September Stars

ladies I have 2 questions....

1. Have your babies eyes changed colour yet? If they have when did they?! lilia's are still blue, Wayne said if they still are when he comes home then we'll be going on Jeremy Kyle lol!! His dads are blue but everyone elses are brown!!

2. Do your babies have tears yet?? We have had one tear I think so far, and even then it wasn't a tear as such more a slight dampening at the corner of her eye!! I'm wondering when they are supposed to come in?

Lol, genetics is really funny, i think it goes two brown eyed parents can make a blue eyed baby but two blue eyed can't make a brown.(don't quote me on it!!)
Rosie's eyes are still blue, I have brown eyes and my childrens combinations have been...
Mum brown Dad brown Baby dark brown from mum's dad
Mum brown dad brown baby blue, from dads dad
Mum brown dad brown baby dark brown from mum's dad
Mum brown dad blue baby blue
So far Mum brown dad blue baby blue

So out of 5 children not one has my eye colour, and when my ex and i had a blue eyed baby us with both brown eyes i think had the baby not looked the image of his dad he would have questioned it! But 'his' dad has blue eyes so grandparents seem to have a say in it!

Tears come in at different times, Rosie does cry real tears if she gets upset, and i hate real tears, i remember one of mine not crying real tears for a really long time, i think almost a year, but then she was a really quiet contented baby who hardly cried anyway.

Not sure if i should go out today, I have seen a mamas and papas play 360 stand thingy and it is £50 from £70 and i have just discovered we have a stockist not so far from here, and in the same place they have a mothercare, so i may get the girls up (the others are away) and go off shopping with them, not sure about dh, if i can be bothered to ask him even, i really think being single is easier, less work and you do your own thing, I hate feeling like this, l want that trust and unconditional love i felt for him, when i 'married the man of my dreams' he has not looked at anything even vaiguly offensive since christmas eve, when he just clicked on the forum page i moaned about but he went straight back out of it as if he hadn't meant to! I know i havent looked after him like i would have while we have both been ill, and i am hoping it's because i am poorly is why i have not felt quite right about it all yet, he almost has double ground to make up i want to trust him and i want him to loose weight, he lost some but has stopped, i think next week is his first weigh in with weight watchers since christmas, i have decided despite the over confidence it gives him thinking he is stud of the year i want the best of him not the worst, i feel his past girlfriends had him at his best and he settled for me and let himself go, its usually men complaining about this isnt it!!:haha:

Going now, or i won't get a chance to go out today!

Back soon, hope everyone is ok xxxx
SR, I think that you will need to start letting her cry a bit otherwise you will really not be able to leave her alone for any time at all! My friend used to sit with her baby on her lap all the time, literally never put her on her mat or anything, she's nearly 1 now and walking but still if she leaves the room her baby screams blue murder!! Maybe if you do controlled crying? Like you would at bedtime, maybe the first few times just let her cry for 5/10 seconds longer than might find that it gets gradually longer before she starts crying. I do think you need to do something as it isn't good for you not to be able to be away from her even for a couple of minutes when she's awake, or you'll end up organsing toilet breaks arund her nap times! Good luck hun :hugs: We did try to combat this problem before it started, partly due to my friend and the trouble she has, and partly dur to the fact that Wayne had it with one of his sons... Even when Lilia was tiny we used to put her in her chair or on her comfy mat for sleep, and if she was content we put her down... it was hard at the start because I jsut wanted to cuddle her all the time!!

BTP thanks for that, I have to admit I wouldn't mind either way her eyes go but i do think dark hair and blue eyes is stunning so I would be quite happy with that!!

I just wanted to share this with you ladies, I got a very short letter from Wayne today, he is very busy searching it seems, he attached a photo of him with his full kit on with his search dog, who is called O Barma! It's so good to see his face (well what you can see of it) as I haven't seen him since november and I'm really missing him so much at the moment, and I can't even start counting down yet as we're not halfway his first block :( Hope you don't mind me posting it :hugs:

That's a lovely photo Louise. I can't even begin to imagine how much you must be missing him.

My dh has blue eyes and mine are brown. Harry still has dark grey /blue eyes but I think they're turning brown as they seem to be getting darker. We saw Harry's first real tears when he had his first set of jabs. He doesn't often properly cry unless he's in pain or overly tired.

Lbb, Fx James gets better soon. You poor thing, you must be utterly exhausted from worry and lack of sleep.

Btp, I'm sure that in time, if your husband regains your trust, that you will feel the same as you did when you married him. I think you should go shopping with the girls, it sounds like fun!

Nice to get a photo Louise :hugs: :hugs:

Also on the eyes things genetics is FAR too hard to predict... like really my whole family have blue/green eyes and Robins eyes are greeny and so is most of his family yet Tabs has REALLY dark brown eyes :shrug: Robins two couisns have really dark eyes so thats obv where thats where they come form. Rosalie's havent changed at all yet but Tabs didnt go to this colour until she was around 1?

:hugs: BTP

Rosalie cries real tears if she cries?
Lovely photo Louise xx

LBB, hope little man gets better soon xx

BTP, go shopping with the girls!!!

Hope has the same green/brown eyes as Ian, I have blues eyes with a dark ring around them, Hope has the dark ring. Another good night here, housework, washing and dog walked all done!!! Now time for some relax, think we are off to see my Mum at work, she owns her own shop, a fruit and veg shop, handy for us as she brings us stuff home whenever we want!!! I need to go and see my Uncle who works with my Mum and thank him for our christmas money and also need to get some fruit and some veg for a stirfry for tea!!
SR I agree with Louise you need to try and do some control crying with her maybe the weaken whilst oh can assist would be best for you? You need to try and break the chain now otherwise it will only get harder in the future . Good luck !

Louise lovely pic xx
Oh also here are some photos of Rosalie moving :dohh:

These were when I metioned it the other day but she moves forwards now :cry:

I know its not that early for them to be starting to crawl but its just odd to me as Tabs just didnt. Tabs was standing (holding something) at 5 months and sitting at 4 months she just didnt crawl much. So it just is mad to me :blush:

Ok just caught up

LBB :hugs: poor wee guy :hugs: he seems to be having it rough right now and you too I hope he gets better soon.

SR Tabs was the same, she slept for about 10min each time she would never be put down if she was asleep then she was on me or in the bed with me she would wake as soon as she was moved. She would cry being put down the lot... for me crying it out was just not an option. I'm not against it for other people but for myself I will never do it until they understand why. If it was again I would have just carried her in a sling. I know I made my life harder but she got over it pretty fast really, they tend to go through clingy stages. :hugs: I dont have any advice other than you have to do what you feel is right :hugs:


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Blob, Rosalie is sooo cute!! Right little wriggler!!!
Blob such lovely photos!!! Naughty little girl on the move already!!! We have some advanced stars don't we!! She looks too tiny!
S.R. paige can be like that, she is getting better but she needs holding a lot and gets bored after a few mins, its very draining, have you tried a baby carrier? i used to do anything to stop her crying now if i need to do something and she is crying i let her cry and sing to myself (it helps me not get upset) before 3 months i know you cant spoil a newborn but as they get older they start to pick up bad habits so i put her in her play gym and now i get longer before the crying starts...

btp- babe wish i could give you a huge hug, when u lose trust you start looking at other problems, you wonder why you should put up with it all... you guys need to get that magic back, its hard to do with no kids let alone a house full..... hang in there babe... remember men are never very good at thinking thats why god invented women... someone has to look after them xx

LBB- If he can get a note from his doctor they do the exams different for him.. they are really good like that xx

Jelly- how amazing to see him laugh, i have been waiting for paige to laugh... x

Louise- you can post photos of your hubby any time.... bonus if he is uniform ; ) is a lovely photo honey really hope the time passes quickly for you, but till then you have us ,xx

Blob- omg she is starting to move around, clever girl, my mates 10 month old only just started to crawl least your house should be baby safe already xx
btp- were you talking about the m&p littleland ? its £37 in argos in the sale x
:hi: girls!
We're getting the beginning of what is supposed to be a big snowstorm here. Simon is standing at the window reporting to me about "snow and wind and cold, mama".
Feels like a good day to snuggle in and be nesty.
Except that I am craving fresh bread or pastry something fierce.
Thank god for the metabolism of BFing, or I would be about 400 lbs by now. It was a snacks-and-treats indulging sort of xmas holiday... :blush:

SisterRose - there are many schools of thought on the clinginess. One may be that having you close is just what your baby needs right now. Or she might need to go through some of the crying and understand that you do come back to her each time you put her down. Only you can really know what feels right to you as a mum. I do think a solution might be to babywear her for awhile. That might meet both your needs until she gets less anxious about separating? It makes you feel a bit crazy though, doesn't it? :hugs: Make sure you do get a bit of an escape now and then to keep your sanity.

BTP - :hugs: Hope he smartens up soon.

Ack, I had more to say, but having an acute attack of swiss cheese brain. :wacko:
Oh, I remember now:

LBB - hope your babe starts feeling better soon, poor little guy!

Blob - :shock: Rosalie!!! That is early! What a little smartie pants!
:rofl: Louise!

Meant to post these yesterday.
Here is little Tobe rocking his new legwarmers from Santa! And I am excited because they have elephants on them!


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Ladyk, thanks for the man comments, I know they can be all the same, and however wonderful a dh is they really do have the same make up!
I am hanging in there, we went shopping today, he sighed and moaned the whole time, i just ignored it in the end and enjoyed my girls!:hugs:

I bought in the end the jumperoo, i have looked at loads of different bouncers, and play things, was going for a more static play thing and a door bouncer, yes the one you said ladyk, but i looked at the jumperoo and Rosie had a sit in at and she really liked it, another simmilar one swamped her, and another was 6 months plus, so i went for the one she sort of choose!
I am glad i got the more expensive one, i can always shove it on ebay when i am done with it! i think argos had it a bit cheaper but it was out of stock.
It was between this and the jumperoo

She is so tiny her feet don't touch the floor, i have put a little box under her feet so she can bounce, even on the first setting, teeny girl!
She likes the lights and music though!

Blob, clever baby! Rosie sticks her bum in the air if she is on her tummy, she is not a tummy baby though and mainly moves on her back pushing her heels into the ground!xx

Off now to fb, oh my the pics of Amy's baby are just heartbreaking, she is so fragile and tiny, makes me cry every time, poor Amy has been through so much :cry:
By the way this is Rosie's new bed, atm she is in the basket in the cot! :haha:
BTP, thats a lovely cot, we have a jumperoo and Hope loves it, she fell asleep in it this morning!!!
I know what you mean about Amy's photos, they make me cry too x

Louise, love it!!!! Lilia looks cool!!!!

Sarah, they are cool leggings!!! Not more snow for you guys!!

SR, I agree with the others, like Sarah said it could be just a stage, its such hard work when they are like that, luckily Hope has only been like it when she is off colour.

I made a lush stir fry for tea, I am some what stuffed now!! Just put Hope to bed, I am all showered and relaxing!!
Aww how sweet self chosen already ul av to take a pic!

Sarah love the leg warmers :)

Thanks everyone for you get well wishes! We have decided to see how he goes tonight and if he isnt better im going to ring the childrens ward tomorrow to see what they say! X
Sarah those leg warmers are brilliant!!

BTP Harry just about touches the floor on the first setting but I've been putting a pillow underneath him. He doesn't last long in it though as soon gets tearful.

I know what you mean about Amy. Those photos break my heart. Goodness knows how Amy is coping when I can't even look at a photo.

Well I've just got back from a friends and I'm now worried I've got Harry into some bad habits. He isn't napping for very long during the day and always needs a boob to fall asleep. Also apparently he shouldn't need to be feeding every 3 hours at night. ugghh. Think I'm going to have to stop being so soft and start sleep training.

Also my boobs hurt as he occasionally bites down and as he now has two teeth it bloody hurts!!

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