September Stars

Hey Ladies!

Not been on for a while but now i'm all caught up from the other day... Let's see what I can remember shall we?

Louise, You're so strong; I don't know how i'd cope if OH was away so much. :hugs: Great that you've had a call though :thumbup:

Kara, I saw on Fbook, but your pics look great - it's gorgeous! My pram still doesn't fit in my car, b ut it does in OH's so it's not that much of a problem.

Mrs J - :hugs: about your new little friend, and your OH. I can't really say much about smoking though... I stopped completely on NYE 2009 (when I found out I was preg), but since having Izzy I do smoke when I go out :dohh: That said, I have only been out 4 or 5 times since she was born, so it's not too bad. It's just the drinking and not smoking I can't do... but, that said, I can drink in the house and not smoke. Maybe it's just the social aspect when i'm hammered round town lol.

Boony - Congratulations :happydance: and :hugs: about your Gran. Hope all is going well for you atm.

Youngmummy... Oooo fx for monday! I'll be checking back to see how you have got on!

As for me, I can remember everything from having Isabelle, but nothing from having Emma. I must say though, my experience this time was textbook, it was fantastic. The first time, not so good.

Well, I had a job interview on Thursday, and what a complete waste of time! It was for an admin and accounts person for a local bus firm. I turned up in a suit to what was basically a scratty porta-cabin on what looked like a scrap yard. The bloke was in jeans, a baseball cap, and kept calling me 'flower'.. he didn't even stand up to shake my hand. He was texting on his mobile and cashing up whilst he was talking to me, and not listening at all. To top it off, he asked me what my OH did for a living, and as soon as I said he worked for the police he said 'ahhh... ok... well... we've had a lot of applicants, so if i'm not in touch in 2 weeks then you've been unsuccessful'. Dodgy b*stard!! I'm applying for loads of jobs atm, and not getting anywhere... I even got turned down for 20hrs a week selling phones at my local Vodafone shop. FFS!!!! I have a degree, and I don't even get an interview for a part-time job selling phones WTF?!

Sorry for the rant. I'm just cross because i've seen a GORGEOUS horse really cheap (well, £900, but that is really cheap for a horse) and I can't buy it because OH won't let me. Even though i've had horses most of my life, and now I don't have any reason to leave the house and it's driving me slowly insane.

I know we're skint, and I know we have the wedding to pay for in June. But seriously, this horse is so lovely. And I really miss my mare :(

Hope everyone else is in a better mood than me atm. I don't REALLY have much to be fed up for, and I feel pretty bad for being fed up when i'm so lucky that I have what I have. I'm just riddled with Mornge today. I didn't get my lie-in, and i'm morngy. God, i'm spoilt sometimes.

(yet it's ok for OH to have a £1,000 guitar under the stairs gathering dust... and a brand new 250gb x-box). Ok... Ok.... I'll stop it now :blush:

oh optical im sorry but your last little dig at oh did make me laugh! Your over qualified hun thats probably the problem, also there days they want to employ under 18s so they can Pay them less!

Teeny omg looks like u had just been to the salon not the labour ward lol x

i regret now not having pics as soon as he was born but it happened so fast we kinda didnt think i do have one 12 hours after giving birth which Il pop on when im on the laptop! X

Btp rosie is the image of you in your avatar pic!!! X

maybe the mouse you caught was the 'other' mouse and the clever one it still alive and kicking! X

erm...can baby brain still be blamed for forgetfulness? Lol x
optical- what does your hubby do in the police? Sorry to hear the interview didnt go well but you wouldnt be happy anyway. A few people are talking about getting a job and im thinking WTF we all just had babies, i guess i havnt got around to the fact the pregnancy is over, the newborn stage is over... its like when xmas is over everything goes back to normal as if xmas was never here... so sad : ( Hubby wouldnt let me get a new pram, you have to sell him the idea !! I came out with a load of crap about why i should get a pram, how it would benefit us.. blah blah blah im sure the promise of sex helped in this.... lol
I just had a phonecall to say my grandma has died :cry:

I'll be going home to see my dad tomorrow aparently hes really not good and my dad has always been the strong one holding it in and supporting us so its going to be hard :(
I tried to catch up with the conversations from the last week or so....but i dont think i caught everything.
I noticed that some of you are doing some EASY thing. I guess its something to do with doing certain things in a certain order etc. ie sleeping, activity. I must say that we dont really have a schedule. Ellie was sleeping from about 11pm to 8 am and so i tried changing her bed time to 8pm, but she ended up waking up about 4am. So after a couple of days i changed it back to 11pm. So i tried again this week and started putting her to bed at 8.30pm and she sleeps through till 7am or 7.30am. She has done this for 4 nights in a row now. During the day she normally has a bottle at 7.30am or 8am when she wakes normally a nap about 10.30am and then a bottle when she wakes (the other day she slept till 2pm!!! LAZYY!!!!) then the rest of the day its just really eat when she wants and sleeps when she wants. Then she starts rubbing her eyes about 6ish but i try and keep her awake till 8 if possible - tonight she was in bed at about 6.30 so its bound to be an early morning tomorrow! We have had a funny few days though because she went back to 3-4 oz a feed for a few days and i thought she was gonna starve but she is back to 7oz per feed now so i think it was just a one off.

She is screeching a lot lately - just shreaking at the top of her voice and she thinks its very funny. Any body else have this??? She then gets a bit croaky, i really think she is giving herself a sore throat.

We bought a new car today and its brilliant. WE had a KA and i had to try and fit baby in the back (3 door car!) by leaning in the back and dropping her car seat in the car seat holder!!!And the pushchair was on the other side of the back seats wedged in because the boot was tooo small. But now i have a 2001 Ford focus 5 DOOR!!!! Its so much easier. One previous owner and its in brilliant condition.

I am now not on facebook BTW. Several reasons. ONe was i was getting a lot of crap from a friend of a friend reference a night out. ONe of my mates organised a night out because she was depressed and she planned it for the weekend after my birthday so i said that i would wait till that weekend and we could all go out for a joint night out. Then people decided they couldnt afford it (mainly her friends that i dont really know)and she changed it to a night at hers drinking. But i still wanted to go out down town (my birthday and its only fair!). One of my mates friends (she is a pikey!!!)then said that i was selfish and i didnt care about my friend and she was glad she wasnt friends with me.I got so upset! No one even bothered asking me what i wanted to do for my birthday. So all this crap went on on face book and i got slagged off by this girl and in the end I found out my mate had been reading it all but had chose not to get involved. Then i had to apologise to her for the messages on there. In the end i just thought to myself, the only person who text me or rang me/ bought me a present/ and promised to come out drinking with me was my best best mate. I ended up almost apologising for having a birthday!!!! Im still so mad about it. Im the sort of person who doesnt make a fuss about things and i just made a statement on facebook about me getting used to 'downplaying' my birthday and getting walked all over.
Soo i then decided that Facebook it a load of bollocks. LOL. So i cancelled my account and ive never been so free!!! Ive been crocheting like a nutter!!! Sad i know!
I figured my family can text or ring me, i can speak to you guys on here and if my friends dont have my mobile number then they aint my friends!
That just leaves ex boyfriends/idiots from school days and i dont want to speak to them.

Anyways im gonna try and get on here more and try to interact with everyone and try not to just post about me.

boony, - im so sorry babe, sending loads of love and hugs xx

Emzdream- i was going to ask you what happend on facebook.. sometimes you wonder what the hell is wrong with people !!! but now i dont get kept up to date with photos !!!! you have post them on here from now on x
Boony big hugs so sorry about your nan. Hope your dad will feel better once your visit him xx. Doesn't matter how much you prepare it's still a shock xx

Opti good luck on the job hunt, it must be so frustrating.

Emzy Congrats on the car I had a Peugeot 206cc convertible whilst pregnant I was so sad to see it go . I bought a ford focus five door and absolutely love it now. I just wanted to drive everywhere when I first got it .

I did a trial run on purée carrots today as a friend gave us their old all in one steamer and blender. Not sure I like it though which sounds awful as we didn't pay for it. Its just the streamer basket is missing and the blender wasnt as good as my handheld blitzer. What's everyone else using to steam and purée their food? James was up at four again this morning that's two nights in a row not sure why.

F&C where do you buy alot of Harrys clothes from ? I really like what he wears and need to start buying JJ 6-9 month clothes as I think we only have a few weeks left in his current clothes.
Grrr just going to have a rant, my cousins are on facebook with their statuses as 'R.I.P Nan' for starters she hated being called Nan she was Grandma! secondly for the last 12 years they havent even bothered with her they never visited even when she was still at home and they never even bothered to ask after her!! None of them will contribute to her funeral all they ever did was take from her! it'll be down to my dad and me and my sister to pay for the wake, the funeral is all paid for already they really fucking disgust me the lot of em my Grandma had 6 kids and my dad is the only one thats been there the whole time even my mum bothered more than her own kids did they all make me sick!!!

and while i'm on a rant i might aswell rant about something not so important but the september sweet peas 2011 is nowhere near as nice as the september stars 2010 lol
Boony :hugs:

BTP & Louise - I went for it today - I had my very long hair (below my bra strap) chopped off into a graduated bob and not only that but I've gone from highlighted blonde hair to a golden brown. I like it but it's a bit of a shock. I was worried that Scarlett wouldn't recognise me but thankfully she was ok. Much to my surprise DH likes it - he didn't really want me to get it done so I'm pleased he likes it :happydance: I must admit it's quite nice not to have had my hair pulled or puked in today!!

Evening ladies!!

Boony so sorry about your Grandma, families are funny things xx Shame the September 2011 group isn't as nice xx

Mrs J, glad you had a nice hair app, I have a graduated bob and its soo much easier to maintain!!

Louise, hope Lilia settled, Hope has been grumpy today and not slept, bathed her at 8 and she went down at 8.30!! Result!!

Asher, hope you gave her what for!!

Teeny, I hate being like this with housework, I really wish I wasnt as I feel like I miss out on so much with Hope.

Optical, hope you manage to get something sorted x

Kara, thats fab about your fairie!!

Emz, I am begining to wonder if fb is worth it, so much bitching and sniping it does my nut in!!

Hope has been rather grupmy today, and I have had the mother of all headaches and meltdowns, I slung all my cleaning product across the kitchen floor and sobbed my eyes out. Hope has had no sleep today, so bathed her at 8pm, she had her bottle and went down in her cot fast asleep at 8.30pm!!! She woke herself up at 2am this morning having a dream, she was really thrashing about and crying, I was watching her and she was getting more and more upset so I picked her up, normally she only does it for about 5 minutes then goes back to sleep,bless her I felt so sorry for her!
I still have my headache, I had a nice bath with Hope but feel quite light headed, thought I might be dehydrated but I have drunk pints of water today, think its more s stress headache about how I am feeling.
We are off to Norwich in the morning, wanna pop to ELC and toys r us, wanna get Hope some bits!!!
Evening ladies, thanks for your support, you really are a bunch of stars! It went okay with sis in law. She's a cow, but she was made to apologise and was very grovelly. Unfortunately, it's not washing with me, because I know she's unstable, therefore it won't last. I'm afraid I didn't even let her hold Sam. I could see her attempting a sweep from me, and I just said he needed to feed and proceeded to feed him! The human part of me felt bad, but the more selfish part wanted her to feel awful! She has really put me through it this last couple of weeks, so why should I let her get away with it? Plus, we were put through it before Christmas too, so she thought she had got away with it twice really. Anyway, boo hiss to her!!!

Becs, feel better tomorrow sweetie. Not a fun day for you at all. :hugs:

Aw Boony, sorry to hear about your Grandma. And I feel your rant about your cousins, something very similar happened in my family a few years ago. Crocodile tears. Big hugs to you and yours. xx

Emz, sorry to hear you're not on FB now, I used to love looking at your pics!!

Right, I've forgotten everything else!! Am peeved. My new mobile arrived today, finally, after my insurance claim following the lost one on the 20th December (yes, that long ago!)... so after a lot of wrangling with 3 cover, they agreed to slightly upgrade me and send me a Sony Ericcson Vivaz, which I was chuffed about. Then..... today the phone arrived, really like it, but it's not 3 branded, and all the instructions for it are in French! And I can't connect to the internet cos all the settings are French ones! I have contacted 3 and they say I have to go through the insurance company to sort it out!! Grrrr, I really like the phone. Booooooo hisssss!!!
Boony- so sorry to hear your sad news! i know just how you feel about people who come out the woodwork when people die just to get attention for themselves it winds you up doesnt it! hope all the arrangements go smoothly xx

asher- looking forward to hearing how your day has gone !!!!?

becs- hope your headache goes and you get some chill time , wish we all lived nearer we could take you out for a bottle of wine and a laugh x

mrsj -pics of the new fab hair are needed !

i am a tired bunny today poor dh is obviously still suffering with his broken hand so our routine has had to change in the evenings because he always took charge of one girl im now bathing the girls one after the other and they get stressed waiting for the bedtime bottles so we have had a few tricky nights.

i just ordered the graco highchair from the asda baby event i hope its good!
Boony - :hugs: hun - I know its corny but she really is in a better place now. xx Its early days yet for the sweetpeas but I am looking forward to hearing about all the new pregnancys in here. So you can always moan/gloat/share with us here anyway !

Emz - Good on you and good to see you posting on here more !

Jelly - I havent started anything of that sort yet with weaning but I will be steaming all our food. Ive brought a new steamer and blender from Argos just purely for it.

Asher - Grrrrr @ sis in law. I would be exactally the same tbh !! Hope you can get the phone sorted. x

:hugs: to Becs. Louise and GG for the bad days. xx Must be horrible for your OH GG feeling useless and unable to help. I hope his hand heals soon.

Ive had a good few days. Took my nieces to a play barn today and I am knackered !!!
I brought a second hand cot frame and have taken the side off and pushed it against my bed. Olivia has slept in it for the last 5 nights now and is going from 9.30pm approx until 8am approx. I feel a little sad about her not being in with me but felt it needed to be done. Still no massive success with weaning - She is now loving porridge but everything else is a no go !! Off to bed to watch CSI and then a 5 mile hike tomorrow with the dogs and dinner at my sisters in the afternoon.
Hi ladies
No time for a proper catch up as on my phone, just wanted to pop in and say hi and boony so sorry about your grandma :hugs:

Becs here's to a better day tomorrow :hugs:

Asher glad the cow bag apologised and good on you for not letting her hold Sam!

Had a nice day today, took holly swimming with Matt which she loved and then we went to our friends that we met at antenatal classes for a brew which was nice. Matt got up with Holly this morning so I got a nice lie in. Unfortunately she had another night of thrashing around and crying in her sleep. I don't know why she's doing it? Maybe her teeth as her gums are red again. I hope she doesn't keep doing it, as its exhausting waking up every hour!! Think she's going in her own room as of next weekend. Took ages to settle tonight, didn't go down til 11.15 tonight, which is surprising as she got Matt up at 7 this morning. Hope she settles back into a good sleep routine soon as she's all over the place at the mo.

Anyway I'm waffling! Have a good night, back tomorrow x
Boony really sorry hon :hugs: Its so sad when people 'cash in' on death :hugs: Its really sick and anoying but you know who your grandma would have appreciated and thats all that matters :hugs:
(Bet the 2011 one will get better once you get to know them :))

URGH cannot remember anything else

Have decided to do 'BLW' with Rosalie well my version basically she wont eat puree but she sits and eats toast? So now i just let her eat what ever she takes from my plate :haha:

Anyhooos bed :)
Don't remember who said what but will try and see what i can remember!:dohh:

Yes, Rosie has got louder, she seems to really like the sound of her own voice but in not cute cooing any more she is squeaking and squealing as loud as she can and it sounds like she is hurting her throat or making herself cough, it is very funny but i remember her sister doing the same! (just many decibels louder!!)

Boony, Big :hugs: to you xxx

Ladyk, well done on the sale of your fairy, they are so very beautiful I am not surprised at all, good luck if you venture further into it!:hugs:

Genies, Hope dh's hand feels better soon so he can at least do little things to help! My dh can be a bit useless and i think i would rather he was not in the room than just sat and did sod all, once i came in the room for Rosie who was crying, and dh was sat in the chair with his finger in his ear, nothing like helping out!! Sometimes dh can mean something totally different all together:rofl: :hugs:

Becs, :hugs:
I hope the headache is better today, and you enjoy your shopping trip! I wanna come, but i am overdrawn this week and I can't resist spending money on the children so best i stay in and keep my card away from me as i can be just as bad looking for bargains online! :hugs:

Emz, I came off fb a while ago, and it was great freedom, after a while I did feel like i lost touch with the people that were important, I have cousins on there and that was nice to know what they were up to, so i went back and removed every contact i had no real reason to be in touch with, it took me down to about 40 friends till i had b&b friends on there which took it up a bit! It really cuts the crap, and still means you can be in touch with those that matter!
I did actually get rid of all male contacts also other than cousins as dh was moaning i had fb and thought i was using it as some sort of vehicle to chat to men, He had a problem with it but not b&b and so i thought the only difference must be the fact this is all women, so my fb is women other than cousins, which is fine by me, I wouldn't need to be in touch with any one, I have about 2 men friends who i did chat to on the odd occasion, but they have understood me taking them off and not made a fuss!:hugs:

Boony :hugs:

BTP & Louise - I went for it today - I had my very long hair (below my bra strap) chopped off into a graduated bob and not only that but I've gone from highlighted blonde hair to a golden brown. I like it but it's a bit of a shock. I was worried that Scarlett wouldn't recognise me but thankfully she was ok. Much to my surprise DH likes it - he didn't really want me to get it done so I'm pleased he likes it :happydance: I must admit it's quite nice not to have had my hair pulled or puked in today!!

That is brave, I am glad it looks fab and dh loves it! :hugs:
I am always having my hair chewed then Rosie gags on it, its horrible! Mine is down to my waist and it is a big step to get it cut because I am 38 and will never grow it long again, I am sure the best length and how i looked best was chin length, I look younger! But i need to be brave! I also have it quite dark, I am at the moment thinking of layers and shorter and still dark, but brave would be quite a dark short bob graduated in the back, I like the cut of the woman in primeval, the blonde one although she does nothing to it on purpose I can see where it can go with styling!!:haha:

Anyway, Hope everyone is ok, sorry to those i have missed, Happy day to all, got to go to food focus to put in what i intend to eat today, and then to fb see whats happening!

Back later xx:hugs:
Morning ladies!

Lilbump- Thanks hun, that's what a few ppl have said, but it's so annoying that i'm in so much debt for letters after my name, and then they count against me!

Kara - My oh is a press officer, so he finds out all the details about a case, and then decides what to tell the media. He writes statements, organises appeals etc. He was on call today and has just been called out, so i'm a bit unsure as to what I'm gonna do today now! I'm determined i'm not just gonna sit on my arse all day though. As for the promise of sex to get what I want.. He must be so used to not getting it now that i'm not sure with-holding it would make much of a difference, and I don't think he'd believe me if I promised him some! :haha:

Boony.. Huge :hugs: It must be so hard, my thoughts are with you and your family :hugs:

Emz - you seem so determined with the routine thing.. hats off to you! I can;t follow them to save my life, so I just feed her and let her sleep when she wants. My life would probably be so much easier if I could get her into a routine too.
As for the car - tell me about it! I have a KA, and it's a nightmare. i don't have a carseat base, so I have to fasten it in the back every time, and like you said, the pram has to go on the back too. So if I have my other girl, she has to go in the front on her booster. If OH is with us too, we go in his car lol.

Becs... :hugs: hun, sometimes it helps to just let it all out :hugs:

Asher - :hugs: about your phone and SIL.. Hope you get it all sorted soon.

GG - I have a graco highchair and it's fab! :thumbup:

Well, whizzy is fast on in her moses basket, so I guess I best do something productive. Hmmmm... OH bought me Series 5 & 6 of desperate housewives for crimbo, so i've started watching them all from the beginning. I'm still on Season 1, so if I can make it to season 2, is that classed as productive?
emzy its awful not getting sleep isnt it! I have not slept longer than a 2hr block for about 3 weeks and i am physically mentally and emotionally shattered! James is teething thou his lil gums are lumpy n bumpy now and bright red so there is definate movement there! He has just gone back to sleep so i better go get some cleaning done my kitchen is like a shit pit, dishes piled high and crap everywhere! Btp DH i love it Haha x

Claire glad you sorted out the troll in law to be! X

kara you are so talented! X

Becs huge :hugs: hope you have a better day today! X

apologies if i have repeated myself i just cant think straight just wish James would return to his normal happy smiley self instead of moaning and droaning and getting himself all hot! Arghhh x
Mrs J you got photos of your new hair :winkwink:

Rosalie also screeches its funny I loove the little cooing noices too though :cloud9:

We're meant to be having a 'family' day but i'm bored out of my nut right now...

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