September Stars

BTP, lovely picture xx

Asher, poor little Sam, Hope is also not herself, she has been really hard to settle in her cot the past few nights, just crying and getting all hot and bothered, she is fine once she is asleep its just getting her there!! Hope Sam feels better soon, you said he had a rash, Hope has one on her chest, I put it down to her teething and not being 100%.
Enjoy the peace and quiet!

Blob sounds like Rosalie is not herself too, there is loads going about, hope she is better soon xx

These poorly LO's and their teeth, Hope's poo's afre vial!!! With regards to weening, I haven't given Hope anything yet as she is not wanting anything else yet, going to try her on a few bits over the coming weeks, just pureed bits to see what she thinks!! I don't blame you for not asking in baby club!!
Just caught up with the last few one born at christmas, aww, makes me cry!

Blob, not feeling well does change feeding patterns, and appetite, all you can do it keep trying with feeding and just cuddles till normal feeding resumes.:hugs:

Asher, I am not weaning til Rosie shows signs she is wanting something else, having said that she was really eyeing up a chocolate biscuit today! I will start on baby porridge, fromage frais and fruit puree, i think baby rice is ok to mix or give to hungry babies but is so bland on its own is not doing much to introduce tastes! I think cow and gate do a nice creamy breakfast porridge suitable from 4 months.:hugs:

Rosie either has boob or her fist in her mouth, even in that recent pic her fist is ready to go in! Not sure if she is teething or just exploring.

Hope these poorly and teething babies are feeling better soon xx:hugs:
Awww :hugs: for all the poorly babies xx

With regard to pain and aches i also dont feel like i av much energy most days...when James wakes in the night or morning i find literally av to try and drag myself up the bed to get comfy an feed him! ...the joys lol x

btp that pic is lovely bless her! x

Asher enjoy the peace while it lasts lol x

funnily enough iv had a pack of cow & gate creamy porridge in the post today...i bought a pack of baby spoons and im going to let him have a gum on them so he is used to a spoon in his mouth! I really want to start a thread in baby club...hehe x
I was looking at the pots of baby food and noticed some say from 4 months, then a friend of mine who has had 5 children oldest being 20 years old and youngest 8 months said we could try her with different things now..Her HV said the same too.

My husband is a fussy eater, he wont eat anything with a strong taste, anything with sauce and anything with strange texture... when i first met him he only eat lettuce, chips, plain pasta and rice and plain cooked chicken or mince and those hot dogs in a tin... he was awful !!! now he is a fireman he has to eat what he is given at work or he goes hungry so has started to eat more foods even with sauce. He wasnt weaned till late and his mum never tried him with different foods... we dont want the same to happen to paige.

i was allowed to take the xmas cards down today yay !!!!!:happydance:

Jelly of course babe.. will message you as im pleased im not alone, i would have thought we would have recovered by now.. when i had my son i was back to normal after 5 days !!!! x

BTP- love the photo honey soooo cute !! does it take longer to recover with each child you have? or is it more age? nothing has been the same when it comes to both pregnancys and recovery..but there was a hige age difference, i feel like ill never recover from this pregnancy and birth. x

I have my follow up hospital appointment in 2 weeks so I am going to ask the Gynae about my aches and pains!! I know my friend who had an episiotomy and 3rd deg tear also said that even 6 months down the line she didn't feel ready to do the level of exercising she did before she went to the gym and done alot of running. I guess childbirth is very traumatic on the body and you have grown this little person for 10 months and you can't expect everything to go back to normal once they are here!! I had to laugh my friend said to me the other day that once you have had a baby your bowel movements change and she is right, mine are all over the place, I am still regular but not as regular as I once was!!!
For the first time Hope was up in the night for a feed, she went down at 9 and woke at 2.30, she was starving!!! Me thinks I will try her on some food!! That cow and gate porridge is very nice, my niece used to love hers!!! Just a question, what time of the day are you trying your LO's on food?? My Mum said I should give Hope something at lunchtime.
I am off to have my hair coloured and cut this morning while Daddy has some Daddy time!!! I can't wait, I found a grey hair the other day, I was mortified!!
Last night I chucked out the last of the biscuits and chocs, I am so glad they are out of the way, they kept calling me lol!!!
I can't seem to shake this damn cold, I am all phlemy and its gross, Hope still has a runny nose!!!
Anyways I have waffled enough!!!
Stupid phone just lost my reply.

Jelly it's actually going really well. I was worried too but he seems to be sleeping better and it's amazing having our room back. It might be a coincidence though as his tooth has popped through finally.

Asher we tried giving Harry baby rice and pear. He didn't dislike it but most got pushed back out which apparently means he's not ready so weening is on hold. I'm quite keen on letting him taste stuff though.

I have a fever today so my dh is looking after Harry and just bringing him to me when he needs feeding. I hope Harry doesn't get it.
Hello girls!!

Sorry I've been awol, been very busy over Christmas what with my mum and dad being here and Matt's also on leave, so been out and about a lot too. Hope you all had fab a fab Crimbo!

Have briefly skimmed but forgotten all personals, sorry!!

Sorry to hear about the poorly little ones, Holly has had a cold thing since last Wednesday and is still coughing. Her chest sounds really rattly and her cough seems to be getting worse not better, so we have a docs appointment later this morning.

With weaning, Holly has been having bits and bobs but not really that consistent up until the last couple of days. Now we have her highchair we've been giving her some food when we have our tea. She's been having these pouch things from Sainsbury's, one of them is Peas, Broccoli and Pears and the other she had was strawberry, raspberry and banana, she couldn't get enough of that one! She also had some mashed potato at Christmas dinner but didn't look like she liked it a lot! She loves rusks mixed with milk and bananas too and she also has some baby porridge. I think I'm going to start giving her porridge in the morning and the other stuff in the evening soon. She seems to like her food!

Had a rude awakening this morning though! Yesterday we were out all day and so she slept more than usual in her pram. This also meant that she only had 4 bottles rather than her usual 5 as she slept longer between bottles. So she was asleep for 10 and woke up at about 5 grunting and wriggling about. I kicked Matt out of bed and pulled her in bed with me and she slept til 7, but then wanted to get up and she was STARVING!! Downed an 8oz bottle lol I'm a bit glad really as I've been hoping to bring bedtime a bit earlier and this is a good opportunity to do that! So I'm aiming for a 9pm bedtime tonight, we'll see how we go!

Looking forward to new years eve, got a few friends coming over and I'm cooking a mexican feast with tacos and chilli and nachos and fajitas etc! Even bought some tequila so I might even have a slammer. Just one mind, got to stay fairly sober in case Holly needs me in the night!

Anyway best be off and give Matt a shove. He's asleep in the bed in the nursery still!!

Have a good day ladies and if I don't manage to get on, a very happy new year to you all xx
Good Morning!

Ladyk, I think personally it has been the birth rather than my age, it took months to recover my first birth, and to be mentally ready to have another baby was years, and i was 21. At 27 and 30 I had two easy births and recovered fast, literally popped back into shape and felt great.
Then i was 35 with Sophie, again a good birth, recovered fast and getting up every 2 hours for 15 months was hard but not impossible!
This time the birth again was traumatic, i felt i knew what was going to happen and i was in control of whatever would be thrown at me, but because no one would give me a bloody straight answer during labour i could not grasp what was happening.
Age has a bearing i suppose because of your ability to do things, the longer you are used to your bed and sleep the harder it is to adjust to not having that, but for me it has been the birth i have needed to recover from, but i still say give yourself a year.

Emzy, one hungry baby! :thumbup:xx

Weaning is up to the parents, the packets say from an age as a guide more than a rule, my first baby needed food at 3 months, i gave him baby rice before bed then his breast milk and he started sleeping through the night straight away.
My next 2 were about 4 months, and Sophie was a bit over the 4 months i think, faddy eating doesn't really kick in til about 1 year, although babies defiently have preffered tastes you can just about manage to get them to take anything to vary the diet, but when they get to about 1 if they don't like it they won't touch it and it can be very frustrating!
I weaned mine all on a variety of foods, my eldest was a heinz baby and i used their jars and tins, he has a pretty narrow food likes list, and likes convienice foods (ironically!)
The next 3 i did everything by hand making little ice cube trays of carrot, potato, broccoli, pear, apple etc, I started with mixing one cube with baby rice, then gradually increased the cubes, and out of them 2 are great eaters and will eat just about anything and the other my toddler its easier to list what she will eat, sausage without the skin, egg yolk, bread no crusts, porridge, any biscuits and crisps and rubbish, and will not eat a vegetable or fruit however you hide it! I really worry about her but she thrives and seems happy enough and i am assured no child will starve themselves, which i don't agree with, they do!
IMG00105-20101116-1356 00000.jpg
I will eat pizza Mummy!

Got to go a nappy to change, i just did it but she has had a poo now!:dohh:

Back later for a better catch up xx
OMG you guys talking of weaning and sleeping in their own room, only feels like yesterday i was sitting on a mattress protector waiting for labor to start !!!! I think its time we have another baby !!

We did try paige with some baby food today, only a small spoonful, it all was spat out but i recorded it so will put it on youtube...

We have been playing kinect, i read you can play on line with other... anyone with the sports game?

I went into Next today and saw this dress which i fell in love with for paige but hubby said i couldnt buy anymore clothes for her... but i just kept thinking about it all the way home and went straight on the net to see if i can order it in secret, but i dont seem to find it, do they have things in store which are not on line ?

Im buying 12-18 months clothes in the sales for winter next year.
Im buying 12-18 months clothes in the sales for winter next year.

I have bought a mother Christmas outfit for Rosie in 12-18 for next year, its really cute, little red and white stripy leggings and the Christmas jacket, it was £3 reduced from £15! Crazy! :hugs:
I've been so busy havent been on once sorry we all have colds happy new year stars and I'll catch up with you in 2011 xx
Happy New Year are a great bunch thank you for the support, laughs & tears in 2010 xxx
Will catch up properly when I am home!!!


Happy New Year!!!

Thanks for all your support in 2010 and let it continue in 2011 :D

Evening everyone!

Well, all our big group of friends came around here on their way to someone's house for an XBox 360 Kinect night! So we all had a beer together, and now it's just DH and I, we're having crispy duck and pancakes, and a bit of red wine to see the New Year in!

So, Happy New Year to you all! Thanks to each and every one of you for becoming firm friends, and for sharing so much this last year. I feel blessed to know you all! Lots of love and hugs to all the mummies, daddies and babies, and let's hope 2011 is as good as 2010. xxx
Happy New Year lovely Mummies xxxx

We ended up calling 999 last night, our neighbours had a party which esculated intoa full on pissed brawl, wives were screaming, funny to watch but I felt sorry for the kids having to listen to it! Some people should not be allowed to drink!!!

The past few nights Hope has been so hard to settle, she just cries all the time, she is fine once she is asleep but getting her there is getting to be a battle!!!
Eeek Becs I love to watch these things from a safe distance :haha:

See i have to say I feel lucky both girls are born at the same time of year so all the seasons and ages match up so I just get to buy some pretty things :lol:

I'm not starting weaning yet though Rosalie is grabbing food and tasting it she also can hold a spoon and put it straight in her mouth :dohh: she still sleeps in bed with me cant see her moving for a while :blush:
Aaaah no Becs! We feared that our next door but neighbours might be using their house and garden as a nightclub again, but they didn't. Our next door neighbours were up, I could hear them "singing" to Girls Aloud at 5.30 when I was feeding Sam, but they weren't too bad really.

Sam's really up and down with the weaning. I am consistently trying him with a couple of spoonfuls a day, at lunchtime, but some days he has a good few tastes, other days it comes straight back out! It's such a gradual process.

Sam is tending to be in bed with us from 5ish. If he wakes any time after 5, I bring him in bed to feed and then we doze off together. Jack was in our bed for a long time. I think he stopped coming in at about age 2. Now he sleeps all night every night in his own bed without fail! It all comes in time I guess!
We are trying Hope with things at lunchtimes, she really enjoyed her rice yesterday!! I think its just getting them used to openiung their moths and the spoon!

It was all fun and games, I am so glad I don't drink, one of the blokes fell over and we thought he had hit his head on the kerb thats why we called the police and ambulance as he wasnt getting up. I dont care if they think we were being nosy!

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