September Stars

LadyK i was only saying to Chris today that cos our living room is so small you only have to have a couple of small things around and its just clutter...i cant stand the dog bringing his toys and blanket in now either!! lol! I keep my pram in the living room as i dont want the swine of a dog weeing up it in the kitchen when we go to bed...yes he is 3 yrs old and still doesnt hold himself at night lol...and i feel like everything is getting on top of me!!! Arghhhh i cant wait to pull the decs down either.
Blob, hope the girlies get better soon xx

Kara, I dont do clutter, Hopes things are all lined up behind our sofa lol!!!

LBB, naughty dog!!!!

I have bought nothing in the sales, there is nothing I want or need so I get to keep my christmas money a while longer!! Havent seen anything thats gone 'buy me'!!! I think I am a victim of my own impatience as I buy what I like all throughout the year! Hope is better as she is back to sleeping thro!!!!
Youngmummy - sorry to hear you've had a bad Christmas big hugs xx

Asher - how's Sammy doing? Hope he's feeling better soon and he hasn't got chicken pox xx

Lady k - our house is small and needed to be clutter free, with the tree up and prezzies from families we literally can't move in our house without moving stuff around to get passed. Normally keep pram chassis in boot if car but it's in our dining room at the moment. Really tempted to take down the tree today first time we've had it up in seven years!

Well had a good Xmas with family then yesterday waked up aching and stiff.... Anyone else feel very achey since being pregnant? I'm just really stiff and ny knees and back are stiff and achey someone said it was change of hormones ??

Didn't help matters that DH managed to lock us out the house by having the front door key in the inside lock so had to call out a locksmith to get us in........ James wasn't bothered as we went and stayed at friends house up the road whilst they tried to get in with a coat hanger. Anyway home now :)

I cant believe it's been a year since our babies journey begun it feels so surreal

Louise hope you are ok, been thinking of you the past couple of days, hope you hear from Wayne soon xx
Hey everyone! Firstly, I hope you all had fantastic first xmas’s with your LO’s. Ive finally caught up – some of these messages may be very outdated!!

Roxy has been giggling for a while now – especially when we do “bouncy bounce” basically bouncing her up and down lol she giggled today at me in her high chair aswell, when her banana porridge was running down her chin haha shes so lush lol she has also started grabbing toys alot more – even picking up her rattle and banging it around like a nutta! She’s started waking in the night again, im not complaining as I know some of you ladies don’t have a baby who sleep’s through. I think it may be due to her teething and just generally being unwell. We figured out that she wouldn’t sleep in her cot bed atall the other night due to it being moved to a different position! We moved it back and she slept a bit better! Strange hey? Whats it called? Feng sui? Haha i don’t know!

Becs – i normally keep up to date on fb aswell – i do like to come on here though :) that sucks about the fleas :(

Louise – sorry to hear that about Wayne :( that sucks *big hugs* hope you had a good bday!!

Daisy – lush picture!!

Laurak – sorry to hear Olivia is ill aswell :( our poor September star babies!!

Blondie – good the tongue tie situation is being sorted :)

BTP - *hugs* glad your coil fitting went ok =)

Jelly – i have Roxy in sleepsuits sometimes in the day – as long as shes comfy thats the main thing! I find she seems more chilled when she hasn’t got lots of fiddly clothes on aswell!

MrsJ – wedding rings! Arghhh! Well my DH 3 days after our wedding lost his ring down garden decking at a BBQ – 4 hours later and many a coathanger bent, we retrieved it lol it was scratched and mis shapen and we had to send it away to be repaired! Arghhh stressful stuff!!

LBB – poor james! Big hugs!

F&c – big hugs lovely – hope your feeling a bit happier now? :( if your hobby is something that makes you happy – then do it! Im the same in some respects – instead of jumping in the shower or doing something for myself , ill clean the house – but the way I see it is that if im in the shower and Roxy cry’s then my “me” time hasn’t really been effective as ill come out half clean, soaking wet, trying to console her!! Your jewellery is amazing btw!

SR – that picture is gorgeous!!

Charima – hello!!
Hey ladies, hope you dont mind me popping my nose in! Hope your all doing alright and had a lovely 1st christmas with your bubbas :hugs: xxx
Well hello everyone!

The girls are still poorly, Rosie is coughing and Sophie is still getting pretty tired easily, she is in bed watching Garfield the movie atm!

Lady K, I had a severe tidying issue before the children, I notice your things are still put tidily and in order even though you object to their presence! I am the same, i have a nice ottoman in the lounge to put most things in, the girls room has play things in, which i never thought i would agree to but due to sheer bulk of toys it has to be.
I do like tidy but as long as it doesn't scream kids when you walk in the house i don't mind too much any more, i resigned myself to the fact that it was a waste of time cleaning after kids til they were in bed every night!
Lovely Bumbo pic, what a cutie, she has big eyes like Rosie, makes for a very allert looking baby! She looks comfy in her bumbo, Rosie is still too small for hers and just looks uncomfortable.
Just wanted to add, I prefer your lounge with all the baby stuff, it says 'baby lives here'! :hugs:

Blob, hope your lo's feel better soon, its not nice :hugs:

Stmw, thank you xx Hope things are all good with you, Rosie loves bouncing too! xx:hugs:

Jelly, I ache like mad, and atm my skin is sore in odd places like my legs! I feel about 90! xx:hugs:

Becs, I have done a bit of internet sale shopping, and my mum made a huge disaster choice for my present, so for the first time ever i took it back and got vouchers, I have never taken a gift back but she spent £45 on something i will never wear, and she gave me the receipt if i wanted to change it so i did, i still feel mean but don't know why! xx:hugs:

Hi Amy, Hope things are going ok,:flower: I know you spent Christmas in hospital, poor you, hope things are looking better, and you are taking it easy, big hugs xxxx:hugs:

Right off now, got to get dd to the dentist and i want breakfast and as soon as i set foot in the kitchen i get bombarded with breakfast requests! Time to go!:hugs:

hi Amy hope you are ok and you are always welcome here :hugs: x

yes im achey too, if i sit with my legs tucked under me or crossed i cant get up my knees hurt so much lol x
Kara thats what my house was like too...i've given up now :dohh:

LBB :hugs: our puppy is about to live outside

Hi Amy :hugs:
I am so pleased someone has mentioned aches and pains, i had them when i was pregnant but thought it was due to the extra weight... but i still have it. every time i get up from the floor or sofa, i walk like a old women moaning for a bit. I was so worried im seeing the doctor about it in the new year. so is it normal? will i ever feel normal again ?

amy, hey honey.hope your feeling better. xxx

Becs- im going to see if i can get rid of stuff behind the sofa too great idea xx
Amy, good to hear from you, hope all is going well xxx

Aches and pains, you are not alone!! Where I had my shot of pethidine in my thigh it hurts like buggery when it gets cold, and my back where I had my spinal aches from time to time!! Feel like I have aged about 90 years but I did read that it takes the body about 6 months to get over child birth!!!!
Hi Amy, I hope the hospital visit wasn't anything too serious and that everything is ok now :hugs:

stmw, thanks hun. I'm going to start working on some jewellery pieces again but will wait for my sister to help. She has kids too so one of us works whilst the other baby sits.

I feel like an old lady now too. Maybe the trauma of child birth ages you???
Evening all!

I don't think childbirth does us any good! I ached for about 2 months after from holding on so tight to the side of the birth pool! I do find that the one thing which eases my aches and pains is my swimming! I think it must just stretch stuff out and realign maybe? Does my mind good too.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice first Xmas period with the little ones.

I'm home alone with Sam tonight, which is weird. DH used to regularly go out with the lads, usually every other Friday night. But we just got so settled staying in, so it's odd when he goes out. He's gone out with the boys for a few beers. Archie and Jack are staying at MILs for the night. So it's just me and young Sammy. He's still not so hot. I think the bulk of his issues are teething, but he's got a virus too, which I think caused the big temperatures and he's probably quite achy. Yesterday he came out in a rotten rash which I thought could be chickenpox, as it's going round, but the rash has now gone down some. So we think teething and virus. Poor lamb. The last couple of nights have been really bad, he'll only settle next to me, and preferably with a boob in his mouth, which is not like him at all. I am hoping for a better night tonight, he had some nurofen before bed. Fingers crossed he'll be better!

Hope you're all okay tonight. xx
Hi Amy let us know how your scan goes tomorrow xx

I'm so glad everyone else is aching I thought I was getting arthritis or something. Lady k let us know what your dr says if you decide to go. I'm hoping it does only last six months!

F and c how's Harry getting on sleeping in his own room? I dread JJ moving next door as it's so easy to soothe him when hes at the bottom of our bed.
Asher I hate it when I'm home alone too..... Then I get annoyed when DH comes home and wakes me up...... Poor guy can't win

Poor Sam really hope he feels better soon xx
The hormones soften all the ligaments so main areas like hips can be achey for a while after pregnancy and birth, tbh i think about a year to recover properly, and start feeling 'yourself' again, but there are lots of benefits too! (mainly the baby of course!)


Bootiful xx
Asher :hugs: seems they are all feeling a bit shitty... Rosalie has temp and teething reeeaaally horrid chest cough and cold.

Anyone elses babies not eating? I'm not sure Rosalie has had even one normal feed today? Everytime I try she just screams tons :nope:

BTP awwwwwwww suuuch a gorgeous photo
Thanks Jelly, I am anticipating him being very drunk when he gets in. I will pretend I am asleep even if I'm not!! Thanks re Sam too, I really want him to be better.

What's anybody doing with weaning? I daren't post in babyclub for fear of being flamed!! Sam's been having the odd taste here and there but nothing consistent really. His favourite appears to be rusk mashed with my milk and some pureed apple, but that's as exotic as it's been! I might well boil up a carrot and puree it tomorrow for him to try. He really doesn't like babyrice. Might get a pear too, I seem to remember the other two liked pureed pear. He's definitely opening his mouth better for a spoon now. Also loves licking banana if someone else has one.
Aw gorgeous pic of Rosie BTP! She's really concentrating there!!

Blob, this teething lark is vicious. Sam was lovely and smiley, and now he's just chewing on his fingers constantly. He's feeding but in fits and starts. He can only really be getting foremilk as he's not on long enough for the hindmilk to be getting in to him. Poor Rosalie. :hugs:

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