September Stars

Just saying hello while Rosie has a no nappy airy bottom kick on her mat and dh goes to the shops, I am having a pj day, although i hadn't planned it it is just because i have not had a chance to get dressed yet, I get the feeling i will not today, I don't leave the girls on their own in a room, Sophie is very sweet and careful but i cant let a 3yr old run the roost even for a few seconds!

Asher, I felt the head with Sophie, it was a lovely birth, quick, easy, i was pushing her out and the head was out and we just sitting quietly waiting for the next contraction, I asked if i could feel the head and the midwife said of course, and so i did! It felt like a squdgy sponge, it was amazing! The next contraction she was out and on me, and i was saying hello baby, no stitches nothing it was great, my labour of choice!

Oh Boony sorry for your news, it is so hard, my granny fell about a year ago, before then she was 100% independant at the age of 94! In a house no less and refused a stair lift!
Anyway she fell and since then was in a home but i pushed my mum to find care for her back at her house so she could at least be at home, she is a bit all over the place, not really in this time or sure of where she is, or what time she is living in, she thinks the lady's that look after her are servants, but then she lived in a time they had them in the house! She doesnt seem to remember my granddad which is sad as he was the love of her life, and she thinks my mum is her sister, but again the likeness is amazing so understandable, i hope she dies quietly at home and although that sounds awful i would rather that than anything else, she is not the person i knewand i just get upset if i go to see her, its so sad, so sorry for you and your family:cry:

Got to go, sorry for quick visit,

And Louise, huge :hugs: to you hun, i think of you and Wayne, there is always something in the news or on tv that makes me think of how brave he is and how hard it must be for you :hugs::kiss:
Emzy I sing that second song to Olivia ALL the time !! It was on Dancing On Ice on sunday and I was singing it to her at my mum and dads and just started cying !!! I think its the line "how wonderful life is, now your in my world" !!

Who mentioned the other day about nightmares ? I keep dreaming that the baby I miscarried 7 years ago is alive and a 7 year old girl. Last night I was dreaming that she was peering into Olivias cot and singing to her and then I woke up and I swear to god I heard childrens footsteps in my room. It completely freaked me out and I had to wake OH up !!
Boony - sorry to hear about you Gran

GG - sorry to hear about your husbands hand

Louise :hugs: so sorry you have to cope with this - it must be so hard.

Laura - terrible dreams :cry: I've been having lots of nightmares recently which either involve something happening to Scarlett or my DH doing something horrible. Hormones eh?

Lady K - I'm in West London near Ealing - is that anywhere near you? I hope the pram arrives soon

DH and are not on speaking terms. I've had a feeling since before Christmas that he has started smoking again. I thought it was just the odd one or two but he's got a bit sloppier about covering it the last week or two. I've given him a few options to confess - told him he smelt of smoke etc but he fobbed it off. Anyway last night when I got up after Scarlett's 2am feed I checked his coat and found some tobacco. I put it on the table with a note saying "Stop pretending - I'm many things but stupid isn't one of them". I expected an apology this morning but he just got defensive and went on about being stressed. It's such a disappointment as he had been given up for over a year :cry: and given his operation later this year and the fact that he is already a cancer risk (hence they are doing the operation) I'm worried about his health. Bloody men - why do they have to be so sneaky? I've told him instead of hurting me once by smoking again he has hurt me twice by lying to me too. I so trust my instincts where he is concerned, I always know when he's up to no good. Unless he apologises when he get's home from work we are in for a rough weekend. Grrrr!
Thanks for thoughts ladies... feel a lot better today, got a nice evening with some friends coming round tomorrow night for wine and a dance on the kinect, and there's a 3 course sunday dinner on camp tomorrow for free so got things going on which is nice! Posted Wayne a nice valentines parcel today and that always makes me feel a bit better :)
BTP, Lilia had some no nappy time on her mat, unfortunately resulting in a full change of clothes, doh!

Laura.... I think your angel is watching over Olivia xx

kara, I agree, trading standards or threaten ringing watchdog! i hope it arrives hun x

jelly, thank you, sorry for making you cry x

MrsJ... I hated that wayne started smoking before he went to afghan, i got really cross and took it personally almost, as we'd both quit for so long. TO be honest, the way I feel now, what if he smokes! But like you say if there are other health risks it's not good, plus I agree, the smoking probably wouldn't have bothered you so much if he had just been honest with you x

Can't remember anything else girls sorry!
Boony and Louise - Big :hugs:

Kara - I hear your pram has arrived :wohoo:

Luara - That is so spooky, it gave me shivers! I agree that your angel is watching over Olivia.

Blob - That picture of tabs is too cute.

I'm typing this with one hand while Ellie feeds herself, she holds the bottle now :haha: I think she's a little constipated at the moment as twice today she's had little bits of hard poop in her nappy. Might try aired water!

Not on a baby note, but thought I'd ask your opinions...Last week I went out with a friend I havent seen in a while, she found a packet of cigarettes in the bathroom and then when we were outside she accidentally picked up another girls cigarettes too. She realized when she got inside and I told her she should go give them back and just explain she'd taken them by mistake but my friend said she didnt want to and just kept them, meanwhile the other girl was saying "Somebody has stolen my cigrarttes!" ...anyway... Today when I was out shopping two girls walked past me, I wasnt paying any attention to them and I've no idea what they looked like or if it was the same girl but all I heard was one of them say "the girl who stole my cigarettes" as they walked past me. Now I'm worried that it was the girl from last week and she thinks that I took them :/ I'd never steal from anyone, it's not in my nature and I already felt awful last week that my friend wouldnt give them back. I'm going out again tonight and she'll probably be at the pub and I'm worried she's going to end up starting a fight with me for taking cigarettes I never even took! argh. I'm really not a fighter but I feel like I shouldnt avoid going out just because I'm worried about something that might never happen. It could have even just been a coincidence and it wasnt the same girl today. :shrug:
If she said anything I'd just say I didn't take them and I don't steal but obviously she wouldnt expect me to say that I did take them.
Louise, Lol, Rosie's time ended in a full change of clothes too! xx

I am keeping her lots in baby grows, if we go out i put a little dress and tights on her, but mainly i am still just dressing her in grows, I remember the others i dressed in outfits and wished i hadn't wanted them to grow so fast, Rosie i am trying to keep a baby but she seems to be growing faster than ever, that said someone stopped me today, Rosie in the front facing carrier, and they thought she was only weeks old, I said she is dinky, her little features are so teeny and delicate!:cloud9:

Mrsj08, Oh hunny you have my sympathy over your dh lying, it really doesn't matter what it's about although the smoking i wouldn't like, and it is not something you can hide when it smells so bad!:nope:
When dh was looking at things he shouldn't online, it was not so much he was doing it than i had asked three times and he had looked me in the eye and denied any wrong doing, THEN still did it anyway! :shrug:
Why oh why they need to be caught red handed before they admit to anything, like you say do they think we are stupid!!:shrug:
Anyway huge :hugs:, all i can say is you are not responsible for him or what he does, although it effects you he is responsible for his actions and you can only tell him what is not advised, it took me a long time to not feel responsible for my drunken ex's behaviour, but eventually i realised we were all our own person.:hugs:

that is rather spooky, it could be your little angel is looking over you both and trying to tell you, not scare you!
If you feel her again then talk to her and perhaps it may make the feeling more positive about it rather than spook you!
I have some weird dreams and hope it is not someone trying to tell me something! I had a school friend die of an overdose and i dreamt about him, and he was telling me how his death was a mistake and he had not meant to do it, I felt I should be telling someone, that was scary too!
I have had others with people that are no longer with us telling me things, and i would rather I didn't!!:hugs:
I think it is just a hormonal thing atm, seeing as a few of us are suffering from weird dreams :hugs:

Songs I sing to Rosie, everything! We all sing 'Everything's Rosie' from cbeebies, it it her little theme tune!
I sing the words to winnie the pooh to her music on her cot, and i sing a lulaby,
'Hush-a-bye my little one, Mummy will sing you to sleep,
Hush-a-bye my little one, time to start counting your sheep,
Time for the sandman to say, dream all your worries away,
Now that your day is all done, Hush-a-bye my little one..'etc, etc til she is asleep!
she loves me singing, and it either sends her to sleep or she sings along with me in her little baby noises!

Can't think of anything else, thank goodness it's Friday:happydance::yipee::wohoo:
Is it just me that REALLY REALLY wants this dummy!!?

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Erm, Yes Louise I think that's just you!!:rofl:

SR, I am not sure what to suggest, only to tell her that it wasn't you that took the cigerette's, even though she would expect you to say it you could still say the wrong ones were picked up by mistake, but not by you:shrug: Don't avoid going out though, if you see her and know it's her perhaps say to her b4 approaches you, if you think she might xx:hugs:

The pram finally arrived, i think all of you are on FB so must have seen the photos, i heard the door bell go and grant came running upstairs and pulled the covers back and dragged me by my legs off the bed.. i was naked but didnt care i ran down like a child on xmas day lol !!!

I had the beige style kit already so replaced the green set for the beige, and put that in the box so im selling that green set and the green carrycot. They also had a style kit worth £90 selling for £30 so brought that too and selling it... if i sell everything at the price its worth i would have £370 which not only pays for the pram but i make money. The foot rest had a bit which was loose so i phoned up and told them so they are sending out a replacement, i felt awful doing it as i should be grateful for having it at the price it was.

I brought the beige replacement colour for £160 on Tuesday i went to show grant the red colour and they dont sell the style kits any more, the only place you can buy them from is mothercare for £203, i was bloody lucky to buy the beige kit when i did !!!!

I took it for a test drive with paige up the road, got a pregnancy test which was negative, good thing really cause we would need a double pram...

Sorry bit of a selfish post but really wanted to share my excitement with you guys x
Kara, loving tha pram!!!

SR, I would feel the same, I had a friend like that, she used to make me feel awful x

Louise, glad you are keeping yourself busy!!

Just had a lovely veggie sausage casserole for tea, before that we took Murphy for about a 6 mile walk!! I am off to tesco in a bit, our cupboards are a bit like old mother hubbards!!
Louise that is so freaky!!

Laura :( thats really scary

Kara you are totally jammy :haha:

SR thats hard I would just keep going out and just say it wasnt you nothing else you can do?
Becs are you vegetarian? You mention quite a lot of veggie things you have made! I love love love veggie food, I was a veggie for 12 years ( until I had duck in pancakes with hoi sin sauce nom nom) but I still often go for veggie options!

I've decided I need to get THIN!!! I feel bloated and podgy and heavy at the moment and I want to be slim!! I'm not really built to be slim but I'd like to get to an easy size 12, rather than tight size 14!!!
I couldnt get my results today as they weren't in :cry::cry:

She said monday but that seems a long long long way away!!!!!

I wanna know NOW!!!! lol

Kara - Lovely pram!!!!

Laura - How spooky...but maybe it is your angel baby, looking over you....

SR - I would just say to her that it wasn't you...if she keeps going just say look...i've told you it wasnt me now would you mind leaving me to my evening out??If she persists...headbutt her!!! :winkwink::winkwink:(im jokin ofc :p )

young mummy is there any reason you cant just take another pregnancy test?
young mummy, cant you get the pure blue which tells you how many weeks you are? I couldnt wait till monday !!!! even i cant wait for your results till monday, i would be over with a test for you if you lived closer !!!! lol x

Louise- im still 2 stone over weight, i have stopped eating crap i dont pig out as much but still not lost even a pound !!! i heard there is this diet where you only eat 300 cal one day and the next 2000 and then 300, so you bascially fasting every other day...mate lost half a stone in two weeks doing this,... i keep meaning to not eat but end up forgetting..x
I took an asda cheapy test this morning and got a BFP!! But they're still quite faint :(

I've done 3 tests this week and are all faint positives!!!

But they have to check my HCG because of the multiple losses :(


My problem kara is that when I actively try to lost weight, nothing seems to happen! It's when i think sod it I'll eat what I want, that the weight starts to go! I need to do more exercise and eat less crap in the evenings!
Thanks everyone. And Youngmummy, I lol'd at "headbutt her" :rofl:

Kara, the pram looks really nice!

Louise - Come check out the september stars weightloss thread! a few of us have got diet journals on here too :D


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