September Stars

Louise I sing to both my girls, Tabs falls asleep and Rosalie grins and coos at me :cloud9:

Boony :hugs: so sorry hon
Evening ladies...

Aw Boony so sorry to hear about your Gran. So sad. Big hugs, good to hear your good news about the pregnancy though. xx

GG, so sorry to hear about your hubby's hand! His comment on FB made me feel quite sad! He obviously feels really bad about it all! I hope Amelia is okay, and that Layla has a good night for you in case you're up more than usual with Amelia. x

Loving all the labour/delivery stories! I think the idea of a debrief is a good one. I do actually remember more about Sam's birth than the other two boys' births I think. I think the water really helped, as I don't think I was toking away on the gas and air quite so much. Also, when I knew it was pushing time, as Sam's head was trying to crown, I just got all aware, and knew what was going on. I distinctly remember them telling me to only do tiny pushes, and then telling me the head was out, I reached down and felt his little ear! And then one more big push and I was lifting him up from the water. Nobody had seen if he was a he or a she, but I had my hand under his bum so could feel the little danglies, so I was the one to tell! My first words to Sam were "Another little boy! Aren't you gorgeous!" ... ah, just thinking about it, I want another one!!

Had a busy old day today! I managed to get Sam to settle in the bouncy chair whilst I did him some sweet potato puree and made us a chilli to go in the slow cooker. Walked the dogs, took kids to school/nursery, went out with mum for lunch (and Sam obviously!!), picked kids up, took Archie for swim lessons, did my own mile swim in 34 mins 3 seconds (yay! yay!!) then came home and sorted bedtime out. Sam and I are much recovered from our cold, so I'm hoping for a good night with him tonight.

Right, I'm off. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep. x

Ooh just remembered... I do sing to Sam, he loves it. He likes "Clap hands, Daddy comes......" , actually he loves most singing, just not DH's!! x
Crikey you lot chat!!

Boony, yay for the test and sorry about your Gran xx

Genies, poor you, like I said you are superwoman xx

Asher, that is a busy day, so glad you are little man are better xx

I sing to Hope all the time, even when we are out walking, people must think I am bonkers but I don't care!!!
Had a busy day today, took Murphy for a walk came back went to Tiny Talk, then met my friend for coffee, came home took Murphy out again, then went to my parents, went to slimming world got weighed, had tea and then came home!!! I am so tired tonight!! Inbetween that I had a mini meltdown on the phone to Ian, I lost it over something so stupid and I got myself all upset, can't believe how angry I was!!
Hope seems to of got herself into a lovely routine this week, she naturally goes to bed around 9pm and wakes around 8am, its fab!! Just don't wanna jinx it!!!
My birth story was quite eventful. Went in at 7.30 in the morning for c-section and they said I would be 1st on the list so went down at 9am. As they were about to put the spinal in they said that it would have to be postponed as the midwife had been called to another urgent case on labour ward. My husband had already changed into scrubs so stayed in them and carried his clothes back to the ward. Then as we got back to the ward we heard a clinking sound which was my wedding ring that Ian had in his jeans pocket drop out. Searched everywhere and staff pulled beds out etc... still no sign. I was very chilled out and didn't mind that my wedding ring had disappeared and said that it was only a piece of metal and could always get another one. Got taken back to theatre at 10am and all went okay until it was time for Ben to come out, he was stuck solid as his head was lodged at a funny angle. The surgeon was lying across my belly pressing on his bum whilst the obstetrician was trying to free his head, it took them 20 mins to get him out and only got him out with forceps. He cried straight away when he came out and wasn't too happy about it. I cried buckets and then whilst they were cleaning him I noticed that he had massive feet and hands they were huge compared to the rest of him. I think the first thing that I said was aren't his hands massive!!!!:happydance::happydance: He was very chilled out after delivery and still is!!! Love him loads!!Oh and we did find the wedding ring it had somehow gone into the locker through the little gap in the doors and had landed in my slipper!!
GG - sorry to hear about DH. Did they say how long to heal? Hope you manage to fi d done help from somewhere cx
Sorry for selfish post. Can't handle the evenings.. the rest of the day I'm fine. But then the evening comes and I just miss him so much I don't know how I'm going to get to the end of this tour.. 45 sleeps till R&R, 92 till end of tour but then a month in Jordan.. I'm starting to think I'm not cut out to do this, this is his first tour since we got together because he has been prov and training regt and do you know what? It's crap.... it's just shit, I am hating every second of it, I'm trying to be strong and I'm just not strong, it seems so far away and I don't know how I'm going to make it there. If it wasn't for Lilia i don't knnow what i'd do. The evenings are just awful.. every song I hear seems to be about him.

Sorry for going on yet again, I just miss him so so much. I get annoyed with myself, because I get annoyed at other people who put things on facebook like their fellas have gone somewhere overnight and how much they miss them,I know it's not their fault but i can't help it!

I'm so scared that he won't come home... I know I shouldn't even think it. Can't help it :(

Sorry.... moan over
oh Louise iv always been worried that you were doing so well he will be back before you know it hun x think we are all having meltdowns tonight i just started crying earlier cos James is teething and had a temperature again and i couldnt stop myself getting worked up for a while after! X
Guess what !! that bloody pram didnt arrive today !!! i phoned up to be told i wont be getting it as it had to be ordered from the supplier, well i phoned up sales and spoke to a women who promised me it for wed and she said i was told wrong and myself and another will be getting our prams as two are in stock and she will make sure herself it will be sent out... i finally got a email at 6 saying it has been sent and its way !!!! which means now they cant ask for the full amount, but it said there is 3 parcels but there should be 4 so this should be fun !!! the first thing im doing (after wetting myself with excitement is walking to the shops... i may take paige, i may not i havnt decided yet !!!! lol

Paige is off her food, she hasnt had hardly any milk since 3 today and brought up what she did have and she is hardly ever sick. she was screaming non stop at bed time i ended up just leaving her in her cot and went downstairs just to get 5 mins break but she fell asleep !!!

I remember everything about my labour and if i forget i can always look at the video that my husband decided to take as she was crowning, great to show at dinner party's dont you think but how i saw labour was totally different to how it was apparently, im sure i was screaming my head off (way better than that girl on OBEM) but mum and grant said i just moaned and grunted but he said he had never seen me so ugly and in a worse state !! yeah cheers babe !!! i remember thinking my body was being ripped open and i was going to die from the pain... i hadnt slept for 3 days prior and i mean no sleep at all !!!!! so i was in such a state. I looked awful and i do have photos but i hope no one ever has to see them... I wished hubby had recorded the entire birth, or maybe more than her head coming out as i dont think recording 7 hours would have been a good thing..

mrs J – congrats on catching ratatouille...i have paper with different routines on, so far non have been perfect but im adjusting it every day to suit her. Oh btw where abouts in London are you? Im north west london

Emzy- sorry to hear about the thrush is back, how bloody stupid of your doctor !!! i dont think i would ever have any trust in a doctor who did that and you will always be wanting a second opinion

Jelly-yep 2012 start trying, we will arrange the exact month closer to the

Becs- my hubby has said he would pay for me to have a c section he said watching me in labour really effected him and never wants to see that again...i cant remember what your labour story was about so im glad you reposted it...glad u had a better day x

LBB- i sent my letter confirming my back to work, i think i cried as i posted it !! i dont want to go back.... im only going back part time but would rather be at home, i know your feeling babe.... lets hope we win the lotto before then !!

Louise i love the photos and yes i sing but i find i dont remember words to songs so end up making them up... she doesnt seem to

GG- keep a camera close to you at all times, would love to see more photos of your babies !!!

Booney- Yay !!! congrats.... xx p.s i wont mention it at all on FB and when you announce ill practice my surprise post !! just read about your nan, im so sorry honey xx
Thanks for the support guys I do feel so sorry for dh he is so upset he can't pick the girls up and he is so active he hates feeling useless we are extremely lucky our families are close by and my two best friends have both offered help so we are looked after. I have to take the cat to the vets tomorrow but dh mum was coming to babysit but she still can and dh can keep her company lol!

Lady k I'm so hoping for your buggy to arrive looking forward to pictures

Louise your always in my thoughts it's hard to imagine what it's like for you but I think your doing amazingly well x

I really want to try and get on the laptop tomorrow and find my hospital pics be nice to review them
Louise you've made me cry, big hugs. I dont think I'd be able to cope in your situation. We are all here for you and even though we can't comprehend how you must be feeling we hope we can ease the pain xx
kara if you have more problems with your pram tell them you are going to ring trading standards hun! X

Genies poor Hubby bless will have 3 babies to look after today then ;) x
Aw Louise, you know, I always think you're so brave, and you are. I am a wuss when DH just goes out for the night with the lads, I wouldn't cope him being away for long at all. We've been together donkey's years, and although we're not all lovey dovey anymore, we're such a unit that I wouldn't know what to do on my own. You have all my love and hugs. Keep counting those days down honey, and squeezing your gorgeous girlie.

Better get ready for school run. Sam slept through last night, yay, seems we're getting rid of the cold again. He's still asleep after his feed on my bed at 7am, so it looks like he's going to school in his sleeping bag with a coat on! Ah well, best way to be!
Louise, you are doing so well!! I do know exactly how you feel xx We have been married 7 years this year and Ian has done about 3 tours, each were 7-8 months long, it doesnt get easier but each time you learn to cope better and get stronger, when its over you look back and wonder how you got through it!! You can do this, I always say I am not cut out for this life but in all honesty I couldn't imagine my life any other way. I am here for you chick xxx

We had another good night, Hope went down at 9pm and woke at 8am!! Murphy is driving me up the wall, I have had to stick him outside but all he does is bark, feel sorry for my neighbours. We are having hisnuts chopped next month then we are starting dog classes, he has started jumping up people and its not on.
Louise - :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Becs - You just reminded my of when my mum had our dog, Lucy, put in to be done and it was the same day I had Kimi...she was soooo tired that she went in and said her dog had had a caesearean...they were soooo worried coz couldnt find any puppies....then she realized what she said and was like oh no...that was my daughter!!! lol!!!

I get my HCG results back today...this afternoon...time is dragging too much!!!! :( I might go out for a couple of hours and try and waste away 4/5 hours!!!

Please dont mention it on facebook as we havent told anyone :)

aww Louise, big hugs hun. You are bound to feel that way some nights, I know I wouldn't cope as well as you that's for sure! Just think, it's nearly the end of January now, so not long til March and you can see him again! I don't know how you do it, I'm useless just when Matt goes for a weekend away, never mind months :hugs: I get scared of the dark and everything, I'm such a baby! lol

Had a funny night last night. Holly was asleep in her cot for 10.15, I went up to bed at 11.15 and she was laying there wide awake, which is unusual! I still got in bed, put her dummy in and put my hand on her chest and she fell back to sleep but then proceeded to start thrashing about and crying in her sleep every hour! So it got to about 4am and every time I dropped off to sleep, she cried in her sleep and woke me up, so I asked Matt to sleep in the spare room and put her in bed with me but it didn't make any difference, she still thrashed around and kept hitting me in the face before finally waking up properly at 9am! So it's safe to say I'm knackered today! I don't know what was up with her!

Holly's been having banana porridge every morning and baby rice every evening this week, usually a table spoon of each but this morning she cried for more porridge! She's loving her food.

Everything crossed for this afternoon youngmummy!!
oh and I forgot to say, yay Holly is currently napping in her cot! I'm trying to wean her off napping in the swing as she's nearly too big for it but she's never napped well in her cot for some reason. I tried yesterday but she woke up after 10 mins each time! She's been there for half an hour now, so fingers crossed!! Think we're going to put her in her own room either this weekend or next x
FX'd youngmummy :hugs:

Louise it must be so hard :( I have tons of friends with husbands in oil and I think I would struggle with that. A few of them take the 'danger money' and they go out to all sorts of places for huuuge stints its mental. They always come back with insane stories of kidnap/gun holes above their bed etc...but they seem to enjoy it. I dont know how you do it hon you are so strong :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Just remember being pregnant didnt seem that long in the end :hugs:

Kara they HAVE to give you the pram they cannot get away with not doing it. FX'd for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Emzy Tabs slept in her swing until she was nearly 1 :rofl: when we came back after christmas we caught her sleeping in it again :haha:


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ha ha ha! Aww bless her!!! That'll be Holly next year judging by the sounds that are coming our of the monitor! She managed just over half an hour asleep and has been talking to her mobile for the last ten lol
On the subject of singing, I always sing to Holly. My faves are these two:

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