September Stars

fingers crossed boony, actually no that should be legs crossed lol x

tmi but has anyone had slightly smelly feet since being pregnant? Lol x

James had fruity porridge for breakfast which he seemed to like! Iv decided to give him that in the morning and something at teatime to try and fill him up cos he has been waking every couple of hours sometimes less than that so wonder if he is ready for it now! But he is teething so could be that, who knows!? X
:lol: I dont think I have smelly I dont know though...

I remember everything about Rosalies birth I'm SO happy abouth that. Also Louise I thought the exact same after having Tabs so I had this one filmed JUST as she was born :cloud9: next time I'm going to put cameras around the room so I get the whole thing :haha: Robin hates be being pregnant and in labour so I think we need a while before the next one. I want to be pregnant again when Rosalie is 2 (we spoke about it last night :haha:)

CONGRATS (again) Boony!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:
Congrats Boony :hugs:

I can remember everything about my C-Section and have lots of pics and video's of it. Although it wasn't the birth I wanted, at least it is clear in my mind.

Scarlett had her injections this morning and was so brave, bless her. It helped that the Nurse was prepared and gave her all three really quickly, unlike the other Nurse who did them slowly and prepared them one at a time.

I am being referred back to my hospital's gynae department as the doctor doesn't think the blood clot in my Uterus has resolved. I've got to go and have an ultrasound - no idea when the appointment will come through. The Doc dosed me up with more Diclofenac - will have to find a new hiding place as DH keeps pinching them.

DH and I had a chat about the possibility of future children last night - you lot are so bad for putting things in people's heads. We agreed that if we decide to have another we won't start TTC until Scarlett is 2 so if I have another it won't be before 2013. I'll be 37/38 then so who know's whether I will fall, I can't imagine that even if I do it won't happen as quickly as it did with Scarlett.

Wow congratulations Boony!!!!!! Lovely news! You'll be needing a double pram. :) Have a happy and healthy 9 months.

Amy, I'm so sorry that last time I came on here I missed your sad news. I am so very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you. <3

Just popping in to say hi, I hope you are all well.
I've already got a double pram i have the icandy pear because my 2 year old doesnt walk for long periods yet.
Boony, excelent, icandy pears are gorgeous! At least you'll get good use out of it. :)
Congratulations Boony, think i said it when you thought it was possible, but now you know for sure :happydance: I will say it again! Happy Healthy pregnancy to you:flower:

I am trying to forget the birth!:haha:
I do remember pieces of all of them, my eldest was totally the worst, and he and i were both lucky to be ok if pretty poorly afterwards. (well he was fine, he was ressusutated (sp?) though but i was in a pretty poor state due to loss of blood) I remember little things like in my notes they put 'first feed bottle, mum didn't feed' Which really upset me because i was flat on my back receiving blood and was told i couldn't feed, but this was 16 years ago!
The others were great, then Rosie was long and a bit scary thanks to the midwife, i think clash of personalities and just not understanding her amounted to me not knowing what was going on, I knew she should have been out and i should have been progressing but i wasnt, but because she was fine they just left me to labour.
On the labour theme does anyone remember their first words to their baby, I know i said to Rosie ' oh baby Mummy loves you so much' and then i just kept repeating i loved her, she was on me skin to skin for a good 2 and a half hours because the hospital was busy and also while i was being treated and stitched, i remember feeling the stitches and telling the woman doing it, i was annoyed i tore so badly with no5, and joint smallest i feel she should have dealt with the baby crowning better.

Tried Rosie on creamy porridge, she still feels the same and spits it out, after i cleared her up i offered her the second part of her boob feed and she was so happy, it was like why didn't you just do this in the first place Mummy!

Sorry to what i have missed, there was lots to read and i have lots to look at on fb!

Back soon, big :hugs: xxx
well to go with my good news this morning i've just had some really shit news.

My grandma has had alzheimas for 12 years and on monday it affected the part of her brain that makes her eat and drink. they rang my dad and said there were 2 choices take her to hospital and be tube fed for the rest of her life (not that she has one!) or leave her to starve to death. My dad made the decision to leave her be so i'm guessing within the next few days we should get a phone call saying she has gone :cry:
I am the same as MrsJ - I didnt get the birth that I wanted with my emergency csection but I am very grateful that I remember EVERYTHING about it. I had 12 people in theatre with us including me and OH. I felt very at ease and the staff were even playing about with our camera and taking pics !! The only part of my birth plan that I was 100% about was that I wanted to hear her cry and I got to hear that. My first words to her were "I cant believe your actually mine". It is a day that will be etched in my memory forever. xx

Congrats to all that are expecting again. xx

I am determined that I will be pregnant again this year so going to try and shift abit of this baby weight. Best of all OH is now happy that he does want more children - He had always been in the were only having one camp.

ha ha ha LBB - no smelly feet here !! But I have had water infection after water infection since I had Olivia, which I am none too happy about !!
well to go with my good news this morning i've just had some really shit news.

My grandma has had alzheimas for 12 years and on monday it affected the part of her brain that makes her eat and drink. they rang my dad and said there were 2 choices take her to hospital and be tube fed for the rest of her life (not that she has one!) or leave her to starve to death. My dad made the decision to leave her be so i'm guessing within the next few days we should get a phone call saying she has gone :cry:

So sorry to hear that Boony - This happened to my nan 2 years ago. It was soul destroying seeing what this horrible disease does to those we love. I hope (in the nicest way possible) that it is quick and as painless as possible for her. xxxx
Boony congratulations on no 3, and big hugs so sorry to hear about your nsn it's a horrible illness xx

Lbb no smelly feet from me but I have managed to get through three pairs of slippers since on maternity leave

Got JJ weighed today at 15 weeks he's 16lb 11oz and jumped on the graph to 91st percentile. Told me they normally don't measure until One year old but as he's had such a weight gain they will measure him next month. I think it's because he's not being do sick anymore. What can I do to stop him putting on the weight ..... He doesn't finish every bottle so know he's not over eating he just eats when hungry. Some times five hours sometimes 2 1/2. Also when two weeks old his length was 91st percentile so I think his weight has just caught up..... Stupid damn graphs

Taking JJ to nursery tomorrow. Really hope I like what I see as I don't like any other nursery near us and have two people recommend it. Offstead report us also very good. Fingers crossed
I wrote a long reply and lost it so will keep this brief!

Boony :hugs: How awful, like Laura said hope it is as 'easy' as possible xx

BTP I think my first words according to Wayne were 'hello you' over and over and over! I will never forget how she stared into my eyes for so long... melted my heart x

Jelly, don't think you can stop him gaining weight fast!! I wouldn't try either tbh, if he wasn't hungry he wouldn't eat as i don't think babies do 'greed'.... if you fed him less he'd probably be whingy so just go with it, maybe he'll just be a big strapping lad!

Lilia now has tears... so now her drama queen cries are just emphasised! Good job it's not often!!

Does anyone else sing to their baby? Lilia adores being sung to! Her favourite, randomly, is Que Sara Sara!!!! She does the biggest grin as soon as I start!! She also likes row row row the boat and there were ten in a bed and the little one said roll over!! I'm very musical and Wayne has a good singing voice and is quite musical too even though he doesn't play anything, i think odds are on that Lilia will be fairly musical too!! I hope so! I love the sound of children singing!!
Louise JJ loves me singing his favourite is if your happy and you know it. Sometimes he can be crying hysterically and soon as I start he goes quiet and if he's just whingey he'll start smiling. Others are wheels on the bus and row row row. I have to say ive made up a song since he was a week old that seems to soothe him. Both me and DH love music Piano, guitar, oboe, recorder. DH has room in cellar where he records music . We are both very keen for James to start early playing an instrument
Fishy that's a good idea... I thought you had to have had a traumatic time to request one? I didn't have a particularly traumatic time, it was just very long and I can't remember a lot of it and that really bothers me. And I'm still really bothered about being taken away from Holly to be stitched in theatre. Maybe I should ask for one. What did it involve? What did you have to do? x

Nope, they are apparently trying to encourage all Mums to do it as it helps you recover in general. I didn't have a particularly traumatic birth but there were gaps in my memory and I wanted to know what happened so that I'm prepared for future pregnancies. My HV gave me a number to call for the head midwife at the hospital (I think!). It's quite a common thing so there is a person dedicated to doing them. It basically involved me going to the hospital and the midwife reading through my notes and explaining everything. So she said things like 'you arrived at 4am and were found to be 2cms dilated' etc etc. I was able to ask questions whenever something cropped up that I didn't know about such as apparently they put a clip on Harry's head and apparently his heart beat was dipping post contractions which is a sign that he was getting distressed.

She then emailed over a timescale to me so I know exactly what happened when.

I would definitely recommend it. It's helped me loads already. xxx
I will find out for defo tomorrow afternoon as had bloods today and she put urgent on them for me as I have had previous so scared!!!

Congrats Boony!!! If I am due date will be 25th September...Kimi was born the 1st October!!!

I dont really remember much of my labour.

I remember dancing around the room with my mum during contractions...doing one on the g+a and one off!

I remember the midwife trying to examine me and i screamed at her to leave me alone coz I was having a contraction...

I remember not wanting them to take my top off as I didnt have a bra on and didnt want them seeing my boobies :blush:

I dont remember my first cuddle and the first time I remember seeing Kimi was when I was on the ward and the nurse woke me up coz Kimi was crying.... :(

Hope everyone is okay!!!

My husband broke his hand at work today !! He usually helps every night with the girls but he can't do a thing ! I will be in charge of every feed nappy and issue x2 he. Feels really bad .

To top it all Amelia is poorly has a cold and a very high temperature , I'm not sure if it's teeth but she unhappy !
Boony, massive congratulations on your BFP! Have you spoken to your husband about it yet? I'm also so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. The same thing happened to my Grandad and I still haven't got over it. If you want to chat please feel free to PM me. :hugs:

Re my labour I remember the following weird things...

Before I went in to labour I was worried about showing boobs or lady bits but when I went in, whilst waiting for the midwife, I stripped naked and sat on the loo!!

The loo had tiling behind it which I felt every time I had a contraction - I was leaning back trying to cope.

I was given a bath and it didn't help.

I kept apologising to the MW for being a wuss and making noise.

I was very sweaty!

I asked them to do some topiary on my lady hair when they asked to shave me a little!! I also asked them to give me a tummy tuck when they stitched me up after my C Section.

I knew when they began cutting me and told my husband when it started. It was just so happy the pushing and contractions were over that the C Section was a pleasure!

My husband flooded the birthing centre room as forgot he was running another bath!

I can't remember the first thing I said to Harry :(
Thanks F&C, yes i've spoken to him and hes happy about it although he would've preferred to have waited. He's said he wants a little girl too which surprised me because hes always said he didnt want girls. We've already half decided on names but i'm keeping quiet now and we've half worked out the new sleeping arrangements for when baby will need his/her own room.

Sorry about your grandad its a horrible disease and i havent seen my grandma for about 10 years because of it. It was too heartbreaking to go and see her get worse when she never even knew who i was and shes never seen my kids and she missed my wedding but when i was a kid she was always giving us money for sweets etc. My life wont change when shes gone coz as i say she hasnt been in it for over 10 years now and i'm glad she wont be suffering anymore but its heartbreaking to know that she will starving rather than there being a nicer way for her to go. They wouldnt starve a dog to death so why is it ok to do it to a person!
I totally agree, the law is crazy. Although it still breaks my heart when I think of what my Grandparents went through (my Grandma died several months after as she just gave up), the blessing is it was fairly quick. I think it only lasted a few years and he was only bad at the very end so I can't imagine how hard it must have been for your family over the last 10 years. xxx

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