September Stars

Sorry SR I missed your post. I agree with the others, just keep going out and if she says it's you then just say it wasn't and be done with it! Maybe she said something like "that girl is friends with the girl who nicked my cigarettes" and you only caught the tail end of the conversation? I wouldn't worry about it hun x

Louise I was gonna say come on over to the September stars weightloss thread! I've been dieting since Holly was 9 weeks old and I've lost 1stone 9lbs so far. It's been slow going, some weeks I've lost nothing and others I've lost 3 or 4 lbs, but it's coming off slowly but surely. I can't believe how much harder it is to lose weight after a baby!! I was overweight before, but if I did a diet I would lose 2/3/4 lbs a week no problem as long as I stuck to it. I've been so so good on this one and it's such a struggle to lose even 1lb!!

I had a phone call :) only 10 minutes and i could barely tell what he was saying, but I heard his voice and that has really lifted me!
so here is one of my hospital pics i look so rough as i hadnt slept and it was all a bit of a surprise as my waters broke while out on a girls night out in a pub toilet (nice clean pub luckily) and the hospital kept me in overnight and put me on a drip to slow down labour as both babies were breach c section was booked for the next morning, the team in the room were great there was two of everyone because of the two babies and when i heard them cry i cried and i was desperate to know they were both okay I had some skin time with Layla while amelia had to go to special care she was only there an hour they thought something was blocked as she made a strange noise but she was fine, they wouldnt let Paul go with her as they had a big emergency on and that was a big regret.

It all seems like a long time ago i was 35 plus 3 days pregnant and it was the happiest day of my life xx

ill go back and read i just got on the lap top quickly hooray x


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Louise, yes I am a veggie, been once since I was 10 so 21 years now!! I just dont like the taste of meat so it was easy, I don't miss it at all, I use alot of quorn stuff and always manage to satisfy Ian wiht my veggie creations, even made it for the lads and they loved it!! I eat alot of fruit and veg, luckily that my Mum owns a fruit and veg shop, so we get it free and as much as we want!! I also eat alot of beans and lentils. I walk at least 8 miles a day so that with slimming world is working wonders for me!! I lost 4 stone while Ian was in Afghan, I was gyming it every other day and then Davina DVD inbetween, I love exercise but power walking is all I can manage as by the time Hope goes to bed the last think I wanna do is a sodding DVD!!! Just set yourself a little goal, like a pair of trousers you would like to get back into and aim for that, I find little goals make it easier to stick to!!!

Genies, lovely pic!!! My friend is having twin boys and she is now 33 weeks, they both weigh about 4lbs each and she is massive, I feel so sorry for her, she said she feels like she has put on 4 stone!!

Hope is fast asleep and I have just had a lovely early grey and flake!! Done all the ironing and cleaned the bathroom, had a shower and now relaxing!!!
you amaze me becs! You seem to have limitless energy, I really wish I had! I am a total couch potato some days!!
GG - lovely photo x

SR - hope you managed to have a good night out without any trouble

Lady k - love the pram xx

Took JJ to the nursery today, I was pleasantly surprised as all the rooms are catered for six month age gaps so the children will all be at a similar development stage. Very impressed no wonder they have a waiting list, so looks like I can't go back to work any sooner than august as that's the earliest space they have :). Ok I cried when she spoke about leaving James there and how I can check up on him etc during the day. So glad that it's DH dropping off in the mornings and me picking up. What I don't understand is how do people cope finacially with having more than one child in childcare it would cost us £1,700 per month
Jelly glad you liked the nursery it's such an important decision and you have to go with your gut feeling on somewhere x
I think Scarlett know's I am leaving her for 2 hours today as she wouldn't go to sleep last night, when she eventually did she woke at 2, 4.30 and 6.30 and wouldn't go back to sleep until 7.30. That means her feeding times have completely gone to pot and I have to leave for the hairdressers at 9.20. I'm really worried she is going to get herself in a state about her feed and am tempted to cancel. The hairdressers is only 5 mins away though so DH won't let me and says he will bring her to me if it get's too out of control. I'm hoping she will feed at 9 and I can sneak off while DH is giving her, her porridge.

Kara - nice pram

Louise - glad you got a call

GG - I marvel at how you cope with two every day - you really are a wonderwoman

Will report back later! x

p.s there is another mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning all. Just popping on quickly whilst Riley has a nap on the sofa!

Louise, I just don't know how you cope. Both times OH has popped out to do something for a few hours Bubs has been a nightmare child- oh, and nearly choked to death on his dinner! :blush: You are incredibly brave. xx

Becs, you put me to shame. My friends always used to say that I had OCD as my house was kept beautiful. These days I can't even pee in peace let alone get all my housework done!

Riley rolled over yesterday a few times :happydance: from his tummy to his back...a proud mummy moment!

So tired and I can't remember anything else, sorry ladies. I do know that the estate agents are coming tomorrow for pics so I will need to do some of the housework..:nope: and maybe I will pop over to my Mums.

Oh LadyK...lovely pram honey...and what a bargain.

Catch up later. xx
Looking at Genies picture I thought I would add mine form the moment I had Riley.
I had an induced labour and it was a lovely labour really. In total it was 2hrs 52 mins and I would do it all again tomorrow! I remember the first hour being okay, but then I went on the G+A and don't remember the second hour. :nope: I vividly remember the pushing stage and it felt great to be using the pain for a purpose. On the last 2 pushes I was grunting and out came his head, with his cord around his neck. I panicked..OH didn't which was great! I remember his body coming out feeling very odd indeed! He was placed directly under my gown and we had skin to skin for well over an hour and he has his first feedy! I remember saying "he's tiny" (he wasn't really at 8lb 5oz!) and looking at OH and saying "we did it".

I did it all on G+A, and here is my picture.....
Riley  (12).jpg I remember worrying about my make-up for the pictures- with my 1st I looked terrible and didn't want the same this time! :blush:
Teeny, I know how you feel about the housework! I was very OCD, but these days I have to give in and know it gets a good vac every day (cos of the dogs and the messy boys!) and a good wipe around once a week usually. Hey, go Riley with the rolling!! Sam's too lazy, bless him!

Mrs J, hope your hair appointment goes smoothly! And another mouse!! We eventually called the council pest control out, and it was free for domestic properties. He laid lots of bait and is coming back next Friday to check. And we've seen no droppings since, so I'm hoping that's it. Our next door neighbour saw one too, we live in a semi, so he's been out to us both. May be worth a try for you? Are you and DH speaking? :hugs:

Aw Jelly, it's hard leaving them. I went back to work 3 days after Archie, and was lucky that I only had to find paid childcare for one day a week, as we have family to help the other 2 days. This time when I go back, DH's mum has retired and wants to help, so it should be okay again. I will still do one day with our childminder as it has really helped the boys to see a different routine and do different things, eat different foods etc. I may try and reduce my hours slightly so that I can be back a wee bit earlier, even if just by half an hour a day.

Sam slept all night last night, again, bless him. I brought him into bed and fed him around 7.30am, then got up and left him there, and he's still snoozing! It's lovely. Tidied up the kitchen and had some brekky! Will go and get him up soon I think. The big boys are still in their PJs, playing, and DH has gone to work. The inlaws are coming round at 10 so I can walk the dogs. All in all should be good! Apart from that this afternoon promises to be our showdown with future sis in law. We are going round to theirs, so should be fun.....!!
Ha ha thanks Teeny. I am usually quite meek and mild, but you know when you're a mum you suddenly get the "I've given birth to 3 kids, don't argue with me!" head on? Yep, I've got it. She'd better watch out, I'm ready!! DH tells me I should put some nice clothes on, hair and make up and feel good, then go feeling confident.
I think DH is right it's amazing if you feel good how much more confident you can feel. Good luck asher xx
Good luck Asher! Go give it to her!!

I'm going to attempt to have a bath while Lilia is awake because she won't nap at all today!! Not even 5 mins! This should be interesting...
cant you take her in with you louise? put her in her bumbo next to the bath whilst you get in and then lift her in?
I could have done boony, but my hair is really long and thick and it takes a long long time to rinse it out! I wouldn't want to leave her next to the bath whilst I shower it off! And I had to wash it today as to be honest I could have fried an egg on it hee hee!! I'm considering having it all cut off to be honest because it's annoying, but I've always had long hair so don't really know what else i would do!! I had a trim the other day but it's still near the bottom of my back!

She was fine in the end though, she went in her cot and watched her mobile. She has been really grumpy today! She has literally just closed her eyes for the first time to have a little sleep, it's half 3! I really hope she sleeps for a good amount of time as I have so much washing to put away, it's my least favourite housework job as it is and I can't do it when she's being as clingy as she has been today! It's most unlike her, she doesn;t normally sleep much anyway but she has her 10 mins which refreshes her! ARGH!

I am the same, my hair is long and i don't know what to do with it, I want it cut because when i bf it goes in Rosie's face, and she always grabs at it, I am sure Sophie didn't but it was 3 years shorter!
I want something that says yummy mummy not frumpy mummy! I like it long but need it shorter, I like the short bobs cut up into the back of the neck, but that for me would be quite a way off, too brave! So i guess it will be a few inches off and the rest layered at the front?

And while we are sharing pics!

January 2011 camera 024.jpg
Rosy in the bath, the first time she has actually liked the bath!
January 2011 camera 059.jpg
Rosy finding her sucky fingers!:cloud9:
how did you girls look so good after giving birth !!! i looked rotton, i mean i look so bad i cry when i look at the photos !!! next time i give birth im getting a fake tan and full face of make up !!

My fairy sold on ebay less that 24 hours of it going up !! very very pleased.

BTP- im also thinking of having a hair cut, my hair comes to my waist so it will be a bit of a shock...

good luck usher !!!

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