've all woken up with colds this morning! Last night Holly fell asleep in her swing at about 9pm, then I got her out and fed her at about 11. She was in her cot asleep by 11.30. Then she woke up a few times in the night coughing and sneezing. Thankfully she went right back to sleep and I pulled her in bed with me when Matt woke at 6.45 and she slept til 9.30. I feel shocking this morning, woke up feeling like I'd been swallowing razor blades! I've had a lemsip though and feel a lot better for it. I just hope it goes by the weekend for all of us!

I can join the don't drive club too! There are a few of us aren't there!

Annoying about the missing secret santa gifts... I'm still waiting for a package of christmas babygrows that I bought on ebay. Apparently she sent them first class at the beginning of last week and they are still not here. Royal mail have such a backlog because of the snow. I hope they arrive in the next day or two otherwise it will have been a wasted purchase!

Ooh I'll pop over to the weight loss thread BTP and check out your good news!

Ooh I'll pop over to the weight loss thread BTP and check out your good news!

Lol, it's not that thrilling!!:haha:

I learnt to drive a 19, love it, at the time it was my independence and was the best feeling ever! Nice not to 'have' to now he kids have moved schools!:happydance:

F ing great the 't' button is playing up on the laptop, i need t's!!!!!!

:hugs: xx
My old laptop refused to do N! Was very annoying! Had to use Ms in place of Ns lol x
sneezey 4.45am alarm clock too both very full of cold i think its the central heating! X
I started to learn but on my 5th lesson (when I was 18) my driving instructor had a heart attack and I crashed the car (Not badly i'll add !!) but I am petrified of driving now. Iv'e tried again 3 or 4 times but just cannot do it :nope:

Another reason wht I am glad all my family live only 5 mins away !!
I passed my test when I was 18, best thing I have ever done, and a bonus when Ian is away!!!

The ice is thawing here, its very slushy and feels like its warmed up abit too!! Just stuffing my face with some grapes!!! I am so pleased, I managed to find 2 of my old work mates on fb, I worked with them 6 years ago and we lost touch, can't wait to hear how they are and what they have been up to!!
Cor dont we chat ladies :)

Genies - How cute they are cooing at each other...must be so cute to see them recognising each other!! I'd of loved to have twins but I struggle with one lol!!

I can't drive!!! I've driven twice...the first time....i crashed and wrote off the car and the second time, I crashed and done £250 worth of damage :haha:
After that...I gave up and rely on public transport.

Well, the heartbeat bear worked ok...sent Kimi off within 5 minutes instead of the usual 30 minutes but she seems so snuffly and has a cough that she kept waking up :(

Hugs to the all the poorly babies and mummies and daddies!!!

NOT LONG TIL SANTA!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I dont drive either, neither does OH yet, but hes sitting his test after christmas so we should have wheels by february. wooo.

Hope all who are feeling poorly feel well soon :( i had it last week and it wasnt very nice.

Andddddd I got my SS earlier today, Ive got a good idea who its from. So cute! Ellie looks treat in the little hat. Thank you! :D
Sorry but it's a selfish post for me today. Today my dh told me that he felt I was spending too much time working on my jewellery and I don't know what's happened but I just feel like either breaking down or walking out. For the last week I've been doing what I can when I can ie when Harry falls asleep but he isn't a big sleeper so I've hardly done anything. To me I felt like I was doing the work in my 'breaks' but my dh pointed out that I should be spending this time on me ie showering etc. I do agree but at the same time I feel upset that my hobby is being taken away from me. I never get any time alone from Harry and going anywhere out of the house is a nightmare at the moment as he is so grumpy (teething). I feel like my identity has gone. My dh was trying to keep positive and said that we should make sure I get time for me and asked what would make me happy but I just don't know any more. I just feel like I go through the motions and just can't think of anything I can do other than my hobby of jewellery making due to BF. I guess the real issue is I feel guilty as I've neglected the house etc so I don't feel I can defend myself and protect my hobby but at the same time I'm feeling sorry for myself as can't do much else for me. I just feel like crying. It's so stupid.

Sorry rant over. x
Few pics of Ellie in the hat :)


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Fish - Big hugs :hugs: sorry to hear you're feeling down, it's so hard juggling a baby, housework and everything that needs doing let alone spending time with OH's or personal appearance etc. If you really enjoy doing your jewellry making in your spare time then do the jewellry! there's plenty of time in future for housework and all that, you're doing a great job at raising Harry and that takes lots of time.
If you feel like you need a break is there not anyone who could have Harry for a night or a few hours while you and hubby go to the cinema/meal or spend some time together? give you some time to get yourself ready and feel good.

(bah. i am crap with advice/being useful! )
Thanks SR I appreciate your advice and support. Unfortunately Harry won't take a bottle so I'm exclusively BF. He is also a frequent feeder. Am hoping to introduce solids soon which may help though. x
Fishy, does he not understand that your hobby is 'you' time? Its something you enjoy and its relaxing!! In a few weeks once Harry is on solids and things start settling down you will feel so much better. I admire you BF, I couldnt do it but in a way I am glad that I can share the feeding! My necklace came today but I was out, so picking it up tomorrow, thank you xx

SR, how cute does Ellie look!!!

Its always this time of day Hope is grumpy an unsettled, think she gets overtired and her teeth really start to bother her.
F&C - I feel your pain. I cant get Olivia to take a bottle either and rarely venture any further than my sisters where I am just as much at home. I dont feel like I get alot of me time and then I feel guilty as Olivia is such a happy and good baby. Can you not set yourself an hour each day in which you can set aside to yourself even if its a really small treat such as a bath uninterrupted.

SR that hat is well cute !! And the perfect weather for it at the moment :o)

FX'd that Hope settles hun. Were yet to experience any teething.....
aww cute hat SR!

Oh Fishy :hugs: That's quite mean of your hubby to make you feel bad. You deserve a bit of you time!! I really don't think men understand that looking after a baby is a fuller than full time job and it doesn't stop, you are at it 24/7 so when you get a chance to do something for yourself, it's really important that you do it. If you don't you will go mad and you need that time to yourself to be able to be a good mummy to Harry! Maybe sit your hubby down and explain it the way you have to us. I admire you for persevering with the BF and you really are giving your son the very best start. But part of looking after him is looking after yourself. The housework can wait, your sanity can't!!! :hugs: Silly men! lol

Holly's just napping in her swing, poor things been a bit off with her cold today. Earlier on I was feeding her and for a change she wasn't fighting her bottle. I coughed and made her jump and she absolutely screamed the place down! I've never seen anything like it! She went all red and wouldn't take a breath, it was worse than when she had her jabs! It took me a good 15 minutes to calm her down! I don't know what that was all about! I only coughed!! I must have spooked her somehow, poor thing.

F&C :hugs: you sound like how I was feeling last week. DH doesn't mean to upset you but I also don't think they can fully understand. I admire all the ladies who are exclusively BF especially if LO wont take a bottle. You need to explain to DH that you need the jewellery to keep your sanity. I had to sit down with my other half last week and explain in plain English how I was feeling and what I was seeking. I'm missing the mental drive I had whilst working and now feel im 'missing something'

I know you would do anything and everything for Harry otherwise you wouldnt be BF and you wouldnt be feeling upset now. Stick to your guns and keep doing the jewellry making. Is OH hands on? Does he do housework etc or look after Harry often when you are not feeding? Cook dinner? All these things could help you to have some 'you' time big big :hugs: How your feeling is completly normal ........... sorry just realised I've gone off on one but just dont want you to feel as if your alone in how your feeling xx
Just a quick one from me as i have lots to do ready for my family coming on friday.

F&C - Sorry about your DH everyone is right they really dont understand sometimes they seem to think that because they work full time that its the same but its not we work 24/7 sometimes without a break all day at least when they are at work they get scheduled breaks and know when the next one will be. Your jewellery is fab and if its making you happy and keeping you sane then dont give up! Hope you manage to sort things out soon

Tyler is doing really well i havent been able to get him weighed recently due to the ice but last time he was weighed (around 2-3 weeks ago) he was 10lb so i'm expecting him to be around 11 or 12lb i can tell hes put quite abit of weight on hes been in 0-3 for 2 weeks and he is already outgrowing them he is wearing a 3-6 month suit at the minute and although it is slightly big it doesnt look too bad just a little baggy lol.
My eldest Jayden has been really good today too we tried potty training him about a month ago but he wasnt ready so we stopped and we started trying again from yesterday but he wasnt interested in the potty he wanted to go straight on the toilet so we let him and hes been doing great, he had 2 accidents yesterday and only 1 today i'm so proud of him!

If i dont manage to get on again before christmas then i wish you all a very merry christmas and i hope you all enjoy your 1st christmas with your new additions x
Thanks Becs. I must admit I got a bit stressed as had a sudden massive order from a friend come in at the last minute and what with the snow I had to make them all on my own, without my sister's help so he felt that the jewellery making was making me more stressed and therefore he would prefer me to do something else. I was stressed but am not now which is why his comments today upset me.

Back in a minute.. have to go see to the boy..
Fishy, There is no easy answer i am afraid, it is a huge shock suddenly having this gorgeous little bundle so dependant on you, and doing anything else besides is hard, and that is the first thing your dh needs to understand.
Do you feel you distribute your time badly? Because as long as your little man is thriving then everything else has to wait, he will be this little and this dependant on you for such a comparitivly short time, another thing dh needs to know.
Within a year of birth the baby you had is already nearly a toddler and a totally different little person all together!
I turn it round by doing things like now on the laptop, while i feed, that way dh can't moan! I call him to do things when i feed, lucky Rosie feeds on demand and unless i really need to get up i leave her latched on and don't get up for anything!
It is still early days and you will find your feet with things, and really things change so fast it is like running alongside it trying to catch up and when you do your baby is not a baby anymore!:hugs:
It is a shame men don't seem to realise something has to give when you have a baby, but because we do the carrying and care our lives change from our bodies, minds and freedom but nothing changes for them and so life they feel should just carry on, the things i have to say to dh 'how would you feel' are endless! :hugs:

Ok off soap box!

Boony, glad to hear things are going well, Happy Christmas to you hun xx:hugs:

Emzy, oh bless Holly, she mus have been so comfy and sleepy when you coughed to make her jump and react, poor baby! Rosie is really easily spooked by noise.:hugs:

SR, awww how cute is your little princess in her hat! xx:hugs:

Going soon, Rosie been sucking way too long on one side, she just sucks for the sake of it, i go to take her off so she frantically starts to suck again! Little monkey! Had bacon and egg sarnies for tea, how easy was that!


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