September Stars

Ok not gone to bed yet, I can't, because I needed a cup of tea and a biscuit.. had to open a new pack of choccie hobnobs (nom nom) and they make the tear thing soooooooo far down the packet, you HAVE to have 4 or they will go soft. Oh dear. Never mind eh!!!!
Hi ladies
I'm back! Can't catch up properly on my phone though so will have a proper catch up tomorrow or Monday when I can get on laptop.

Had a fab week away at my parents, holly was a little star although she has got back in the habit of going to bed really late again. Was midnight all week but she was down at 11 tonight. She's been sleeping between 10 and 12 hours though! Someone said about their baby drinking a couple of ounces then screaming... think Louise? Well holly been doing the same thing all week. Was putting it down to seething but she's developed another cold and is very chestyy so might be that? I dunno but its stressful! She's had a runny bum today too (had to change her bum 3 times on train from London to Manchester today!!) So think she's got somethibg. Seems fine otherwise though!

Sorry to hear about the poorly mummys and babies... lbb with James and btp and anyone else I missed. Hope you're better soon Xx

Agree with the others about doing whatever you feel is best. Holly has clingy days and ill carry her all day. Sometimes she naps well, other days she doesn't. Some days she wants to be put down to sleep, others she wants cuddling to sleep. We don't have a consistent bedtime routine and she goes to bed at different times but she sleeps up to 12 hours at night and is happy and healthy!! She eats what she wants when she wants and does whatever she wants and that's the way it should be as she's a baby and you can't spoil a little baby. I used to feel bad like I was doing something wrong but now I see that holly is happier when I am chilled out about things.

Anyway will be back for a chinwag soon!

Thanks for the advice everyone, have taken it all in. Sorry can't stop much longer to catch up but it's been another terrible night with Ellie. She screamed from 5pm til 9:30pm and wouldn't be put down. She wouldn't even sit with her Daddy or Nanny tonight, she only wanted me. Really melted my heart actually, she cried and screamed when anyone else held her or tried to comfort her and when I'd come in to the room she'd cry and look at me with sad eyes, so I took her and she stopped crying and cuddled up to me and slept, poor little sweetie. She slept on my knee with me for a few hours, now I've gently popped her down while I have a 20min break and I'm about to go and wake her up for a feed before we try her in her cot for the night.

I know me picking her up isn't right and I should try to leave her but I really can't :( hoping it's just a phase due to her teething, she seems she's in pain with her teeth and is dribbly with red cheeks.

PS: Really cute picture Louise. Want something like that for Ellie Moo.

Will catch up proper tomorrow!
SR IMO you're not doing anything wrong by picking her up. She obviously wants comforting right now so It's not wrong to do that! It's prob her teeth hurting Xx
SR That sounds different than just whingy crying, sounds like she's uncomfortable because of teeth or whatever and she wants/needs her mummy... do what you feel is right hun, you might find it all blows over in a couple of days :hugs:

Emma, Lilia's feeding is almost back to normal today! It takes a while getting her wind up and she will NOT feed even if she feels the hint of wind in her belly!! Sometimes takes a good ten mins to get her to burp now she's not on infacol but overall seems better!! Tonight after her last bottle she decided to go for a poo...that's handy! It was quite firm and she seemed to struggle a bit with it... if you rememb er last time she had her funny feeding episode it seemed to end with a bit of constipation followed by an explosion so wondering if she had tummy ache too? Who knows! But she only dropped 3 ounces today so pleased with that, recently she's only been having 4 ozs before bed!

Must. Stop. Eating. Hobnobs! I will be the size of a house when Wayne comes home!
SR, I agree with Emzy - you don't need to apologize for responding to your baby, hun! :hugs: It is a tough tough time when babies are sad like that. You are doing a great job, mama bear! Never doubt it! :hugs:
I agree with what everyone has said its very true about the fact you will not get these days back, I regret to this day that i didnt spend time with Jake as a baby, he was such a good boy and was easy to please , i would leave him a lot to amuse himself.. but it came back and bite me on the arse because by the time he was 2 he was a nightmare, he needed to be played with all the time, he craved attention, he still does. I will never know if its because i didnt spend much time with him as a baby that it made him into a challenging child. There are times i need to put her down but i make sure i pick her when she is being good and when she is crying so she doesnt learn to cry to get attention...there has been times she starts crying for no reason, i put her on the floor and she stopped.. !!! sometimes this has the opposite effect though.

Hubby read that they have proven that you cant spoil a new born, picking a new born up when it cries has proven to have a positive effect on them as a toddler. I have to admit i felt like a awful mum, you guys knew your babies routine so well, i dont have a clue, i play it all by ear during the day... i kept saying ill make a note of the times but i always forget, i feed on demand and there is no routine, today she didnt have a feed for 3 hours but then had two within an hour and half.... she can also sleep for 20 mins but now and then ill get an hour out of her, i forget to look at the clock. Because Jake is so bad behaviour wise i am so worried paige will end up the same, i know jake has special needs but i worry its something i did when he was younger which made it worse

Baby signing... i REALLY want to do this too, all the way through my pregnancy i went on about it, i am getting a few local mums together and thought we could do our own baby sign classes together.. i was looking into buying a book on it. A friend of mine did it with her baby and she is VERY advanced for a 2 year old now and swears it was down to these classes. But it reminds me of meet the fockers lol

I was a stay at home mum for years after having Jake, i only went back a few years ago... but now i would do anything to stay at home, but im only going back doing 25 hours a week and if i can get some sort of business going at home i may cut those hours down. Grant has amazing shifts, 2 day shifts 2 night shifts and 4 off.... great hours if you have a family, i know most fireman have a second job but he would rather be home with us than work on his days off...

Paige just sits and dribbles in her jumperoo, she will sit anywhere for about 10-15 mins before crying..

Louise- she is so cute, as i said on FB im finding a wig tomorrow in the house... lol

F&C- paige feeds every 3 hours sometimes at night, she also sleeps on the bottle or the boob, nothing wrong with it at all... every baby is different. I started freaking out when everyone one here was saying their babies were smiling, paige took longer to smile...

Asher- Jake was a nightmare child and still his but he is VERY clever, at 7 years old he had a reading age of 16yr and 9 months (this is how the school test him) but he doesnt want to put the effort in... he gets bored and angry very easily. I keep getting told that he plays up because he isnt being challenged, thats rubbish he just has a problem with authority and finds learning boring... its such a waste !!!! they cant give him exams as he refuses to do any work...
SR, I agree with the others. It sounds like she really needs you at the moment. Teething must be so hard for them as they don't understand. X
Louise, i may try a few feeds without the infacol and see how jj reacts, thanks for the tip. I was looking at your pics on fb last night and dh looked over he then started complementing and cooing, he said your daughter is adorable! My husband has never been bothered with children before i think parenthood has made him a big softie his fav was the wig shot lol

Becs ive been looking at sing and sign too, who ever asked what it is its where you sign to songs etc but it teaches babies how to sign things such as more, drink, food. It means babies can communicate alot sooner

My brain has gone and cant remember what else i was going to say

Emma, glad you had a nice time with your parents!!!

SR, have you tried to give Ellie some calpol, if its her teeth it might just calm her down. Totally agree, if she is in pain and needs you then you give her all those cuddles x

Kara, I am really looking forward to my baby signing, it starts Thursday!! The Fockers was the first thing I thought of LMAO!!!! Poop!!!!!

Hope is still asleep, she too does between 10-12 hours now, I feed on demand during the day and we don't really have a routine, if she is hungry I give her a bottle. My friend is very religious and feeds her baby every 4 hours, she even wakes him up!!! Sod that, if they are asleep you leave them!!! Hope now winds herself, when she sits up she gives up a massive burp that seems to last for ages!!!
I am off for a shower and a hoover up before Ian and Hope get up!!
Ha ha Jayne, I have to say, when anyone says they're calling their baby Jack, we suck our breath in and tell them to think again!!! He's such a cheeky nipper. Nursery say he's fab and really clever. Kara, I have to say Jake sounds like an older Jack. I love him dearly. But he has no middle ground. No volume control, he's either quiet or very loud. And he's either really nice or really naughty!!

And Jayne, yep we sometimes have a bit to do with Jenx, but it's more the kids OT and PT who do them, we're more into mobility bases, so the little ones are in posture buggies like New Bugs, and the bigger ones in custom seating or Gill 3's on buggy bases.

Baby signing sounds lovely. It's something I liked the sound of with Jack and never got round to, and I doubt I'll get round to it this time! I look forward to all the updates, cos it sounds fab!

Laura, good luck with your big family dinner today!

Aw SR, poor little Ellie. Sounds like her little teeth are giving her some grief! Bless!!

Well, having a cup of tea and a piece of toast. DH is just off for his swim now, then I'm going for mine when he gets back. Archie's still got a temp and isn't so well. Jack's being Jack, and Sam slept all night!!! I was awake for ages listening as I thought he was about to wake up, but he just kept on shoving his thumb in his mouth and going back off!!
Awww thanks jelly :cloud9: I think she's adorable too but I'm slightly biased!! I think the best thing about the wig is that it's pretty much the same as her hair lol but pink!!

Baby signing sounds brilliant! i'm going to look and see if there's a course in my surestart centre!!
My sisters friend was talking about baby signing the other day, said it was brilliant so I said I'd look for a class.

Becs holly pretty much winds herself too and let's out a massive burp when I sit her up! She does still get a bit of trapped wind occasionally though. We are still using infacol though, I'm too scared to stop it!

On the jobs front, I have a degree in human resource management and worked in HR for 5 years before leaving to do teacher training, but I left the course half way through as I fell pregnant and took a lot off time off in the beginning as I was so sick. I them temped when I was pregnant so now I have to find a part time job when my maternity allowance runs out in April. I was going to consider going back and finishing my course part time, but they've pulled the funding for pt students so that made my mind up for me! So I'm going to try and do evenings and weekends somewhere.

We've all woken up with rotten colds today. I feel like crap and Holly is coughing and sneezing and is all bunged up bless her. Any tips for babies with colds? I feel so helpless!
Ahhhhhhhh so much to remember!! Sorry i can't remember who said what!

I have put the toy box lid under Rosie's feet and she seems to be happier jumping about, she was under the baby gym first but she ends up the other side of the room heel kicking her way round!!

I did baby sign with Ben when he was little because he didn't talk, he had his own language so I learnt total communication to try and talk to him, he did speech therapy at 3 and it helped and turned out he was not looking at us to learn speech, but i did enjoy the signing, and i see the cebeebies use the same method, as did their schools.

Names are interesting, Ben is a naughty name, all Ben's I know are cheeky little monkeys, including my own! Sophie seems to be a pickle name too!
Jack is a good name, my Jack is caring, sensitive, loving, he is a gem and a credit to me, i am very proud of my little boy! (who towers over me!)
For us its Ben who has no off switch, or mid way point!

I am very chilled out as a parent, and still pretty much child led throughout, it makes for happy children if a little spoilt looking but they are all caring, sharing and loving. (generally!)
Rosie still eats, sleeps and does everything on demand, of course if i am going out i feed her first to give me a few hours but if i am in i let her tell me what and when, she falls asleep at different times, she settles well at night, if i am in the room she is happy.
My first i was quite het up with, partly the situation partly new mum but i feel i made him quite a worrier, and a bit of a mummy's boy, i wrapped him up in cotton wool, but i still believe i would rather have him than a child that had seen or done unsuitable things too young and affected his character another way!

Time to go, i am going to see if i can get a food delivery, my lovely son has just offered to do the shopping, and to make me a coffee, such a gorgeous lad! I think i will see when deliveries are, i am still too poorly, i went out yesterday but it has wiped me out today, i was not ready really but needed the fresh air, i feel all hot again today, ans wobbly! Dh is out, he has sold his car at long last, but that is another story!!

Big hugs to all, hope all poorly babies are feeling better, and poorly, tired mummies too! :hugs:xxxx
Morning ladies :)

I'm struggling to sleep at the moment, I think a combination of Amy's loss and the bloody eastenders storyline has just gotten to me, i also keep looking at the loss section on here and I just keep having awful nightmares about Lilia, about something awful happening and Wayne not getting to see her again, argh it will drive me mad I know, need to get out a bit and stop thinking so much about depressing things! I miss him so so so so much today it's unreal. Sorry for no personals, just wanted to moan x
Hi ladies, it's been ages!!! I hope you are all well, I love all the updated pics, it seems like 2 mins ago that we were all counting down until our labour days!

Sophia is a chilled happy little baby, she never cries. But she does feed every three hours at night, it's so shattering! She's had her 2nd load of jabs and is growing well. I'm fine, on the weight loss wagon, it feels so good, I'm really motivated right now, just started slimmimg world and my friend is dragging me to the gym. :) Hoping I can be a new woman for the summer. :)

How have you all been, sorry I haven't been on for ages, ppl stressing me out and sucking the life out of me with their issues but now that's behind me and I have sooooo much more time to relax, it's put me in a happier place. :) Oh and I turned 30.....eeeeeekkkkkkkk I'm ancient lmao!!!!

Love to all the sept mums and babies. <3
Louise, I skipped EE over the new year, I couldn't bare it, it's a CRAZY storyline, the babyswop was a step too far imo. Sure makes me appreciate my beautiful little family. (((((((((((hugs))))))))))).

Emzy, I'm a teacher in wales looking for work for sept and their are no jobs, not even 1 to apply for. I don't know whether to change careers???? Nightmare situ really. Good luck whatever you I hope you all feel well soon.xxxx
Morning ladies :)

I'm struggling to sleep at the moment, I think a combination of Amy's loss and the bloody eastenders storyline has just gotten to me, i also keep looking at the loss section on here and I just keep having awful nightmares about Lilia, about something awful happening and Wayne not getting to see her again, argh it will drive me mad I know, need to get out a bit and stop thinking so much about depressing things! I miss him so so so so much today it's unreal. Sorry for no personals, just wanted to moan x

Huge :hugs: to you, Amy's loss has made me feel particualy sad too, locally there was a woman went missing and was found dead, the parents were on tv and it really got to me over Christmas how sad, and how some horrible people were about.
Then the enders storyline! I keep watching waiting for everyone to realise, surely it is going to happen, i don't want to watch til it does!
I have Rosie on top of a motion monitor and it is the only sleep i get or i wouldn't get any!
Although my dh can be a useless sod at times, he is here and i can't imagine just how much you must worry and miss Wayne, I think moaning is the only way through it! :hugs::kiss::flower:
aww hugs Louise :hugs: Amy's loss has really upset me too. I was so upset when she lost Darcie and as we were all pregnant then and it was really close to home and I feel so upset this time that it has happened to her all over again. It's not fair. It makes you realise how lucky we are to have our beautiful babies x

Also, does anyone who had trouble with breastfeeding and had to give up still feel upset about it? I do. I think it's all the breastfeeding awareness stuff on facebook that's brought it back up (which I think is fab by the way, good on so many people for supporting it) and I can't believe I still feel upset! Holly will be 5 months old next week and is happy and healthy, but it still really bothers me!! I don't think it helps that twice this week I was asked by family members I don't see very often why I wasn't breastfeeding, one of which very helpfully said that Holly wouldn't have had the bad chest if I had (which I know if a load of bobbins, but still made me feel bad). And then the girl I went to antenatal classes with, who used to be very unsure of breastfeeding and kept saying she was going to give it up suddenly went off on one saying how 'breast is best' and she is glad she didn't have to feed her baby any formula as all it does is fill their stomach and isn't as good, etc etc. Just thought that was a bit insensitive.

Anyway just wanted to rant about that lol!! Did I ever tell you guys what happened with the meeting with the senior health visitor woman about my complaint? I can't remember!

I can't believe Holly will be 5 months old on Friday!! Where on earth has the time gone! She was drinking out of her weaning cup today! Got most of it down her front, but such a clever girl!

emzy- 5 months !!! paige has only just turned 3 months.. is there really 2 months between them !!!

I gave up breast feeding jake after a week, never regretted it but this time round i couldnt feed her for the first 3 weeks then all of a sudden she started feeding.. three weeks ago i started having problems and started to bottle feed more and more. thought i would be ok giving it up but i cant do it and now im trying to build up my milk supply. I dont know why im finding it so hard to give it up. No one should be made to feel bad, to be honest paige is happier fed by the bottle and most babies are bottle fed and didnt do us any harm ?? I just not ready to allow my breast milk to dry up.. x

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