September Stars

i think i just need the reassurance from them fishy. James goes to sleep on the boob most nights lol oops! X
LBB, I dont blame you, fx'd for a better night xx

Fishy, I feel much the same, Hope very rarely falls asleep off the bottle, the only times are in the car or in the pushchair!! My friend keeps telling me to put her down for a nap but tbh I love the time we share together and as I don't want another baby any time soon or have to go back to work I really don't see what the fuss is about, you do whats right for you and Harry. I wish I could toughen up but thats just not me and I won't change the way I parent Hope to suit anyone else!! She is happy and healthy and thats all that matters. Sorry went off on one!!
Thanks ladies. I so love this forum and how you ladies are so laid back about everything. So many other people have strong views about parenting and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm messing up. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one parenting this way. Thanks. x
Lbb good luck for this evening, hope he feels better xx

Sarahk I love elephants !!

Fishy Harrys a cheeky monkey who just enjoys his food :). I've no advice regarding breastfeeding and nights, sorry xx

I think we may buy a jumperoo soon as JJ just seems bored with his activity msg and swing now. Started using his bouncer but because it hasn't got a toy bar I feel he gets bored very quickly.
Evening all! Have been reading and trying to catch up, but I reckon I will have forgotten most of what I read by the end of this sentence!

Aw LBB, poor James, he's really having a rough time of it, little man! I can imagine you must be so tired yourself and worrying out of your mind. Temperatures scare us mums. Big hugs. xx

BTP, big hugs, sounds like life is difficult in your house at the moment. I hope things improve very soon for you. xx

Fishy, Jack was a baby who was really reliant on the boob for sleeping and settling in general. He ended up pretty much sleeping with us in bed most of the time as I couldn't get any sleep otherwise. At the time, we were criticised big time by friends and family, but he was just hard work! And now he sleeps every night in his own bed and is fine. Still hard work, but sleeps well!!

As for having children with different temperaments, we had Archie first, who was a dream. He slept through from 13 or 14 weeks, and apart from being tiny and prem, he met all his milestones as he should do. He tantrummed, but not badly. He generally stopped when we said "no".... he was a good boy. Then we got Jack!! He was hard work from the start, didn't want to feed, sleep, settle, anything really!! He went through all the phases we thought possible... hitting, biting, pinching, kicking... and now he is super bright and clever, but still very hard work. He can throw a temper like I've never seen before. But he has a HUGE vocabulary and is a lovely boy in general. So now we have Sam, who seems to be like Archie. We are relieved! It drags us back into that false sense of security where we think we may have another!! But we probably won't...

On the subject of jobs, I'm an Occupational Therapist, I work for a wheelchair service doing seating for children and adults with complex needs. I love it, and I feel like me when I'm doing it, but at the moment, I don't relish the idea of going back!!

See, I have forgotten everything else now! I think we're all headed back to illness in the house. Archie has spiked a huge temperature this afternoon and doesn't feel well at all. Bless him, he threw a hissy fit when I told him he needed calpol for bed. Turned his back on me, crossed his arms and told me "I'm very cross with you!"... bless, he's such a softie. Jack was desperate to copy Archie, saying he's ill too, and even took a spoon of calpol to try and convince us. The oscar definitely goes to Jack!! My throat is sore and feels all swollen as though someone's got their hand on it. I really hope I'm not on my way down with it!!
See. I missed loads typing that out grrrrr!!!

Fishy, Becs, Louise, Jelly... I agree... you do what's right for you and for your baby. x

We've got a jumperoo too, but it's the old model, had it since Archie was tiny. Archie and Jack both needed a blanket or two folded underneath their feet so they could reach the floor, but on first try with Sam, at the same age, he needed to be put up to the second setting cos he's huge!!!

Louise, gorgeous pic of Wayne. It must make you feel happy that he looks all healthy and rosy on his pic, as worried as you are. xx
:rofl: Louise :rofl: I did that with Rosalie too

Awwwww Sarah I have legwarmers on Rosalie and Tab all the time they are fab :thumbup:

BTP Rosalie loves hers too :cloud9: she touches the floor on her tipytoes but I put a pillow under her too.

For me I think that the best piece of advice I ever read was...

'They are only babies ONCE you will never get this back, if you want to cuddle them to sleep everynight then you do that. If you want to carry them everywhere you do that... dont look back and regret, they will learn to sleep in their own time. Babies are all different never look at what others are doing'

Basically was a mum of 4 getting really pissed off at being told what her baby 'should' be doing and said that they are babies for such a short amount of time enjoy it :thumbup:
See, another forget!!! Blob, those pics of Rosalie are fab! I can't believe she's on the move so fast!!
Lilia has a graco babywalker, it was really cheap in the asda baby event! My mum bought it for her.... it says 6 months but yesterday i decided to try her in it just to see what she did, I too put a cushion under her feet as she can't reach the floor even on the lowest setting, and she loves it!! She loves standing up, if she is laying down or sitting and you hold her hands she will always pull herself onto her feet now! I think she will be an early walker rather than a crawler, I walked at 9 months although i crawled at 6, and i rolled around the room like a sausage back to front to back etc by 3 months apparently! I was a very determined baby, seems like lilia is too! She is still not keen on being on her front although she spends a lot of time rolling onto her side.

Anyway, lost track... she loves her baby walker (obviously static not walking!) as she can stand up in it and she was in it for aaaaaaaaaaaages today! She's good at occupying herself, which is good as there's only me here!

Claire, your boys sounds utterly adorable! :cloud9: you must be the proudest mummy! I hope everyone is well in the morning!

Jelly, I meant to say to you... you use infacol with james don't you, and you've mentioned a lot of sick? Well i have been using it with Lilia pretty much ever since she was FF.... well I have gradually stopped using it with her, and I have to say, I think she is only sicking up about 10% of the amount that she used to on infacol!! And she is winding fine now... maybe just her but I think the infacol may have been causing a lot of it...literally every burp brought up what looked like at least an ounce of sick!!

Can't remember any more... just thought I would attach a piccie of Lilia in her walker!
F&C - the others are right. It's your baby and all these opinions about training and whatnot are just opinions. Don't stress. Unless you think there is a problem, why change what you are doing if it works for you?
I boob Tobes to sleep all the time. I still have him in our bed half the time. It works for me right now. I'm transitioning him slowly to sleep more on his own, but I refuse to let anyone make me feel like there is one way to parent.
:blush: Confession time: one of the reasons that I absolutely despise the Baby Whisperer is that I felt she really did have a "One Method" solution and if you didn't follow that then you were just asking for trouble. It really pissed me off. Granted, I read this one week after giving birth to Simon. I was hormonal as hell and took everything she recommended as personal criticism. :dohh: And her way does work for lots of people. Just not me and my family. And I resented her tone.
Anyway, point is you know what Harry needs. And maybe right now, he needs to fall asleep on your boob, just like Hope needs to fall asleep with her bottle in her mama's arms and Tobe wants my enormous lopsided left boob and etc etc
Thanks Louise... I AM proud, I need to think that more often! It's easy to get waylaid in the chaos of life and forget... all 3 of them are gorgeous and so different from one another! x

Love the pic of Lilia! Her hair is just so good! Little honey! x

Sarah, you put that far better than I ever could. Every baby needs something different, and we just go with what they need, be that a boob, a bottle, a dummy, a hug. I agree, totally. xx
Louise love the pic, Hope loves being stood up too.

Claire, your boys are fab xx

Sarah, well put!

I love cuddling my baby and seeing her change day by day, if that's not the right thing to do well tough!! I will raise my baby how I see fit!
well little man is flat out beside me on the sofa wont be long myself iv probably had about 15hrs sleep total over this week im shattered!

Gg and anyone else working with children will be with me on this but a name means am awful lot and when i was pregnant people would throw names at me and id think straight away of children id cared for and a no-no for me was, wait for it claire. Jack lol cos they were all tinkers each and everyone of them lol! Alex and Jessica were the biggest no-no's thou lol! Do you deal with Jenx then Claire? X
Louise im loving your pics we need to get James something he had a playnest for Christmas but he prefers to be higher up! X
I have just booked Hope and I in for baby signing classes, can't wait!!

LBB, I am a qualified NN and it was always Bens that were trouble, my nephew is a Ben and I can confirm its TRUE lol!!
Blob - Great pics - How funny !!

Sarahkka - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr @ snowstorm - Im so glad all our snow has dissapeared now. The UK really isn't equipped to deal with it.

BTP - Olivia loves her jumperoo. Its one of my best buys and they seem to hold their money so you can sell it on when your done and treat her to something else nice !!

F&C - Owwww on the teeth front. I look like ive been attacked by a cat. Shes either pummeling, scratching or just grabbing handfuls of my damn skin - Grrrrrrrr

Asher - Hope the bug leaves your house soon. xx

Louise - Lilia looks adorable in her walker. Love the pics you uploaded onto FB of her in it !

Becs - The amount of stick I have got for cosleeping is unreal. Olivia is 50/50 on falling asleep on the boob. I dont let her cry (if possible) and am very much doing things my own way. Olivia is such a happy and content baby I guess I must be doing something right ! xx

Ive had a lovely afternoon with my sis and niece and my friend and her newborn baby boy. Was really lovely and relaxed with lots of cuddles and pass the baby and no interruptions. Bliss. Im cooking for most of my family tomorrow (11 people) so better get off here and start peeling the spuds !!!
Oooo and on the work front I was a PA to a company director but my boss has decided to close the company (for various reasons) and so I am being made redundant instead. Im not overly bothered as had no real intention of going back so will be looking for something part time and hopefully OH will just increase his hours.

My sister seems to think that if I am made redundant then I should be able to claim Job Seekers for a while whilst I look for work - Does anyone know if this is true ?
Not got long because am sleeeeeeeeeepy but wanted to say 2 things...

becs what's baby signing?!

and on the names front...i agree, when you work with children it really does make you think that certain names = certain characters!! For me, naughty names are: Jack, Jordan, Megan, Rhys cheeky chappy names are Alex, george,... can't think of any more!! It's better the other way... hear a name and straightaway can fit a character to it!! I love the name Ben though becs, it's our first choice if we have a boy! In my experience they are cheeky but sweet!

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