September Stars

I know it's so weird, 2 months between them but we were originally due the same month lol!!

BF is obviously right for you right now, so if you want to then keep at it as long as you feel happy to! My friend from antenatal classes always said she would only do it for the first couple of months but now she can't give it up either. I think it's the bond/connection thing. I think that's what I feel we missed out on and that's why I still feel upset about it if you know what I mean? x
Oh and I know some of you may have seen these on my facebook, but here are the photos from the photoshoot we had with my mum and gran. It's 4 generations of women. We had one when I was a baby too, with my mum, gran and great nana. So here is ours, with Holly, Me, My Mum and my Gran from Canada. Holly is so little in them and fast asleep! She was only 8 weeks old x

I also forgot to say that we went swimming twice when we were away! Holly loved it so much, we are going to take her again at the weekend. She was kicking her little legs and everything!


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Emzy what lovely photos you all really look alike. I don't recall you mentioning what happened when HV visited

Louise I also have felt more uneasy about SIDS etc the past couple of weeks but you have to remember it happens to such a few number of babies and as ling as you use common sense and guidelines you know LO will be fine xx

BTP hope you feel better soon it's really knocked you hasnt it .

Emzy / lady k - I was very upset about not being able to bf and I still think about it now every so often, but I know jj is so much happier on ff. I hope to try again with no#2 but I think I'll be less emotional about it if it doesn't work again. I know my baby is happy and healthy and that's all that matters to me.
Louise completely agree about the hobnobs Haha! Has anyone else started to like things thats they didnt prepregnancy?

Btp you sound like youre going through it at the mo like James get well soon hun x x

well i thought James had got over the temp cos he had calpol at 220pm and hadnt got a temp still at 730...then bang 8pm and its 38.8 Grrr! Im going to ring the docs again tomorrow to see if he is still ok with the calpol cos he has had that for 7 days tomorrow! The good thing is he is feeding better and is generally better in himself! X

sorry cant remember anything else! ...nope no use trying lol x
Emzy lovely photos, you can see how much Holly has grown and changed!! OMG 5 months already, its going too fast!!

LBB, hopefully now James is feeding better he will start to feel better xx

Louise, I haven't watched EE since that storyline started, its just too much for me.

I must be a bad Mum as I have FF Hope from the word go, and tbh I don't care what people think. I have had some strange comments but BF just isn't for me, everyone is different and you do whats best for you, I was FF and everyone I know was and they have all tuned out well s what the heck! Hope is thriving on it, she sleeps well and thats fine by me, I am happy and she is happy and thats the main thing. These people that judge and make snidy comments really annoy me, whats right for one isn't always right for another.
Hope has her second lot of jabs tomorrow, I also have 2 lots of workmen round to do some jobs, they are booked in to come anytime in the day so I will call up in the morning and let them know I wont be here, I am not rebooking her jabs!!
I agree totally becs! Each to their own, happy mummy, happy baby. Although Emzy, I do still feel guilty about it weirdly as I personally really wanted to BF.... I think when something goes wrong and you 'can't' do it, its a lot different to just deciding that it's time to wean... that's the hardest part! Occasionally she nestles into my arm and I am so tempted to wap one out and see what happens!!!

Thanks for kind words ladies, had a shitty night but I feel a lot better today, went to a friends for a roast dinner, it's amazing what company does for you!

LBB hope it settles down again, poor James and poor you! :hugs:
ah controlled crying is the new thing in our house and im currently sat next to the monitor listening to Amelia scream its been ten mins distarct me guys please !

wow ive missed a lot of chat see what i can remember...

lbb is right i have the same problem with kids names 13 years in the nursery has ruined certain names run to certain personality traits it took me age to name mine every name Paul said is said no to i thought i was onto a good thing with Amelia id only taught 1 but now they are everywhere loeads from on here alone :) Layla was going to be Isla but i changed it at the last minute.

Louise- stop looking at the loss section love it will do you no good, oh and i rember looking at the pic of your dh you put on the other day you must be so proud !

becs- your not a bad mum and im totally with you i never thought about doing it not just because it was twins but because i knew what was best for me , people do have plenty to say though i heard earlier a friend of our who is breastfeeding telling everyone formula fed babies are less brainy , she best stay out my way for a while !!

just going to read back
Emzy- love the photos ! you reminded me that we need to buy some swim nappys dh is desperate to take the girls swimming
Evening ladies!

Louise, I don't bloody blame you for having a moan.... I can't believe how small my problems are compared to the fact that Wayne is in Afghan doing a dangerous job. I have to say though, I do have the horrible thoughts about the kids on a daily basis. I think it's a hormonal thing, but I'm sure made worse for you because of the situation. Big hugs. xxx

Gorgeous pics Emma, how fab does your mum look?!! You do all look similar! Hope all your colds improve. Sam loves swimming too, I'm sure it's the 3 times a week he was in the pool when I was preggers with him, bless!! x

Aw LBB, poor James, I really feel for you. It's so so hard when they're poorly. x

Kara, Sam's not far off 5 months too!! He'll be 5 months on the 25th. Scary stuff!!

Re the BF/FF thing... I've kind of been in both camps. When I was PG with Archie, I wasn't keen on the idea of BF, then when he was born prem I was told it was the best thing I could do, so I persevered, and we manage until he was 13 weeks. I didn't have a supply issue, but we both got thrush, and he was tiny, and I didn't have the strength to carry on with it. He had to have a bottle from day 1 as he had extra vitamins to take, so he took to formula from a bottle with no problem. When Jack came along, I was determined to BF, and I did, but he was a terrible feeder and wouldn't take a bottle at all. Now, Sam won't take a bottle either. The striking thing about my boys is that none of them appear any different regardless of what method they've been fed by!! So FF or BF, has made no difference! But it's something we really get hung up on as mums, not helped by the media. x
thats shocking gg how dare she say that! Im 1 of 6 (3 sisters and 2 brothers) and all my sisters have children and they all ff and are fab and progressing well! Funnily enough they have said now they have seen me bf they would try it next time i think its cos im the only person in my family to bf! X
LBB, I totally changed my mum's opinion of BF. She FF me and my sister, and she found BF quite disturbing!! But when she saw how things were when I was trying so hard with Jack, she became very supportive. She even made a lovely comment to a girl who was BFing her baby girl in a shop cafe a couple of weeks ago. She is a changed woman!
Thats a awful comment to make about BF babies are more brainy.. my son was FF and he is very bright... my sister was BF for a few weeks and i have always called her stupid...: ) so its rubbish..

I heard the nurse in got taken off by FB.... but my friends 15 year old daughter with her boobs almost out is allowed !!! makes me bloody angry !!!

Someone i know was told they were drinking tea with breast milk in it as a joke a few years ago, they spat it out and make yuck sounds, my reply after was " but its ok for you to drink milk which comes out of a hairy smelly animals nipple which is meant to feed her young, because that isnt gross at all , is it ?"
thats fab Asher! Kara i agree half dressed slappers can keep their pics on but a baby being fed cant! My sister has pics of her husky feeding her pups so shouldnt that be taken off!? X
I don't get how people feel they have the right to be so judgemental about bf or ff. Everyone's situation is individual to them so there can be no right or wrong. To go around saying things like bf babies are more brainy is not only insensitive it is totally ignorant. I know I'm incredibly lucky to be able to bf Harry. Out of our Nct class only two of us managed to make it work which shows just how hard it must be (we all tried).

Louise it must only be natural to feel so anxious with Wayne serving in Afghanistan but try and stay away from the loss section of this site as it can really mess with your head. I have a friend on here who, like Amy, also lost her baby and I regularly check her journal to see how she's getting on and there are always entries from other ladies who have experienced equally horrific things which are mentioned in their signatures. I have often then read their stories which have then eaten away at me. I try now to avoid them as they were doing me no good.

Lbb I can't believe James still has a temperature! You must feel exhausted :hugs:

Emzy those photos are lovely! I have to say that at first I thought your Mum must have been your sister. She's very glamourous as is your nan.

I've just had to change an exploded nappy and Harry now won't go back to sleep. I tried to bf back off but the little monkey kept biting with his new teeth so he's now moaning away in his cot with me sitting next to him. Roll on weening I say!

I had a funny night with Hope, she randomly woke at 2am for a feed, she hasn't done that for ages!!!!! Yesterday she only had 4 bottles instead of her normal 5-6!! Then she woke again at 6am for another feed but only had 4 oz!! Finally we got up at 8am due to a nappy explosion, was rather smelly and as she was in bed with me I wasn't prepared to keep smelling it!!! She is now screaming at her toys on her playmat!!!
We have Hope's second lot of jabs at lunchtime so I will give her some nurofen before we go!! She is so cute in the morning, really chatty and giggling away!!
Morning all hope you all got some sleep ?
It's last jabs for us today 3 needles each this isn't going to go well is it, poor things they don't know what's coming Layla is happily napping next to me on the bed and Amelia is sitting on my lap chewing a muslin and laughing at me roll on 1 o clock so we can get it over with

Time for me to get up and have breakfast they should go back for a nap ....
I really am not bothered either way about breast or bottle, I breast because i am a lazy cow and couldn't be arsed with all the bottle sterilisation, and because i wouldn't know where to start on making a bottle, or how to 'serve' it or whatever, the boob is there, its free, its made up right for my baby and i am lucky enough to be able to for whatever reason.
I feel babies are perfectly healthy and happy either way, and Emzy i don't feel you have missed any bonding with Holly, feeding her she can look at you and get that bond whether the milk comes from a boob or bottle, she is still getting that closeness with you.
I certainly don't think Mums who bottle feed are any less fantastic mothers, I think we all do very hard very brilliant jobs of looking after our babies!

Just quickly, my ttc friend found this and i said this is me!:holly: for some strange reason the smilie is called 'holly' I would have suggested boobie!

Back later, got my Tesco shop coming today, still feel crap, dh done school run, 10 brownie points, and i am blowing some really horrible stuff out today, does this mean its clearing at last?! :hugs:xx
Has anyone elsee been given the choice to have the last set of their jabs broken down ? I really wasn't happy with Olivua having 3 jabs in one day so were having 2 on Thursday and then going back the following week for the 3rd one ?

Good luck for everyone having jabs. xxx
Laura I wasn't given an option on the jabs was just told it would be 3 the only difference is we are a month late with ours because they wanted to allow for prematurity

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